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I've decided, even if Ryan Reynold's physique is out of my reach for how I like to eat and live, Bale's in Batman Begins wouldn't be bad either and might be more doable.

I've decided, even if Ryan Reynold's physique is out of my reach for how I like to eat and live, Bale's in Batman Begins wouldn't be bad either and might be more doable.


:lecture :lecture :lecture

You are gonna have to be more strict if you want the nice sculpted abs like Ryan's pic that you've posted, I know no one wants to hear it and go at their own pace but it's rougher than just eating clean.

Plus I'm sure like Jackman they hired their own nutritionist or bodybuilding competitor to help with diets, carb cycling, etc...
Abs like Ryan would be nice, my main thing with Ryan was I consider him a good example of "healthy looking" He's more muscular than just some 110lb skinny kid, I don't want to just be skinny, I want to look in good condition. I also don't want to turn my life upside down either, I enjoy certain foods and activities, I don't need to have Ryan's abs. I just don't want to get too big either.
Abs like Ryan would be nice, my main thing with Ryan was I consider him a good example of "healthy looking" He's more muscular than just some 110lb skinny kid, I don't want to just be skinny, I want to look in good condition. I also don't want to turn my life upside down either, I enjoy certain foods and activities, I don't need to have Ryan's abs. I just don't want to get too big either.

I hear this a lot, you WILL NOT have to worry about that naturally. I kill myself daily to get some size that I have now... It's much harder to get massive and all bulky. Years and years of just walking around sore... :lol it sucks. It won't happen over night or even within a few years, it's been since I was basically 17-18 years old of me training.

I once had a guy come up to me and ask me "Dave, how does it feel to be your bodytype" or he basically said to me and my physique, I told him "sore" :rotfl
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and if it is over night, they are either very young and hitting puberty or they are doing something fishy :lol

or never ever lifting in their life, which they will transform but they are not gonna be the next HULK without years of training.
I don't expect it to happen without hard work, I was just oulining what I'm aiming to be. Overall, I'd like to be around Ryan Reynolds / Christian Bale in mass, and however toned/ripped I am at that mass and my diet is what I'll be.
I don't expect it to happen without hard work, I was just oulining what I'm aiming to be. Overall, I'd like to be around Ryan Reynolds / Christian Bale in mass, and however toned/ripped I am at that mass and my diet is what I'll be.

Oh yea and that's not what I'm saying, true it's all hard work. I just wouldn't worry about getting too big because it simply won't happen without you really wanting to... nothing discouraging to you at all. If you are steadily training you'll get a tone and more ripped physique, just saying that you really have to push the buttons in order to get all bulky, etc...

I'm just trying to help you get there by knowing all the ins and outs of cut, bulk, tone, trimming, losing just fat...

Which it is good that your mind frame is not just to lose fat, that is the worst mistake anyone can make.
Which it is good that your mind frame is not just to lose fat, that is the worst mistake anyone can make.

To me, it's almost as bad as being fat just to be really skinny. I don't want to look like a twig someone could snap in half :lol I just want people to see me and just know from my condition, that clearly I take care of myself, I'm not just blessed with metabolism or something, that I work for it and it's important to me to maintain it.


I was kidding, of course I'll post photos, for all the work you bet your ass I'll show off, plus it'll be nice to finally take front on photos :lol, I'm surprised people on Facebook haven't commented that I'm always taking back and close up angles and never showing my chest :lol
To me, it's almost as bad as being fat just to be really skinny. I don't want to look like a twig someone could snap in half :lol I just want people to see me and just know from my condition, that clearly I take care of myself, I'm not just blessed with metabolism or something, that I work for it and it's important to me to maintain it.

That is a great feeling, I remember turning heads once I made a dramatic change from that point on it just makes doing all this easier. It slowly becomes not just for looks and to maintain a good overall health.

