Shadow King
The shadow of death
I wonder if my gym remembers me. It has been about 6 days since going but I have not been idle. I worked on the attic all weekend and was lifting 4x8s up to deck it. I did it all my self so it was hard work.
Also... I just read a Time Magazine article that boldly stated exercise really doesn’t have anything to do with actual weight loss and food is exponentially more effective.,8599,1914857,00.html
It basicly says exercise is to stay fit and healthy.. but what you eat is what loses weight. Interesting.
Congrtas Bonedaddy77!!!
I'm thinking about getting a Powerblock for home use, but am unsure about how much weight I should get.
(I have enough dumbells to make 2 25lbers... maybe I should just buy a seperate 30lb 40lb 45lb. and just move up if I ever get that far.
any advice?
Just finished with leg day today... phew I'm gonna sleep well tonight.
1) Leg extension 70lbs 5 sets of 20 reps
2) Leg press, total of 14 plates on the sled, did a low volume for power
a) 4 plates X 20
b) 6 plates X 15
c) 8 plates X 12
d) 10 plates X 10
e) 12 plates X 8
f) 14 plates X 6
3) Hack Squat
a) 4 plates X 20
b) 8 plates X 15
c) 10 plates X 10
4) Smith Squats
a) 135lbs X 20
b) 225lbs X 15
c) 275lbs X 10
d) 315lbs X 10
e) 365lbs X 10
f) 405lbs, X 8
Calf Raise sitting 4, 5, 6, 6.5 plates for reps of 10
Standing Calf Raise (machine) max stack at 290lbs plus setting weights that increment by 5 (another 15lbs)
Finish with HIIT for 20 minutes, sprinted at 10 seconds intervals with 10.5 speed and jogged on off minute with 5.0
I hate when my friends say they are going on a "diet." While I'm in no means a super model or a gym rat, but I've always thought that was retarded. I always stuck to the fact that you just need to eat in moderation. Two years ago when I was going to Jiu Jitsu on a regular basis I lost 5pounds in just over a week by not drinking anything but water and OJ.
My friend's GF is constantly trying the latest diet that everyone talks about--yet never exercising or thinking about joining a gym. Meanwhile we go out to watch the game she drinks 4 beers, nachos, and hot wings....And complains about how she can't lose weight!!!??? I called her on it once and she said "This is my forgiveness day, I can eat whatever I like." I told her I'm sure that they didn't mean you should eat everything you about eating in moderation?? Does this frustrate anyone else but me??
So you are only talking about dumbbell workouts correct? Just didn't know if you had any other means, such as barbell, machines, etc...
Still almost every exercise can be done with the use of only dumbbells, it's just that you can't go as heavy on the movements because lets face it with dumbbells it's pretty much got you locked into you only pressing the weight, not leaning on the machine or pushing your back against the bench for more momentum.
That being sad, I would say the best workouts besides the obvious bench press, curls, shoulder presses, etc... is working legs and back with the dumbbells like DA was saying. Squat with the dumbbells in hand, do stand deadlifts with the dumbbells at the side in each hand, standing walking lunges.
Those areas are complete body movements and will work the conditioning as well. You should feel your heart race in the movements of lunges, squats and deadlifts, especially while doing them with little rest between sets. I know it's rough with those big movements but believe me it's a massive adrenalin rush whenever you are able to move like that with weight and move through pushing the weight that quickly. You do feel like you could push about anything around and the high after the workout is the best!!! There's a lot more advance exercises and heck maybe doing these exercises with dumbbells might be too advance right now, try with no weight and feel it out get the form squared away because that is the foundation of moving weight correctly, it's hard to break someone of bad form even with the person standing right next to them watching because their body is so use to using something else that they are not training in order to push/pull the weight.
Shoulders and tri's tonight fellas! :chew My fav![]()
Sorry for the slow reply man - all that info is great thanks!
Yeah I've only got dumbbells right now, although I might invest in barbells at some point.
From what I've read, in this thread and on the net, it's best to work say one day a week on a certain group, like arms or chest and back? You need to give the body time to recuperate inbetween workouts don't you?
"I really believe in condition versus lifting massive weights "
Is that more reps then few reps with heavier weight?
People actually talk on the phone while at the gym?![]()