The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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I hate sitting down for long periods of time. Ugh. The student life sometimes isn't for me, but I love advancing on a scholastic level. I just want to be as ripped as I was before I started school. Not that far off. If I in my pre-school (not actual preschool) days, this wouldn't even be an issue. So you recommend upping my good body fats, protein, and bringing down my sugar intake? I only figured the sugar may give me a boost. I hate coffee, Red Bull, Colas, and most phony sugars found in junkfood.

Ok here's my take on it... Some might disagree or even you but whatever... The metabolism is slowing, someone keyed in on that and only because of the non active state that you are in with school and being less active throughout the whole day, that and you are getting older Eli. Believe me I thought I was Superman and could eat pizzas and burgers my whole life and maintain my physique whenever I was in college and it happened, I stayed ripped (not saying you ate as badly as me whenever I was younger but you get the jest).

Today I'm a software engineer which means I do jack crap to burn off any calories at the office unless I get up and a take a lap around the office building with some fellow co-workers (walking basically). You're right about the sugars, too much always converts to fat, actually I'm very strict on my sugar intake as to take none because what sugars do is spike the insulin and create those cravins for other nasty foods. You want to keep your insulin levels moderate and stable, not the up and down motion.

If it were me I would make the biggest meal of course breakfast along with oats as the natural carb, oats maintains energy levels longer than most carbs and will keep you alert and energized for the day. Bring down the sugar or down to none, I remember the last cut before a contest a year ago or July summer of 2008 I was having problems a month prior to the cut because of one stinking diet soda a day. In order to achieve this ripped physique you really have to be strict as you all ready know because of the training in bodybuilding.

In short good fats are awesome, I've bulked up slowly on 2 tablespoon a meal of PB and it was good weight, all the way to 200lbs without adding inches to my waist. You can imagine my surprise and happiness :banana. Up the good fats, up the protein, keep carbs fibrous unless it's breakfast or post workout meal and you'll notice the changes my friend.

It only gets harder as we get older, true story. I hate it.

So I feel like a failure today.

I was supposed to do the AB Rippers today but I couldn't. My muscles are so sore that, as much as I tried, I just couldn't even do the first set of crunches. :(

Hopefully my muscles will recovery enough that I can do them tomorrow.

Sorry guys. :(

supplements to add to routine if you don't already take them.

L-Glutamine - this will help with your muscle recovery time
C-OQ10 Enzyme - this helps supply muscles with fresh oxygen (essential for hard workouts)
supplements to add to routine if you don't already take them.

L-Glutamine - this will help with your muscle recovery time
C-OQ10 Enzyme - this helps supply muscles with fresh oxygen (essential for hard workouts)

Will that interfere with me losing weight...cuz that my main goal.

and thanx Kuzeh and MF for the encouragement!:eek:

I recovered enough and did Yoga X was boring but tough at the same time....but I did the whole hour and 20 mins of it. U just gotta keep in ur head that exercise is not fun, but it's worth it when u see results (just like MF said)
Way to stick with it, Bam. Even though we have different goals, I understand that sense of failure when your body just can't do anything. I get really upset when I can't workout because my body hasn't recovered enough. It's all about listening to your body and if it needs that rest, take it and hit it hard the next day.
Rest is a big key. Unfortunately it is something I am not getting as I am up to 75 hours this week alone at work (nice promotion eh?). I am about to call in sick tomorrow just to get needed rest. I was able to work out Monday, play hockey last night and get to the bike class today but my body is at the limit.

On another note I have been checking into the P90X a bit more and might try it out so I will be joining Bam and Pitu.
Way to stick with it, Bam. Even though we have different goals, I understand that sense of failure when your body just can't do anything. I get really upset when I can't workout because my body hasn't recovered enough. It's all about listening to your body and if it needs that rest, take it and hit it hard the next day.
Yeah...thats what I did today.... Yoga really did wear me out.:(

Rest is a big key. Unfortunately it is something I am not getting as I am up to 75 hours this week alone at work (nice promotion eh?). I am about to call in sick tomorrow just to get needed rest. I was able to work out Monday, play hockey last night and get to the bike class today but my body is at the limit.

On another note I have been checking into the P90X a bit more and might try it out so I will be joining Bam and Pitu.

Hell yeah!! Come join us Shadow!!! And when it come to the promotion...just think about that fat pay check!!!!

