Super Freak
Can't even have a Predator thread without CW or TDK being mentioned. 

I know that both pturtle and EVILFACE have made that claim ad nauseum but I wouldn't go so far as to say that makes it "popular opinion."
Just think of it as a Yautja thread.Can't even have a Predator thread without CW or TDK being mentioned.
Speaking of the PT, randomly enough I watched "Attack of the Phantom" the fan edit of AOTC made by professional film editor Michael J. Nichols. He didn't suddenly turn into an OT-quality film but it's mind-blowing how watchable he made it with ingenius cutting here and there.
Thanks for the review.Might be worth a shot.
I assume you've also seen his TPM edit? I've heard good things about that too but I've never watched it.
I have not. I believe that for TPM he redubbed Jar Jar and Nute Gunray and made a bunch of other changes that go way beyond just trimming and re-arranging scenes like he did with AOTC. I'm sure it became "better" but I wasn't really interested in seeing a full fan made "Special Edition" of The Phantom Menace so I skipped it. I'm just so surprised that literally *editing alone* could have made AOTC watchable just with the raw footage on hand.
I have not. I believe that for TPM he redubbed Jar Jar and Nute Gunray and made a bunch of other changes that go way beyond just trimming and re-arranging scenes like he did with AOTC. I'm sure it became "better" but I wasn't really interested in seeing a full fan made "Special Edition" of The Phantom Menace so I skipped it. I'm just so surprised that literally *editing alone* could have made AOTC watchable just with the raw footage on hand.
nothing IMHO can save AOTC!! I've literally only been able to sit through it twice fully, and once was in the theatre 14 yrs ago...Id gladly endure Jar-Jar than another viewing of AOTC
Mike Nichols, the guy who did the new edit, called AOTC a "f--k film." He compared it to pornos that technically have a script and story but all you do when you watch it is just skip to the parts of people f--king.. He was all "yeah no one watches a porno or AOTC from beginning to end in one sitting.
If only there was a scene of Padme and Dorme ****ing, it would have instantly made AOTC the best Star Wars movie.
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