Started p90x. AbRipperX beat the crap out of me. Ouch.
I need to start doing Ab Ripper X again. I think I'm going to do it in the morning before getting ready for work.
Started p90x. AbRipperX beat the crap out of me. Ouch.
I just started Insanity: The Asylum. It's very intense but effective. I am doing that in the morning and P90x at night. Trying get really fit and cut my body fat percentage.
Okay, a couple of things before I start.
I am 14 years old and weigh 115 pounds. I am 5'7. What I want to get done by the end of summer is to be more fit, by getting stronger and with more endurance, (and it wouldn't hurt to look pretty buff) and get good at running.
I have been going to the gym for about a year now, 5 days a week, and I've gotten pretty much no results. The only things I do are running, bicep curls, and Lat Pulldowns. The maximum I can do for bicep curls are 10 pounds, and I usually do 10 curls about 5 times.
For the Lat Pulldown, I can do 80 pounds and I also do that 10 times, about 5 times.
Can someone actually give me some kind of regimen, or anything I can follow that will give me the results I want? (Get strong, look buff)
Now for running. I'm signed up for Cross Country when I start high school next year, because running is really the only sport I have a chance of getting into. However, I need a lot of training.
The maximum miles I can run in one shot is 3 miles, and that's going at a 9 mile pace.
The most I can run one mile is 7:00. I once ran a mile in 6:40 but that really killed me.
What I want is to be able to run at least 5 miles in at least 7:30, and run a mile in 6.
Can this be done by August 1? (The day of tryouts)
I'd appreciate it if you guys can help me with everything I asked.
I also don't know that many technical terms for working out yet. (I don't know what a "set" is, and stuff), so can you guys also tell me what all the technical words mean, so I can actually follow training regimens that you guys hopefully post?
Thanks, I know this seems like a lot, but I really need this.
Personally ,I find it's too young to start worrying about weight gains at 14.. your body hasn't stopped growing. I would wait until your body has fully matured before looking to add muscle to your frame. I suppose you could condition yourself, but I am just not sure if I could promote someone doing big training. But yes, the problem with running is it will keep you lean, and the faster you go over a longer period of time the more you will burn into muscle vs. fat.
Okay, a couple of things before I start.
I am 14 years old and weigh 115 pounds. I am 5'7. What I want to get done by the end of summer is to be more fit, by getting stronger and with more endurance, (and it wouldn't hurt to look pretty buff) and get good at running.
I have been going to the gym for about a year now, 5 days a week, and I've gotten pretty much no results. The only things I do are running, bicep curls, and Lat Pulldowns. The maximum I can do for bicep curls are 10 pounds, and I usually do 10 curls about 5 times.
For the Lat Pulldown, I can do 80 pounds and I also do that 10 times, about 5 times.
Can someone actually give me some kind of regimen, or anything I can follow that will give me the results I want? (Get strong, look buff)
Now for running. I'm signed up for Cross Country when I start high school next year, because running is really the only sport I have a chance of getting into. However, I need a lot of training.
The maximum miles I can run in one shot is 3 miles, and that's going at a 9 mile pace.
The most I can run one mile is 7:00. I once ran a mile in 6:40 but that really killed me.
What I want is to be able to run at least 5 miles in at least 7:30, and run a mile in 6.
Can this be done by August 1? (The day of tryouts)
I'd appreciate it if you guys can help me with everything I asked.
I also don't know that many technical terms for working out yet. (I don't know what a "set" is, and stuff), so can you guys also tell me what all the technical words mean, so I can actually follow training regimens that you guys hopefully post?
Thanks, I know this seems like a lot, but I really need this.
Cut before winter bulk.
Morning 4:00 a.m.
Cardio Session 1
1 hours of cardio, 15 miles bike (heart and lungs are right where I left off after the bulk, felt great)
Chest and Bi's
Dumbell Incline Bench Press
1) 80lbs total 160 X 20
2) 90lbs total 180 X 12
3) 110lbs total 220 X 10
4) 135lbs total 270 X 8
5) 145lbs total 290 X 6
Incline Press Nautilus
1) 45lbs plate total 90lbs X 20
2) 45lbs + 25lbs total 140bs X 12
3) 45lbs 2X plates total 180lbs X 10
4) 45lbs 2X plates + 2X 25lbs total 230lbs X 8
5) 45lbs 3X plates total 270 X 6
6) 45lbs 3X plates + 2X 25lbs total 320lbs X 5
Butterfly Press Nautilus
1) 90lbs X 20
2) 110lbs X 15
3) 130lbs X 12
4) 150lbs X 10
5) 170lbs X 8
Decline Bench Press
1) 185lbs X 10
2) 225lbs X 8
3) 275lbs X 8
4) 315lbs X 6
5) 405lbs X 4
Concentration Preacher Curl - One Arm (Wrist point down, no cheat with forearm)
1) 45lbs X 8
2) 45lbs X 8
3) 45lbs X 8
4) 45lbs X 8
5) 45lbs X 8
6) 45lbs X 8
7) 45lbs X 8
Standing Straight Bar Curls - Negatives
1) 135lbs X 4
2) 135lbs X 4
3) 135lbs X 4
4) 135lbs X 4
Hammer Curls (Hold and pause at 90 degree angle of curl and then release negative)
1) 35lbs X 12
2) 45lbs X 10
3) 55lbs X 8
4) 65lbs X 6
5) 70lbs X 4
Cardio Session Number 2
1 hour of cardio, 15 miles bike
All exercises 30 seconds rest between sets.
