Super Freak
Im assuming your using the bar, have you tried dumb bells then going back to bench?
Oh yeah, I'm using the bar, I switch between dumbbells and the bar, but Im plateauing using the bar..
Im assuming your using the bar, have you tried dumb bells then going back to bench?
Triceps are the key to arms, try close grip press, skull crushers and dips
My biggest problem right now is with my bicep exercises. My left arm just craps out on me super fast and I am having to lighten my weight and do more reps in hopes of building it up to speed. It's frustrating because it's hindering real growth in that area, but I can deal with it until I can get that left arm power again.
I was ashamed to go anywhere, avoided swimming (which I love so much), any situation where I was going to be shirtless I avoided like the plague.
I have a little personal celebration in my head...knowing that I am well one my way is gift enough.![]()
I'm really pissed that my knee (I had arthroscopic surgery about 8 years ago) has been keeping me from walking/running, I come in here and read that you guys are having success and it really gets me down. I'm hoping that the soreness/tightness subsides soon so that I can join you guys and post some good progress soon.![]()
I'm really pissed that my knee (I had arthroscopic surgery about 8 years ago) has been keeping me from walking/running, I come in here and read that you guys are having success and it really gets me down. I'm hoping that the soreness/tightness subsides soon so that I can join you guys and post some good progress soon.![]()
And nothing wrong with your celebration man, I wish I lived close... I would so do that with you. We would just have to be blaring the Rocky theme as we did it... just to make it even more fun.![]()
I just might make a video, add some music, I do intend to take photos at least, flexing and showing off, yeah I'm going to be a little bragadocious when I've accomplished it all, I don't think it's being cocky, if I go around all the time doing that from that point on, yeah that'd make me an ass, but when it first happens I think I'm entitled.
I'm really pissed that my knee (I had arthroscopic surgery about 8 years ago) has been keeping me from walking/running, I come in here and read that you guys are having success and it really gets me down. I'm hoping that the soreness/tightness subsides soon so that I can join you guys and post some good progress soon.![]()
Ya, I'm totally buying a few shirts that are just a hair too small just to enjoy that if a shirt's tight on me, what pops through looks good instead of looking like I need to wear the bro.
I know exactly how you feel man. I miss those days, and I want them back so damn bad I can taste it.