The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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Don't do it.... all the hard work to waste... If you must make it a worth while cheat and then get back on the horse.

Get shredded and then you can have your pizza :rock

Yeah you are right. I need to learn to make my own at home with some wheat flour and low-fat items. I want some broccoli. Is there anything wrong with just eating it raw?? I usually bring a small handful to work with me for snacks.

I doubt it, I love snaking on it when they have those veggie platters. Minus the yogurt dip or whatever it is.
Veggies with every meal really does make the difference whenever eating cleaner and keep on eating cleaner. It's really so mental how things work with the hunger and brain.
Just finished my 3rd day since Sunday. Day off tomorrow and then I think I will go both Friday and Saturday. :whip

Way to rock it King :rock, tomorrow will be my last day in the gym and then going on honeymoon for a week! I will rock my back with deads like no other, NOW IS DA TIME! My hitting streak of 22 will go down in flames, actually 22-1...
Way to rock it King :rock, tomorrow will be my last day in the gym and then going on honeymoon for a week! I will rock my back with deads like no other, NOW IS DA TIME! My hitting streak of 22 will go down in flames, actually 22-1...

Congrats! :duff

Have fun man!:banana
I am not going to let this thread die just because Ski is out of town. I have hit the gym three days in the row and am looking to go the full 5. Getting up at 4:30am is hard but manageable.
Go ahead and just go through Saturday! :D

After I swim my 50 laps now I can finally see some definition in my abs and that is what is keeping me going daily. I love stretching in front of a mirror.:D

I know what you mean... I can't keep my hands off of myself! Wait what? :monkey3
Haven't been around here in awhile, had a rough patch of sort of slacking off with things, at this point not sure even really why it got that way, just a snowball effect of life I guess, but fired back up this week and back on track.

Found a video of Stallone talking about some exercises and some brand he's behind and had a great quote in it I wanted to share here.

"Every time you go to the're better than you were 10 minutes ago."

I've been looking more broad, like even though I'm not at goals I'm better than I used to be, but I haven't thought of it, until now, in terms of just a short span of that, when I walk away from working out, I'm already better than when I walked in, that's a powerful thought.

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"Every time you go to the're better than you were 10 minutes ago."

in terms of just a short span of that, when I walk away from working out, I'm already better than when I walked in, that's a powerful thought.

Mentally I feel like that too, but physically I want to take a shower followed by a nap. I started doing 45 second sprints every 4 minutes on the elliptical machine and when I get home I lie down for 15 minutes. About an hour later I feel great though. :D:D