Legs + Cardio
Leg Extensions
Set 1: 50lbs X 20
Set 2: 50lbs X 20
Set 3: 50lbs X 20
Set 4: 50lbs X 20
Leg Press
Set 1: 315lbs X 20
Set 2: 495lbs X 15
Set 3: 675lbs X 12
Set 4: 855lbs X 10
Set 5: 945lbs X 8
Set 6: 1045lbs X 6
Hack Squats
Set 1: 90lbs X 20
Set 2: 180lbs X 15
Set 3: 270lbs X 12
Set 4: 360lbs X 10
Front Barbell Squats
Set 1: 135lbs X 20
Set 2: 135lbs X 20
Set 3: 135lbs X 20
Set 4: 135lbs X 20
Calve Raises
Set 1: 90lbs X 20
Set 2: 180lbs X 12
Set 3: 225lbs X 10
Set 4: 270lbs X 8
Set 5: 315lbs X 8
Cardio Liss Walk on treadmill 60 minutes
Back/Hamstrings + Cardio
50 chinups
Deadlift (superset push ups in between each set, no rest)
Set 1: 135lbs X 12
Push ups X 20
Set 2: 185lbs X 10
Push ups X 20
Set 3: 225lbs X 10
Push ups X 20
Set 4: 275lbs X 8
Push ups X 20
Set 5: 315lbs X 6
Push ups X 20
Set 6: 365lbs X 6
Push ups X 20
Set 7: 405lbs X 4
Push ups X 20
Late Pull Downs
Set 1: 70lbs X 20
Set 2: 90lbs X 15
Set 3: 110lbs X 12
Set 4: 130lbs X 10
Nautilus Hammer Rows
Set 1: 70lbs X 20
Set 2: 90lbs X 10
Set 3: 110lbs X 8
Set 4: 130lbs X 6
Set 5: 150lbs X 4
Bent Over Rows (Close Grip for lower lats)
Set 1: 135lbs X 10
Set 2: 145lbs X 8
Set 3: 155lbs X 6
Set 4: 185lbs X 6
Lying Hamstring Hammer Strength
Set 1: 50lbs to failure
Set 2: 50lbs to failure
Set 3: 50lbs to failure
Set 4: 50lbs to failure
Standing Hamstring Hammer Strength (Single Legged)
Set 1: 30lbs to failure
Set 2: 30lbs to failure
Set 3: 30lbs to failure
Lying Hamstring Free Weighted
Set 1: 15lbs to failure
Set 2: 10lbs to failure
Set 3: 10lbs to failure
Cardio Liss Walk on treadmill 60 minutes
*All exercises within 30 second rest between sets*
Shoulders and Tri's
Dumbbell Military Press:
Set 1: 70lbs X 20
Set 2: 85lbs X 10
Set 3: 95lbs X 8
Set 4: 100lbs X 6
Quadruple Super Set: (Barbell Military Press, Front Dumbbell Rows, Lateral Raises, Upright Rows Plate)
Set 1: Barbell 65lbs X 10, 25lbs X 10, 10lbs X 10, 45 X 10
Set 2: Barbell 65lbs X 10, 25lbs X 10, 10lbs X 10, 45 X 10
Set 3: Barbell 65lbs X 10, 25lbs X 10, 10lbs X 10, 45 X 10
Set 4: Barbell 65lbs X 10, 25lbs X 10, 10lbs X 10, 45 X 10
Upright Rows Barbell:
Set 1: 85lbs X 10
Set 2: 105lbs X 8
Set 3: 125lbs X 6
Set 4: 145lbs X 6
Reverse Hammer Fly:
Set 1: 85lbs X 10
Set 2: 115lbs X 10
Set 3: 125lbs X 10
Set 4: 135lbs X 10
One Arm Cable Pulldowns for Rear Delt (pulled toward opposite end of torso superset with push ups (20)):
Set 1: 20lbs X 10 (20 push ups)
Set 2: 20lbs X 10 (20 push ups)
Set 3: 20lbs X 10 (20 push ups)
Set 4: 20lbs X 10 (20 push ups)
Closegrips Bench Press:
Set 1: 135lbs X 10
Set 2: 185lbs X 8
Set 3: 225lbs X 8
Set 4: 245lbs X 6
Set 5: 275lbs X 5
One Arm Extensions: (Alternate towards head elbow bent motion, and switched to bent over motion over chest)
Set 1: 25lbs X 30, 25lbs X 10
Set 2: 25lbs X 20, 25lbs X 8
Set 3: 25lbs X 15, 25lbs X 8
Set 4: 25lbs X 10, 25lbs X 6
60 minutes of 3.5-4.0 steady walk on the treadmill.
