The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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Morning fellas... sore today after a good round of chest/tri's yesterday. Back down in the gym today for some shoulders/bi's.

Nice work Maul!! Keep it up!

Streching myself out here at work, my arms, shoulders are all fried... Last nite while laying in bed I could still feel the effects of my HIIT session. Finished my HIIT in record time last night as well. I will have to keep this up or fail from now on with the time :lol

Today is a low carb day and easy jog with the cardio, sort of a break day to let my body recoup... I've been hitting it non-stop and all weekend :lol :rock

Where's Banny?!?!?! :emperor
Christina offers some great tips on cooking different types of rice while preparing some protein packed chicken breasts and veggies that make up 4 of Mark's daily meals.

Mark Christina Dugdale IFBB professional cooking diet nutrition

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well after 4 weeks.. and after taking off 4 days to rest (5 days of insomnia)

I have lost almost 10lbs... I can touch my toes again!!! :rock
My push-ups went from 2 to 12. (still don't want to over do it Quality over Quantity)
and my back doesn't hurt as much!!!!

I love the new eating habbits even though I'll have a cheat night on the weekend... and my beer consumtion went from 9 a night to 3 or 4. (one night a week)

I feel great.

Keep it up guys!!! :rock
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After being sick for a while I made it to the gym today and it was a decent workout. Was was able to start about where I left off and will have to build from there.
After being sick for a while I made it to the gym today and it was a decent workout. Was was able to start about where I left off and will have to build from there.

You were able to start from where you left off, man that's awesome after some water drop and I assume some weight drop, right?
A little, yes. I was a couple pounds less then before getting ill but was able to push about the same weight today. I think I might be starting the turn to put some weight back on but pure muscle.
I'm down 4 pounds from the 10 I gained over the summer!:mad:........120 or purge!
I'm now able to run 4 miles continous with no problem at 6 mph every other day. I can keep going but need to give the knees some rest.
I have been running, swimming, and working specific muscles for 2 weeks and 3 days straight daily now. Five eggs for breakfast every morning and no fast food whatsoever except for chipotle once or twice a week. :D My endurance is growing and things are starting to get easier. I need to up the annie now.:ccheerlea
Good job guys. It is really cool when your endurance extends and you pass the mark you last ran to.

In addition to weights and cardio, I am also doing more stretching (even splits) as I am thinking about getting back in the net to play some more goaltending for hockey.
A couple new post and updates my friends :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

(BLOG # 27)
Cooking With Christina, Episode #5: Green Beans

Well despite the non weight drop I had last Friday, well only being a 1.5lbs drop which kind of angered my fuel to get down further in BF% while experimenting with a new type of diet or clean eating I busted out a few more workouts on Saturday and Sunday with back on Saturday and chest/tri’s on Sunday.

Time for the big ole legs today and I can’t wait, gonna hit hard once again but I’m not sure if I’m gonna go high volume or low volume with lots of weights, I’ll have to feel it out once I get there.

Big ole breakfast as always to get the day started has all ready fueled my system and my arms have this weird pump to them from yesterdays workout. I must be growing LOL!!!!! Veins are popping and pumps are coming after a great breakfast what a way to start the morning.

12- egg whites

1 large egg


some almonds

and broccoli FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let’s get it!!!!!
I'm currently training to navigate through the wilderness and negotiate rough terrain for hours on end and days at a time. I'm conditioning my lower body to endure extremely long walks with heavy loads. The goal is to fine tune my body and mind for the ultimate challenge of my career. Kettlebells for total body workouts, supplemented by weight training and plenty of cardio (running, biking, swimming). Get fat, or get fit. It's all up to you.