I decided to start training with creatine today- I picked up BSN N.O Xplode for my pre-workout drink (to give me more energy, better focus) and the BSN CellMass as my post-recovery drink. I'm only doing one scope of each as I don't want to over do it.
I'm going to do it for six weeks and then see how I feel and how my results are. If I'm happy then I'll probably extend it to a maximum of 12 weeks and then take a few months off to ween off it.
I'd at least do the creatine for 2 months. Be sure to take in lots of fluids, as to help flush out the build up of Creatinine (by-product of creatine) in your system.
Good call- I'm currently drinking 4-5 litres of water a day right now so it shouldn't be an issue.
No coffee, no soda, no tea, no booze. Just water all day long![]()
I decided to start training with creatine today- I picked up BSN N.O Xplode for my pre-workout drink (to give me more energy, better focus) and the BSN CellMass as my post-recovery drink. I'm only doing one scope of each as I don't want to over do it.
I'm going to do it for six weeks and then see how I feel and how my results are. If I'm happy then I'll probably extend it to a maximum of 12 weeks and then take a few months off to ween off it.
I've been doing deads to get my lower back stronger. I'm now up to 285 for reps. I hope to be at 350 by next Dec. and hit 425 buy June 2014'. Should be able to do it. I'm trying to do it at a weight of 170 or lower.
You are wasting your money. You are buying an overly expensive sugar filled drink.
You get plenty of creatine in meat and fish. If by chance you are deficient, then buy cheap creatine powder and mix it with some juice yourself.
Instead you should get BCAA's, Fish oil and quality Casein and Whey protein.
I've even stripped those last two off, or just pretty much protein shakes in general and haven't looked back. I think it's going on my 5th year of just foods for bodybuilding(close to 15+ total years of bodybuilding) and I've looked better and especially felt better in these years.
I really hate the industry though so I'm bias.
While that is possible, I know when I was 300lbs at 15% bodyfat that I just couldn't bare chewing that much food (I was into Strongman and Powerlifting). I tried blending a chicken breast in water, as Derek Poundstone would do, and... well it was not pleasant.
Furthermore, it is hard to get all your amino acids from food unless you include an egg in every meal. Eggs have a complete amino acid profile. Your body will catabolize tissues in order to obtain missing amino's. Bringing eggs to work didn't seem convenient.
I think Whey is seriously overhyped. It is digested so fast it's utility is best as a post workout protein only. A Casein / Whey blend is far more effective in my opinion. The problem more often than not is getting a brand that doesn't cause bloating, which is a sign of cheap protein. Also, it most certainly should not be your only source of protein. Solids should come first.
The only supplements I bothered with in the end were
Casein / Whey blend
BCAA powder I would add to carb drinks during a workout. I really felt this helped with my gains. Felt I wouldn't catabolize so much tissue from my workouts.
Fish oil and a fair amount of it. Buy it in oil form and not in capsules. Look for high EPA DHA ratios.
Multi Vitamin / Multi Mineral
Those adds for those Cell-Tech, No explode, creatine junk drinks make what I consider to be fraudulent claims. You don't get those gains on supplements.
(eggs all day buddy)
Yep, and yep.![]()
Too much preaching to the choir as I read this.
Agreed and agreed.
Ha! Eggs are probably my favorite food too. The media had demonized them as cholesterol elevating imps. It's been published in medical journals that eating cholesterol doesn't raise serum cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol is out of wack, you are likely eating too many processed foods.
Eggs are full of win.
I hate them.![]()
but like I told anyone if dirt would give me the physique I wanted I'd eat it.
I used to down the whites all the time but the wife didn't agree with me on that at all. I'd probably down them if I had my way today if she hadn't said anything.
Post some videos of yourself deadlifting. Take em from the side or at least from an angle. I'll critique your form and give you suggestions.
I'll work on that. I'm finding the more I focus on just hitting my loer back the harder it's been. I backed down to 255x3 today.
Question for you and Ski. Do you work your deads with back or legs. I've heard both but work them with back. I want to get a bar so I can do Squats from a dead lift position i.e. starting squated. I think it's called hanging arm squats or something. I find that doing this does not hurt my knees as reg squats do.