There's so many that don't get that and think, heck your a bodybuilder that makes you shallow and you are all about yourself. It's so far from that and once you get there you feel amazing and just want others to feel the same way. I believe this is why so many ppl that do get into shape become personal trainers.
I've become very encouraging :lol, sometimes I feel like an infomercial, "I lost weight, now you can too!", but I'm serious about it, when people talk about wanting to do it and have that same, it seems impossible attitude I used to have, I push my story, trying to say, hey, I thought that too, and I just stuck it out, and look what I did.

I get lots of compliments right now just for the sheer mass I've shed, but I'm still overweight and not totally toned, so there's room for the next stage in my physical change to get looks for new reasons.
Ok here's my take on it... Some might disagree or even you but whatever... The metabolism is slowing, someone keyed in on that and only because of the non active state that you are in with school and being less active throughout the whole day, that and you are getting older Eli. Believe me I thought I was Superman and could eat pizzas and burgers my whole life and maintain my physique whenever I was in college and it happened, I stayed ripped (not saying you ate as badly as me whenever I was younger but you get the jest).

Today I'm a software engineer which means I do jack crap to burn off any calories at the office unless I get up and a take a lap around the office building with some fellow co-workers (walking basically). You're right about the sugars, too much always converts to fat, actually I'm very strict on my sugar intake as to take none because what sugars do is spike the insulin and create those cravins for other nasty foods. You want to keep your insulin levels moderate and stable, not the up and down motion.

If it were me I would make the biggest meal of course breakfast along with oats as the natural carb, oats maintains energy levels longer than most carbs and will keep you alert and energized for the day. Bring down the sugar or down to none, I remember the last cut before a contest a year ago or July summer of 2008 I was having problems a month prior to the cut because of one stinking diet soda a day. In order to achieve this ripped physique you really have to be strict as you all ready know because of the training in bodybuilding.

In short good fats are awesome, I've bulked up slowly on 2 tablespoon a meal of PB and it was good weight, all the way to 200lbs without adding inches to my waist. You can imagine my surprise and happiness :banana. Up the good fats, up the protein, keep carbs fibrous unless it's breakfast or post workout meal and you'll notice the changes my friend.

It only gets harder as we get older, true story. I hate it.


Ski is on point with this. I can't say if I would add anything to this. These are the basic facts. Its hard to cut the junk but if you work at it, you'll find substitutes for ALL of em...even fast food. I use to eat oatmeal with butter, sugar and condensed milk growing up as a kid. This type of eating never did anything to me physically as I never gained more than five pounds in the off season, played baseball and weighed a constant 150lbs through high school.

Then came COLLEGE! All that sitting...all them classes...all that studying......and like Ski said, getting older. I put on my freshman 15 plus some.

Once I finished my studies, I began to rebuild and regain what I lost.

Now like Ski, I'm considering doing a show but I am still a little ways out from actually committing.

Anyway, like most folks, sounds like your real issue is with your diet. While it doesn't sound all that, the sedimentary life of college and getting older just exacerbates the issues of not eating right.

Good luck.

I've been on the temporary disabled list since 2004 and I have to go back for my annual medical evaluation. My Dr. said as it is right now I'm in a much healthier state (medically) than before. Sooo they might put me down as fit for duty and throw me back in there. However, this might be a blessing in disguise. I finished my education so if I have to go back to the Army I'll put in my application for officer candidate school and roll with the big dogs. :D
I've become very encouraging :lol, sometimes I feel like an infomercial, "I lost weight, now you can too!", but I'm serious about it, when people talk about wanting to do it and have that same, it seems impossible attitude I used to have, I push my story, trying to say, hey, I thought that too, and I just stuck it out, and look what I did.

I get lots of compliments right now just for the sheer mass I've shed, but I'm still overweight and not totally toned, so there's room for the next stage in my physical change to get looks for new reasons.

I'm like that too. I actually drop weight fairly quickly when I start working out. I cut out all junk food and soda while upping the water and healthy foods. My friend's GF is the type of person that always says she's gonna do this and that while trying the latest fad diet/workout stuff. She even went out and start the Vitamin B injections...and ended up putting on weight after stopping them because she eats junk food all the time and complains about not having time to work out.