"The Predator" by Shane Black (2018)

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AWESOME consolidation of reviews & tweets can be found here - https://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/978389-the-predator-reactions-have-exploded-onto-the-web

I hate "professional" reviewers (particularly those that get invited to a free early showing :) ), but really pleased based on what can be seen at the link above.

It's currently at a level that is encouraging - around the "3 out of 5" mark - and those are the movies that are usually GREAT (for us) because they are not being overhyped or dismissed without cause.

It's nice to see comments like these:

"While you're watching the movie, it's hard not to get caught up in all the fun. Black and company are having a blast here, and it's infectious."

"Thoughts on Shane Black’s PREDATOR: 1) Trevante Rhodes is the action hero we need and deserve, and 2) god bless Thomas Jane and Keegan Michael-Key"

Less than a week to go :) - we pre-booked our tickets today for the 7pm showing on Thu 13th :blissy


The predator iron man suit...which even has metal dreads. And it looks and acts like an Iron man suit. It even goes on the guy like that. The fugitive wanted to give this armor to us...this is why the assassin came to Earth...to stop this. They are going to invade us...and he wanted to give us the tech to defend ourselves...just lol.

W... T... F...
If next year's Terminator completely sucks and is some sjw nonsense, I think I will have lost every bit of hope of us ever getting a truly good Alien/Predator/Terminator film ever again for a long time. My childhood favourite franchises will likely never get a 'comeback' movie that delivers and defies expectations, and I'm okay with it as I'm still a fan of the properties despite all the crap we've gotten in the past.
Not sure what to think of the Predator subtitles. On the one hand, yes, presumably they can and do speak to eachother. On the other hand....it's just weird. For some reason I totally wasn't expecting to ever see that. Maybe it's just that we the audience have never been privy to what they're actually saying before.
How now brown cow, How now brown cow, How now brown cow, How now brown cow,

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Not sure what to think of the Predator subtitles. On the one hand, yes, presumably they can and do speak to eachother. On the other hand....it's just weird. For some reason I totally wasn't expecting to ever see that. Maybe it's just that we the audience have never been privy to what they're actually saying before.

Which is exactly how it should be.

I knew everything I needed to know from Jungle Hunter without me being given access to the few words he spoke if any at all.

Predator is eloquent with his body language not his words.
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As on-edge as this business regarding the ending has me (not that I've read anything specific about it), I will say: none of the other Predator films, not even the first, has an overall favorable score on Metacritic or Rotten Tomatoes. Certainly not when looking at professional reviews. The 1987 original hovers around 40-something percent. Predator 2, 28 percent. Predators, 40-something.

To a post Biojex made about a while ago, it's not that people are slamming the old films and propping up the new one (or vice-versa). They're simply tempering their expectations by realizing this franchise has never been more than pulpy, B-grade fun. When that's the case, you really have to see it for yourself. If you're into the genre, you'll find some enjoyment. Provided it's not idiotic or illogical like Covenant and Prometheus were in several spots (which is even more of a blemish for that franchise), I certainly will.

As hard as it may be to read, I'll stress again that the original Predator is not like Alien in that it was executed so incredibly well that it became an A-movie. While it may be well-done for what it is -- the most common type of praise -- it's not a cinematic masterpiece in the eyes of anyone but the ultra-nostalgic.

If this new entry craps all over the existing lore or takes too great of a liberty, that's one thing. It's a worthy gripe and I'll gladly join in the chorus. But to go in prepared to hate a new Predator film simply because critics reviews are mixed -- historically quite generous for this franchise -- suggests I haven't been around for the previous ones.

Regarding the subtitles: maybe there's a need for them? I doubt it, but can't know for sure. My only issue at this point is the font once they're translated. Times. F___ing. New. Roman. Even a simple sans serif would've done the job, this just looks cheap. John Wick's subtitles were graphic and gimmicky as hell, but they still looked professional. Who the hell uses serifs on anything these days? Even period pieces rarely have them.

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