Alright guys.
I've gotten out of using my dumbbells this year, and really wanna get back into it. I had some sort of routine going last summer, which did start to make me feel better, but I'm not sure how truly effective I was being.
So I was wondering if any of you guys had any routines that make the best use of dumbbells, working as much of the body as possible? Theres loads on the internet I know, but its hard to tell whether they're aimed at beginners or seasoned weight lifters.
So you are only talking about dumbbell workouts correct? Just didn't know if you had any other means, such as barbell, machines, etc...
Still almost every exercise can be done with the use of only dumbbells, it's just that you can't go as heavy on the movements because lets face it with dumbbells it's pretty much got you locked into you only pressing the weight, not leaning on the machine or pushing your back against the bench for more momentum.
That being sad, I would say the best workouts besides the obvious bench press, curls, shoulder presses, etc... is working legs and back with the dumbbells like DA was saying. Squat with the dumbbells in hand, do stand deadlifts with the dumbbells at the side in each hand, standing walking lunges.
Those areas are complete body movements and will work the conditioning as well. You should feel your heart race in the movements of lunges, squats and deadlifts, especially while doing them with little rest between sets. I know it's rough with those big movements but believe me it's a massive adrenalin rush whenever you are able to move like that with weight and move through pushing the weight that quickly. You do feel like you could push about anything around and the high after the workout is the best!!! There's a lot more advance exercises and heck maybe doing these exercises with dumbbells might be too advance right now, try with no weight and feel it out get the form squared away because that is the foundation of moving weight correctly, it's hard to break someone of bad form even with the person standing right next to them watching because their body is so use to using something else that they are not training in order to push/pull the weight.
Shoulders and tri's tonight fellas! :chew My fav