Super Freak
I just recently started taking fish oil everyday and was wondering what other vitamins you guys here take?
Tangy tangerine has all I need except fish oil
I just recently started taking fish oil everyday and was wondering what other vitamins you guys here take?
just hurt my back this week. think i may have tore a muscleand no medical insurance. woo hoo
I've had lower back issues for several years, with time of work etc, finally found a doctor who informed me that it was tight hamstrings that cause many back issues in men. Showed me a few exercises/ stretches and now have reduced issues.
Torn muscles go blue and black and get swollen. For the most part they heal heal on their own. Tendon ruptures are anothr story.
alright cool so its not black or blue so maybe i pulled it severly than? im hoping to not be out of the gym to long basketball season starts sept 9th here.