Your recast logic is quite flawed. Those pieces were recast as comiquettes because they looked better that way. Also, one of the most popular recasted SS statues is the Iron Man comiquette. Not to mention the Hulk vs Spidey dio and the X-men vs sentinel 1 as well. As a matter of fact, almost all SS recasted pieces are comiquettes or dios. That is because they are more popular.
You're kidding right? You mean to tell me the recasts would have been made if the originals weren't? My gosh Filip, you're fooling yourself. The recasts were made that way because a) SS made them first and proved there was a market after their sellout, and b) it is CHEAPER to make a commiquette then a mixed media statue! Of course this is not the case in every statue, but is certainly the general rule of thumb. Believe me, if it would have been cheaper to make them mixed media, then all the recasters would have made the recasts in mixed media. The recasters are out there for one thing: Making money.

Again, this thread is WAAAY off topic. Maybe a PF vs Comiquette thread really should be started and these posts moved there so the conversation may continue for those who wish it to.