The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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HELL YEAH!!! Don't forget about Kuzeh (altho...i haven't seen him around lately :tap)

So I decided to try the Veggie Max patty at Subway today. I got it on a flatbread with no cheese (just like Ski said) and with a little of red wine vinegar. It tasted like crap and now I have a tummy ache. :(
Never again.

Oh and I'm gonna start the P90X 90 day challenge on Monday....Let's see how that plays out!:rolleyes:

I'm gonna need u guys support, cuz I don't think it's gonna be that easy.

I found this video that really motivated me and made me believe that it's possible, especially when ur part of a fitness thread in ur favorite toy forum (that doesn't really like me cuz I always get PM'ed and infractions by the MODS :rolleyes:).....

Great suggestion, why vinegar Bam, it has no nutritional value..?

Way to go Bam. You gonna have that coca-cola thing going on before you know it.

I can barely do 10 push-ups :lol.....
I can do 150 sit ups
And about 50 squats!

And I;m gonna try that next time....I didn't know that Subway had avocado....Is it like a guacamole?:drool

I dunno...i like sour stuff I guess.....but i'm gonna try that avocado thing next time!

I got Pitu into this whole P90X trial with me! We're gonna start on Monday!!! We're gonna take pics before and after ...and hopefully see some transformations!:rock

Stay away from the avocado. It's quite fattening (or am I wrong?)

Well...yeah.... wish Pitu was with me doing it...we're 4 hours away...but we're gonna keep track of our progress via phone and web cam!! :rock

I did the Cardio program today....I think I'm gonna do the Kenpo Cardio tomorrow! And I went through 2 water bottles! :lol

NICE. So what do you need to do this ? I would like to try it if I can afford it.
Another pound gone. :banana

Stay away from the avocado. It's quite fattening (or am I wrong?)

Yeah, I think it's fattening. That's why guacamole tastes so good.

Another pound gone. :banana

Yeah, I think it's fattening. That's why guacamole tastes so good.


Hence why I pass... and Bam !!! Don't do it !!!!

You can eat avocado, just in moderation I would say no more than 10 grams per meal but it's a healthy fat so it's good for yah in moderation. Just like almonds and peanut butter.

Working out back today with my partner or my apprentice :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha

I'm gonna try to push the pace, last week we went sort of fast but just not the pace I was aspiring for so this week, lil to no rest on this back day and I'm going to try and push him to do weight chin ups along with superset push ups between deadlifting sets. Last week he stopped at 225lbs while I continued and died at 525lbs. I need to push him harder and not let him give up at 225lbs just with the trying method and saying that the weight is not going anywhere, I now he can get more than that for at least 1-2 reps :rock
Unnggh, Super bowl weekend combined with free food at the hockey game killed me, must have ate 10 000 calories. Maybe that will help put on those 10 lbs im looking for.
Well...yeah.... wish Pitu was with me doing it...we're 4 hours away...but we're gonna keep track of our progress via phone and web cam!! :rock

I did the Cardio program today....I think I'm gonna do the Kenpo Cardio tomorrow! And I went through 2 water bottles! :lol

Awesome Bam!! :rock!
I did my test for the 100 pushups, 200 sit-ups, 200 squats program, and I'm hurting...
I officially start the program today!

Another pound gone. :banana

Yeah, I think it's fattening. That's why guacamole tastes so good.


I love Guacamole!!! :drool
Totally off the health topic, but I love Bam's new avatar :rock

And now Bam can see just how much.


OMG!!!I must have them all!!! PLEASE!!! I BEG OF THEE...HAND ME UR TREASURES!!!:bow:bow:lol

Just finished day 2 of the P90X program.....Today's work out was concentrating on Core Synergistic. Brutal.
I couldn't do all the routines cuz I'm just not capable of doing them all yet. :( But all in due time!
Yesterday was officially the first day of the 100 pushups-200 squats-200 situps program, and I'm hurting, but feeling great!!

Supposedly they tell you to focus on one program at a time, but I decided to do all three!

Basically I'll be doing this 3 days a week for 6 weeks, but in between "core" days I'm going to start a novice 8 week/5km running program!! :rock!
Let's see how that goes!!
Jimmy and Bam!!!
Let's do this!!! :rock!!!
Yesterday was officially the first day of the 100 pushups-200 squats-200 situps program, and I'm hurting, but feeling great!!

Supposedly they tell you to focus on one program at a time, but I decided to do all three!

Basically I'll be doing this 3 days a week for 6 weeks, but in between "core" days I'm going to start a novice 8 week/5km running program!! :rock!
Let's see how that goes!!
Jimmy and Bam!!!
Let's do this!!! :rock!!!

Damn son!! Don't over do it!! I believe in u tho!!
Yesterday was officially the first day of the 100 pushups-200 squats-200 situps program, and I'm hurting, but feeling great!!

Supposedly they tell you to focus on one program at a time, but I decided to do all three!

Basically I'll be doing this 3 days a week for 6 weeks, but in between "core" days I'm going to start a novice 8 week/5km running program!! :rock!
Let's see how that goes!!
Jimmy and Bam!!!
Let's do this!!! :rock!!!

That sounds intense. I think I'll sit over here with Michael and enjoy some popcorn while you do all that work.

RIP :(
I like the workouts on the videos, but don't have a pullup station or a lot of room do do a lot of them. The Ab Ripper X is awesome though!!! I've been doing it twice a week and I'm always tired/sore for 2 days after doing it.

I'm more into the weights but this high intense exercise program works for those to start getting shape.
Damn son!! Don't over do it!! I believe in u tho!!
It's all good... I feel a little sore, but not as bad as the Bootcamp...

That sounds intense. I think I'll sit over here with Michael and enjoy some popcorn while you do all that work.

RIP :(


I'm thinking about doing the P90X once I'm done with the core program...
Bam, let me know how it works for you OK?
I like the workouts on the videos, but don't have a pullup station or a lot of room do do a lot of them. The Ab Ripper X is awesome though!!! I've been doing it twice a week and I'm always tired/sore for 2 days after doing it.

Yeah...i PM'd the info about the DVDs to Jimmy.

I'll be doing the Ab Rippers tonight! I'm so sore from the past 2 work outs tho, I'm walking like an old lady! :lol