The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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Great work DA.

Did my last workout before the holiday. I am still going to go running in the morning and try to find a gym where I am going.
One more last workout before TG, it's leg day today :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4

My legs were hurting like crazy from last nights 60 minute session and this mornings session...

Legs tonight and crawling through cardio today, it's gonna be a slaughter fest on my quads and calves....:monkey2
Then he won't be able to leave the table... "He keeps eating!!!When will he stop!!!"

~~Starting Monday I'm going to cardio 5 days a week instead of the 3 I'm doing right now.

:rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

Still thinking about legs tonight, I get offline from working at home at 3:00 central time and then it's crunch time. I'd rather order pizza and open up my MOTUC figures He-Man and Scareglow that I got today delivered by UPS, but that IS NOT GONNA happen!!!!!
Hey what am I doing wrong??? I want the massive bowling balls for shoulders. Right now I haven't really seen any results other than I am getting stronger (More weight).
My routine for shoulders is as follows:
Shoulder Press
Arnold Press
One Arm Lateral Raises
Front Barbell Raises
Front Dumbbell Raises
Upright Rows
Front Presses on the Smith Machine (Just started doing these last week)

Do shoulders naturally take longer to develop???
Hey what am I doing wrong??? I want the massive bowling balls for shoulders. Right now I haven't really seen any results other than I am getting stronger (More weight).
My routine for shoulders is as follows:
Shoulder Press
Arnold Press
One Arm Lateral Raises
Front Barbell Raises
Front Dumbbell Raises
Upright Rows
Front Presses on the Smith Machine (Just started doing these last week)

Do shoulders naturally take longer to develop???

Oh man I've come across this question so many times at the gym and I'm not gonna lie to you sometimes genetics for certain ppl allow the shoulders to come out first or maybe that is their strong body part but I can tell you the greatest success I've had with shoulders is not actually the different exercises although you definitely want to hit all angles of the shoulder and all heads. The key is that you might have to lighten the weight (in order to not hurt the rotator cuff) to actually break or expand the fascia of the muscle, that is the membrane that actually holds the shoulder muscles in place.

So take the lateral movement for instance, make sure you thumbs are point down whenever the lift is performed and take a half or more of a second to flex at the top peak of the contraction but take it to the next level, select a light weight maybe a 10-15lbs dumbbells and do each rep exactly the same for as many reps as possible and then repeat that for the next shoulder. Shoulders are weird because in order for them to grow you have to break or expand that membrane in order for the muscle to move outward and in the direction I believe that you are looking for. I usually shoot for 30+ reps and if I'm doing it to comfortably, it's time to increase the weight.

Yeah, as Dave said..

I have slow developing shoulders too... but my triceps are MASSIVE and quick to grow. So I have huge arms hanging on smaller shoulders... but I can deal. :lol

Everyone is different. Definitely keep hitting them, maybe throw in a few different exercises and lighten the weight/focus on form.. you will grow. :rock
This is a totally hetero statement.... there was a guy in my platoon while in Ft. Sam Houston that had the best looking arms/shoulders I've ever seen. He was built like Bruce Lee, but had shoulders and biceps like Vin Diesel.

Here's the kick to the nuts... He hardly ever worked out.
This is a totally hetero statement.... there was a guy in my platoon while in Ft. Sam Houston that had the best looking arms/shoulders I've ever seen. He was built like Bruce Lee, but had shoulders and biceps like Vin Diesel.

Here's the kick to the nuts... He hardly ever worked out.

Gifted and prolly use those muscles all the time with his bodies genetics, so the average person probably does embrace weight with his traps or biceps to where... HE DID and hence muscles builds from his strong points on his body.
Hey what am I doing wrong??? I want the massive bowling balls for shoulders. Right now I haven't really seen any results other than I am getting stronger (More weight).
My routine for shoulders is as follows:
Shoulder Press
Arnold Press
One Arm Lateral Raises
Front Barbell Raises
Front Dumbbell Raises
Upright Rows
Front Presses on the Smith Machine (Just started doing these last week)

Do shoulders naturally take longer to develop???

I posted this in my blog just to keep it on record and make it known for fellow freaks on trying to build this body part, hope you don't mind and of course I made it anonymous for the new viewers that might not visit this thread.
Despite the holiday, I managed to drop another 2lbs, putting me at 55 lost, with just 5 left to my original goal and trying to hit that by Christmas, should be doable, but hitting this mark is really firing me up, I feel like it's crunch time, I can see the finish line at the end of the race and I'm firing up that last burst to make it.
I finally was able to start weight lifting today. I figured I would give swimming a break and try something new. My arms also feel like they are about to fall off.:D