1. Building Muscle 101
You must stretch and contract muscles while lifting weight to build them up. Marathon runners would have huge muscles if strenuous, long endurance type exercise could enlarge them. Stretching and contracting with weight makes small tears, and while your body heals them, they also build muscle. This is when the food you eat becomes important.
2. Before Lifting
The faster your body recovers, the faster and more efficiently you can build muscle. You also should be able to sustain energy long enough for a productive lifting workout. Some research suggests that eating even just a couple of ounces of protein before lifting helps your body to recover faster. Eat high quality protein, including lean beef, eggs, tuna, turkey, whey protein and chicken.
3. A Little R and R
If you eat protein after a hard workout, you heal and recover more quickly. When really trying to build muscle, after a lifting session eat a mixed carb and protein meal such as chicken and a sweet potato. Get to bed early so that you can get at least 8 hours sleep to let the rest you get do its trick and build you some muscle.
4. Timing is Everything
The timing of your pre- and post-workout meals matters. Eat high quality protein at least 1-1/2 to 2 hours before lifting. Eat at least the same amount of protein you consumed during your post-workout meal right after lifting. Eating soon after a workout reduces chronic muscle fatigue, and speeds your recovery time, studies say. As long as you are eating soon after your weight workout and every 3 hours throughout the day, as well as every meal containing protein you will be on track.
5. Eat High Quality All the Time
Your diet should be composed of lean meats, few fruits, vegetables, few whole grains, nuts, beans and “good” fats, such as olive oil or nuts or, nut butters. Red meats, like tenderloin or sirloin steak, extra lean ground turkey, chicken breast and broiled fish are perfect proteins to add to your muscle-building diet plan. Leafy greens, such as spinach and broccoli, and fruits such as strawberries, grapefruits and blueberries.
Skiman's Cut Diet 2500
DURING Workout Shake = 4-8 scoops Xtend (Bodyweight pending – 0.17g BCAAs/lb
bodyweight) in 20-24 oz cold water
Meal 1 12 egg whites
1 whole egg
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
12 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit or 99g blueberries
49g protein, 30g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 2 2.5 scoops Scivation Whey
2 tbsp peanut butter
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
49g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 3 7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or Tuna
(albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter or 18 almonds
49g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 4 7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or Tuna
(albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter or 18 almonds
49g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 5 7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or Tuna
(albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
18 almonds
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
49g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 6 2.5 scoops Scivation Whey
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
3 oz avocado or 18 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit or 99g blueberries
49g protein, 30g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Protein – 294 = 1176 Calories, Carbohydrates (not including Carbohydrate night) –
120g = 480 Calories, Fat – 90g = 810 Calories
Total Calories – 2466 Calories NON-carbohydrate night
Total Calories – 2885 Calories – Carbohydrate nights
Every 18th meal is the Carb meal. It is the last meal and it replaces Meal 6. The
Carb Meal must be eaten in this order.
1.5 cups steamed green beans or 12 oz asparagus = 15g carbohydrates
¾ cup oatmeal (measured dry then add water and microwave) = 45g
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit or 99g blueberries = 15g
¾ tbsp honey = 15g carbohydrates
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
18 almonds = 15g fat
8 oz sweet potato = 60g carbohydrates
2 tbsp peanut butter or almond butter = 15g fat
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
150g Carbohydrates = 600 Kcals, 30g Fat = 270 Kcals
2500 Calories Servings
Meals Carbs Protein Fat Calories Carbs Protein Fat
Meal 1 30 49 15 451 2 7 3
Meal 2 15 49 15 391 1 7 3
Meal 3 15 49 15 391 1 7 3
Meal 4 15 49 15 391 1 7 3
Meal 5 15 49 15 391 1 7 3
Meal 6 30 49 15 451 2 7 3
Total 120 294 90 2466
What is that pre workout drink?
Anyone have any good Bicep workout advice? I just can't seem to get any growth.
Ski you lift at 2:30 AM?! why? I lift at 5:00 AM