The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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I'm still photoshopping the background out of some other photos, it just looked too stupid and I didn't have anything to make a quick backdrop with, but I had to snap some stuff on the day I hit my mark, so here's the first, Ski'll know what I was thinking :lol

Almost 1.5 gallons of water today as of right now, I can't stop drinking it :lol , in 10 minutes going to the gym again for a hour cardio session. No weights because I did that this morning with my first cardio session.

What is up with you and water!?....:tap
U need it to grow, true story! :monkey1

Well, I went ice skating today so that counted as a workout though I ruined it with a bag of popcorn along with a gratuitously full cup of Fruitopia at the movies! I was going to eat out but instead gawked at a burning restaurant. So I went home. Overall, a very satisfying day.:rotfl
I'm sorry to hear about that situation with the swing Luis but that is fuel that you can use in your workouts.

I say to regain that motivation think of that incident and how it made you feel. Start picturing walking your daughter down the ailse, picture your sons graduation. If you stimulate the mind the body cannot fail. I've been a huge believer in this and I always have something on my mind during my workouts. Whether it's me on stage, working out with my future son/daughters which it may be whenever we have kids, helping out other people, leading by example and that's just the icing on the cake for some of my thoughts when ever I'm on the cardio machine for an hour straight looking at screens at my Gold's gym around 3-4:00 a.m. I have to agree it's not fun but have those images burned into your mind that that is why you are there and that you are there to live. I always try to workout like it is the last day on earth... U know you won't have another chance at it so THIS IS IT!!! Make it the best damn workout as if you will never be back and repeat this daily, it helps trust me :lol

To answer you question I would say both, if you are not a regular to the gym and even if you are, you can build and burn fat at the same time, it's just really hard to do for someone like myself because my body has adapted to the physical peaks. I would have to drastically manipulate my foods/diet/macros in order to make changes to my physique today but for a beginner changes will come like lightning, especially if they are strict. The diet is 80%+ on making those changes come true, the more you cheat the more setbacks you will have. Stay true to yourself and strong mentally and the diet is like getting back on the bike. Of course everyone is human and needs to cheat every once in a while but if you are 90%+ in the gym and eating healthy, SOMETHING will change, I guarantee.

So for building muscle, always keep a high protein diet, get your veggies in for good digestible fiber and some moderate carbs. Don't go crazy on the carbs but enough to keep you sane. You can still cut a good part of the weight with moderate carbs and until you see plateaus in dropping weight is where you should change the amount of carbs and adjust. Eat 6 meals daily, keep the metabolism hot, you don't wanna miss meals because you are forcing your body to burn calories on consumption, it's the best trick for cutting up and raising the metabolism and keeping you from craving bad foods and possible cheating and ditching the diet. Drink tons of water to keep water retention low and sodium levels flush, you don't wanna have misleading lbs fooling your mind that changes are not happening.

In short the more muscle a person has on their body the higher the metabolism is to burn fat, that person can probably get away with more cheat meals than you because they have a 90% to 10% ratio of muscle to fat. If they went to the gym the next couple days, a massive cheat that they had only a day ago probably wouldn't even hurt their progress. This is the level you would like to be at so you can maintain the physique easily and have little worries about getting back at it whenever it's gym time. A lot of people make the common mistake of just losing weight and they say "Oh I'll build muscle later once I get all the fat off" WRONG, it's actually harder from that point. People don't realize that whenever they are overweight it is easier to build muscle on the way down while cutting at the same time, I would just think of it as a bulk. Use that size and use that extra strength all the excess calories have given you and push the weights at the gym. You don't wanna lose weight to become a stick at the end of all this, it takes too much time and probably another few years to get where you really want to be.

I hope some of that helps, I'm always here...


Thanks Skiman. The situation at the swing hurt for like a second, then it angered me. Angered me that I had let myself become like that and that was the fuel I used to help me lose all the weight; but once I had reached my goal I slowly let myself go again.

This time I want to keep it off, forever. I am finding it hard do to concentrate on my goal. I am not being as strict as I was the first time around. The usual, I'll start tomorrow, I'll start Monday. Even though I have lost some lbs this past month I know that I could had done better had I been more focused.