Day 3!!!!!!!!!! Shoulders & arms plus ABS!!! :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2 im dying!!! But Loving it!!!!!!!!!! :rock
Bam they will absolutely not affect you losing weight, they will help you keep the muscle you build. L-Glutamine is essential for energy in muscles it's the first amino you burn when you work out, and COQ10 enzyme promotes the oxygenation of the blood, more oxygen to your muscles, quicker recovery time (COQ10 can be pricey but worth it).
I was about to say COQ10 is $$$

Years ago I used to be a walking chemistry set, I was taking Creatine, 19-Norandrostenedione, 4-Norandrostenedionediol, L-Carnithine, L Arginine (2:1 ratio), Tribestan, and VO2. You name it I have taken it and stacked it one way or another. But you can now get COQ10 fairly reasonable in an 75mg 1 a day.
Years ago I used to be a walking chemistry set, I was taking Creatine, 19-Norandrostenedione, 4-Norandrostenedionediol, L-Carnithine, L Arginine (2:1 ratio), Tribestan, and VO2. You name it I have taken it and stacked it one way or another. But you can now get COQ10 fairly reasonable in an 75mg 1 a day.

I've stayed away from all the dions, I never was a fan with messing too much with hormornal stuff and plus naturals shows would test for tribulus, dions, test, winny, etc... I've always packed on pretty good size with just food and tapering my carbs off and on.

Of course I'm still on supps like regular creatine, aminos, minerals and vitamins along with fish oils, flax and glucosamine but I've ran out of stuff in the past and worked out without it just fine and stayed true to my diet.

NPC Naturals here in April and then there's the NPC Nationals in July. The April show is a novice show, I plan to take overall and it should be a pretty good pre-prep. My wife and I are looking for a house at the moment and if that takes too much steam away from me than I'll just focus on the July show since it's a qualifying show and if I take high enough there I could be eligible for a natural pro card.
I've stayed away from all the dions, I never was a fan with messing too much with hormornal stuff and plus naturals shows would test for tribulus, dions, test, winny, etc... I've always packed on pretty good size with just food and tapering my carbs off and on.

Of course I'm still on supps like regular creatine, aminos, minerals and vitamins along with fish oils, flax and glucosamine but I've ran out of stuff in the past and worked out without it just fine and stayed true to my diet.

NPC Naturals here in April and then there's the NPC Nationals in July. The April show is a novice show, I plan to take overall and it should be a pretty good pre-prep. My wife and I are looking for a house at the moment and if that takes too much steam away from me than I'll just focus on the July show since it's a qualifying show and if I take high enough there I could be eligible for a natural pro card.

well the andro's have been banned for years, trib is so low level, but if you are competing it would show for sure. I know a couple natural pros here in philly, it's a tough circuit, because 'Natural' basically means you been off the juice for over a year. House shopping will def take some of your attention, but good luck with the show.
I am leaning more on trying the P90X but I am hoping someone is going to give me a call give me more details. I am still skeptical even though so many are liking the program.
well the andro's have been banned for years, trib is so low level, but if you are competing it would show for sure. I know a couple natural pros here in philly, it's a tough circuit, because 'Natural' basically means you been off the juice for over a year. House shopping will def take some of your attention, but good luck with the show.

I've been clean the whole way so I don't think I'll ever try that stuff, I have a lot of friends that do but there's no way they can ever compete unless they were to take some time away from that...

Yea placed 4th out of 75 back in 2005, but today I have way more mass to bring to the stage. I don't think I will ever give up.
Just downed a big protein shake after an intense workout. Today I sweat through two shirts and I'm thinking about bringing extra ones next time. :lol
I need to start running again..I just found out yesterday I might be reinstated back to the Army. :mad:

I've been clean the whole way so I don't think I'll ever try that stuff, I have a lot of friends that do but there's no way they can ever compete unless they were to take some time away from that...

Yea placed 4th out of 75 back in 2005, but today I have way more mass to bring to the stage. I don't think I will ever give up.


Just downed a big protein shake after an intense workout. Today I sweat through two shirts and I'm thinking about bringing extra ones next time. :lol

Are u like really buff too???!?!?:monkey1

Did Legs, back and Ab ripper today (day 5)

I'm destroyed! Those wall squats are killer!!!:(