Super Freak
I hate sitting down for long periods of time. Ugh. The student life sometimes isn't for me, but I love advancing on a scholastic level. I just want to be as ripped as I was before I started school. Not that far off. If I in my pre-school (not actual preschool) days, this wouldn't even be an issue. So you recommend upping my good body fats, protein, and bringing down my sugar intake? I only figured the sugar may give me a boost. I hate coffee, Red Bull, Colas, and most phony sugars found in junkfood.
Ok here's my take on it... Some might disagree or even you but whatever... The metabolism is slowing, someone keyed in on that and only because of the non active state that you are in with school and being less active throughout the whole day, that and you are getting older Eli. Believe me I thought I was Superman and could eat pizzas and burgers my whole life and maintain my physique whenever I was in college and it happened, I stayed ripped (not saying you ate as badly as me whenever I was younger but you get the jest).
Today I'm a software engineer which means I do jack crap to burn off any calories at the office unless I get up and a take a lap around the office building with some fellow co-workers (walking basically). You're right about the sugars, too much always converts to fat, actually I'm very strict on my sugar intake as to take none because what sugars do is spike the insulin and create those cravins for other nasty foods. You want to keep your insulin levels moderate and stable, not the up and down motion.
If it were me I would make the biggest meal of course breakfast along with oats as the natural carb, oats maintains energy levels longer than most carbs and will keep you alert and energized for the day. Bring down the sugar or down to none, I remember the last cut before a contest a year ago or July summer of 2008 I was having problems a month prior to the cut because of one stinking diet soda a day. In order to achieve this ripped physique you really have to be strict as you all ready know because of the training in bodybuilding.
In short good fats are awesome, I've bulked up slowly on 2 tablespoon a meal of PB and it was good weight, all the way to 200lbs without adding inches to my waist. You can imagine my surprise and happiness

It only gets harder as we get older, true story. I hate it.