I hate drinking water for the only reason that it makes me go to the restroom constantly, but nonetheless I drink it. I tend to drink my water warm as I am not a fan of cold water unless the weather is scorching hot. Any difference in that?

I should do what Maulfan does and set myself a goal physique, lol. I found a picture online once that I was researching tattoos and I kept it only because I wanted that to be my goal, his body, not his tattoos. I should enforce that.

Another question, I learned here that I should not base my progress in a scale but......I'll weight myself in the morning and it shows let's say 207, I take a shower and weight myself again and it says 203, lol. Did I have 4 lbs of dirt on me, lol. Or do I just have a sucky scale.

Well, thank s again Skiman for your time, your knowledge and most importantly your willingness to help.

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Thanks Skiman. The situation at the swing hurt for like a second, then it angered me. Angered me that I had let myself become like that and that was the fuel I used to help me lose all the weight; but once I had reached my goal I slowly let myself go again.

This time I want to keep it off, forever. I am finding it hard do to concentrate on my goal. I am not being as strict as I was the first time around. The usual, I'll start tomorrow, I'll start Monday. Even though I have lost some lbs this past month I know that I could had done better had I been more focused.

I hate drinking water for the only reason that it makes me go to the restroom constantly, but nonetheless I drink it. I tend to drink my water warm as I am not a fan of cold water unless the weather is scorching hot. Any difference in that?

I should do what Maulfan do and set myself a goal physique, lol. I found a picture online once that I was researching tattoos and I kept it only because I wanted that to be my goal, his body, not his tattoos. I should enforce that.

Another question, I learned here that I should not base my progress in a scale but......I'll weight myself in the morning and it shows let's say 207, I take a shower and weight myself again and it says 203, lol. Did I have 4 lbs of dirt on me, lol. Or do I just have a sucky scale.

Well, thank s again Skiman for your time, your knowledge and most importantly your willingness to help.


Cold water it does take energy for your body to convert it to body temperature, so yes it actually burns more calories consuming cold water.

If the scale is a sensor scale, the warmer you feet are the quicker the response is from whenever the sensor hits your feet and the response time it gets back from your body. I have one that does the same thing, I would assume the lower reading is more accurate.
My weakness all surrounds sweets. I love sweets. But now, I can't really have them. So the fiending is worse.

Man this is going to be hard. :banghead

Well....alot of people have been telling me that it's good to cheat once and a while to avoid bingeing. So maybe a little guilty snack a weak til u can control the urge is a good idea.
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Thing I'm most happy with in my diet is that I haven't cut out things I enjoy, maybe I could have had results faster if I cut out more, but if I feel like a snack, I have a snack, I occassionally want junk food I have junk food. I had a boat load of McDonalds in November because we were having work done on our kitchen and couldn't cook in it, and that didn't slow me down.

I know Ski and people recommend these particular diets and it's good advice, but you can also have results with being smarter about eating the things you do now. If you want some cookies for snake let's say, if you'd normally have 6, talking like oreo sized, try having 3. Another good tip is to just pour a small ammount of a snack in a bowl, don't just eat out of the bag or whateve because you might not think about how much you're having and just keep eating, if you start out only providing yourself a small ammount, it's all you'll eat. Also, don't be afraid to mix in healthier things, for example, sometimes I'll have pizza for dinner, and I commit to only eating half of it, but, sometimes I still feel hungry, rather than eat more pizza, I fix myself a salad.
A few more photos, the differences to photos from November don't really seem big, but I feel like everything's starting to shrink in and tighten up more, at least like along my sides, my forearms are starting to show more definition, veins showing up more in my hands, subtle stuff guys like Ski have been seeing forever ;), but all new for me.


Great advice Maul, yeah guys you can't be perfect on the diet all the time and even starting out it's great to start slow and work urself gradually to the foods, I know it's rough to go cold turkey on some of the foods suggested.

Well it's that time again, shoulders and tri's this morning with some cardio, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
____ junk food ("IF IT TASTES GOOD SPIT IT OUT")

blended veggies again

