PF or Comiquette, has long as it looks good, I dont care....One thing I dont like is when Sideshow ^^^^ up with the Height of those statues...The marvel line needs to be all 1/4....not 1/5...![]()
When mixed media works, it looks fantastic, but some things I like better sculpted, like capes and tight-fitting costumes. Also, I worry about the long term survivability of leather belts and such.
A lot of assumptions in your post that youre trying hard to pass off as fact. it's quite a fun read.
Sideshow sells out of the PFs all the time so there MUST be a market out there? Yes, it's called "SIDESHOW DISTRIBUTORS and RETAILERS"! They end up with a lot of Sideshow's stock to sell in their own stores.
And FYI, this discussion was started when someone said " just doesn't make much sense to sculpt the pants to look like real pants, have a top notch paint job to look like real pants vs. just having real pants."
My argument was that sculpted pants can and often times does look more dynamic and real because of the fact the sculptor can physically control the movement and specific look that they are trying to achieve with a piece. with cloth it's just going to hang there unless you put wires in.
To your recast comment, it really makes no sense which one is more popular. My point was that the recast fully sculpted and painted ones look better than the PF.
Nash has stated a great fact here. Not sure why people are saying his wrong or other wise. The fact is some people like it Sculpted some like mix media and other like both.
PS: Batman i have no idea what your post was trying to say![]()
PF or Comiquette, has long as it looks good, I dont care....One thing I dont like is when Sideshow ^^^^ up with the Height of those statues...The marvel line needs to be all 1/4....not 1/5...![]()
First sideshow piece that I ordered that wasn't looks awsome!
i have both, and i would say they both work well for some character, while sometimes they should be done only one way.
case in point the IM markI should've been done in PF form imo, the com/mar just looks sloppy to me, while the Hottoys version with mixed media looks bang on.
It certainly makes sense for this piece to be fully sculpted considering the cartoony art they're modeling it after. Just as Emma Frost makes more sense being fully sculpted since they weren't using a realistic reference, but a more cartoony one.
But in the long run - if you prefer fully sculpted over mixed're wrong.![]()
Ohh this thread is getting to be too funny.
To PF or not to PF? See it is now sounding like Shakespeare.
Whether you like PF or not, is not the main thing here. It is what consumers and industry say. And they say this by a) money paid or not paid for PF, b) supply and demand.
The fact of the matter is that PF is a huge market out there. It doesn't matter what the few of us on this forum think of them, bottom line, when SS goes to sell them, they sell out most of the time, eventually all of the time, lol.
That means there must be some kind of market that is a) spending $ on PF, and b) SS is supplying and demanding that. Enough supply and demand to make a business out of it, in fact, a major part of their business, one which got them started.
For me, I collect mostly PF, and some comiquettes depending on how they fit. I love the fabric and metal additions to a statue, they make them look more real. On the other hand there are some commiquettes SS is making, and the fact that they are 1/4 scale or pretty darn close to it, which will fit in just perfectly with the PF.
As for the recasts: Remember, they are being recast BECAUSE the PF are so popular, not the other way around.
The beauty about comiquettes is that it works both ways...cartoony or realistic. Unlike PF's. Emma is smoking hot as a comiquette.
I was the one who started a thread saying we needed to see more comiquettes of marvels heavy hitters (Cap,Thor,Spidey,and Hulk) months ago.
Your reply was that it was not going to happen. You said that SS released these characters as PF's so they will not make them as comiquettes. You said you hated the fact that you will never see a Wolverne PF in his yellow and blue costume because it was already released as a comiquette. I told you that thinking was silly because there was too much money left on the table for that to happen. Bowen released 7 different Wolverine statues at the same time. They all sold out. I always believed that the heavy hitters would be made as comiquettes. I was right. Classic Spidey and Hulk are on the way. It shouldn't be too long of a wait for Thor and Cap(I hope).
The reason I bring this up is to point out were wrong. You are also wrong about one more thing.....Comiquettes>PF every time.
So, enjoy the Wolverine PF you insisted wouldn't be made. I will in turn enjoy the comiquettes you also insisted would never be made. Even though I've had to wait longer for my comiquettes....I'm just glad that the comiquettes will look better.![]()