Yea I've thought about roids but I mean who hasn't ya kno? It would be an easy way out for sure but the side effects dont feel worth it to me. Im 19 and still growing and to take stuff like that now would destroy my body

Im all natural atm but usually have some creatine and some NO in my system but thats it other then the protein. My biggest challenge to overcome is my diet. Im 5' 10'' & 150 on a good day and would like to pack on about 20 pounds of solid muscle but my diet just destroys that. I just cant eat as much as I need too to get there cause 1.) Im just never even hungry 2.) I dont have the time to eat all day to get my calorie intake & 3.) I truthfully just dont have the kind of money to be eating 8 or 9 meals a day

Im looking into the food substitute tho, you guys heard anything about that?
Anyways Ill stop with my story, I just thought Id let you guys know where Im at and what not

& I enjoyed all the feedback ive gotten so far so thank you for that. Oh and I guess Ill post these since its a fitness thread but this is my progress since last sep.
The first attachment is back when I first started in Sep and the second one was around mid Feb
& the 3rd was taken not to long ago, still loonngggg ways to go!!:
As you can see, the chest finally started to come in, now to just get it bigger (Thats what she said!)