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Yeah i'm going to try that, pre-fatigue the chest before i hit the bench press, so i can get more burn in the pecs.

I just wonder if i do a set of flys then wait a min, then bench or do it right away and not wait.

Or do 4 sets of flys then my regular 8 sets of presses. Might have to use a lighter weight a bit as opposed to my regular 85 in each hand, maybe do 70 each hand.

Yeah MF that's how most do it.
You could super set them, but then fatigue would be a greater factor

I do all my fly sets first then go to my presses, and surpringly I can push the same weight. Like Ski suggested I do pyramid now, maxing out at 95 dumbbells.
Like 3 sets of flys then wait a few mins then go to chest presses? (example)

Or 3 sets of flys no rest and straight to presses?

I am going to do this tonight, and i sooooooo want my chest sore tomorrow (never happens)
Personnaly I would take my normal rest between them, like 45 seconds.

So start with your normal flys and then go on to presses taking your normal rest, if not its more like a super set and if you do it that way, im sure youll feel it in 24 hours
I'm curious too.

Here's my routine for weight lifting, and like my jogging, I do this every other day.

In this order:

Bench Press - 3 sets of 10

Back/Shoulders - 3 sets of 10
- I don't know the name of the exercise, it's where you hold onto a bar with your arms spead out and pull down.

Triceps - 3 sets of 10
- Where you hold a bar and pull straight down.

Bicep Curls - 3 sets of ten

Forearm curls - 3 sets of 10, front and back

Not sure where flys would fit best into there.
Ok heres how it went. took sp250 waited 30 min.

I didn't do flys first but next time i will to pre fatigue the chest. (this time i wanted to focus on the squeeze)

4 sets incline
4 flat press
2 sets incline fly
2 sets fly flat.

12 total. (also i dropped the weight and used 70's instead of 80's so i could focus on form and squeeze)

Got the whey and banana in PW=
Now hopefully i'm sore tomorrow but somehow i doubt it. I know soreness is not an indicator of growth but i want it.

Overall it was good i'm soaked! ( i lift every other day a new body part so off tomorrow)

Song of the workout :)

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I have a strict workout playlist I stick to.

Chest= ACDC - Back In Black

Shoulders/Back= Buckcherry - Crazy B%$ch

Triceps= Disturbed - Indestructable

Biceps= Disturbed - Inside the Fire

Shoulder/Chest/Manboobs :lol= Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls

Forearms= Disturbed - Haunted

It took a couple days of lifting to figure that out, but I find each song gets my mind in just the right frame for what it takes me to accomplish each one.
Hell's Bells is too much of a driving song for me, I hear that and it gets my mind behind the wheel like I'm an Indy driver :lol

A lot of music is very associative for me, different songs put me in frames of mind and I just find the songs I've listed have an energy that syncs with the motions of body for each exercise.

Back in Black is perfect for a push up for me with the sound of the main riff, it almost feels like each up and down of my arms is making the notes.
Well guys yesterday I finished my leg, back and tri workout and it was phenomenal although I wasn't able to get in cardio because it took a while to finish all the exercises but no worries I got up early today 4:00 a.m. and did cardio for an hour. Later on this even I thrash back and did another 40 minute cardio session, needless to say my body was taking it's toll from the prior day exercise.

I was really glad that I decided to carb up today because otherwise I probably wouldn't of made it.

Today's final output in the kitchen!!!


Whenever I double up on a body part I make sure to do the work in the kitchen. It's all about recovery remember that the diet is 90% of the work not the gym.

Awesome video with Scooby, I remember watching that video. My routine is pretty messed up so I really wouldn't considered it to no one unless they really don't wanna drive home :lol but like Krayt, it really takes a lot of exercises and heavy presses along with super setting push ups in between fly exercises at the end to finally tap it out. Sometimes I will leave flat bench towards the very and just go mega heavy. Last time I did that I think I was able to get 365lbs on barbell bench press for 4 reps and then I was on my death bed :lol

My routine as of today (I know it's a lot of exercises but it's the only way for me, I've put some others through this workout at my gym and they just think it's insane) I do A LOT of incline movements since I believe that my lower pec is way ahead and much stronger than my upper chest. This has improve ten fold though since training this way.

Incline DB press (lbs are each hand)
80lbs X 15
100lbs X 8
125lbs X 6
145lbs X 4

Incline Press Smith Machine (helps with form and able to arch back further)
135lbs X 10
185lbs X 8
225lbs X 6
275lbs-315lbs X 4 (depends how the chest is feeling)

Incline Hammer Press (machine, taps incline chest totally out)
225lbs X 10
275lbs X 8
315lbs X 6
365lbs X 4

ButterFly Press (machine, change it up sometimes to DB's) w/ Superset of pushups (as many as you can between sets)
105lbs X10
(Push ups)
135lbs X 8
(Push ups)
175lbs X 6
(Push ups)
210lbs X 4
(Push ups)

Decline Barbell Press(optional since it's my strong suit)
135lbs X 15
185lbs X 10
225lbs X 6
275lbs X 4, 315lbs if possible for 4

Flat Bench Barbell Press (again optional because my lower chest is way stronger, if I don't feel it by now I will continue)
135lbs X 15
185lbs X 8
225lbs X 8
315lbs X 6
365lbs X 4

Maybe some cable motion if I'm not feeling it... (High rep, 30+)

Phew, ok that's a workout typing all that :lol

I've seen a video that is great for tapping it out also and if I find it I'll post the vid but it has to deal with tapping the chest out as well and I remember the routine because I'll switch up from my current routine to this every other or every couple weeks.

Set (Repeat for 4 Sets)
Incline Press Smith Machine (slowed and controlled with arched back)

Incline Push Ups (use bench so you are doing push ups in a downward angle)

Decline DB Fly (just like Scooby explained in the video only on a decline bench instead)

Hope this helps out guys, always a pleasure! :rock

BTW tomorrow is chest day, can't WAIT!!!!!! Off to cardio once again in the morning :monkey2
Holy ^^^^, I cant belive you do all that for chest

I do
all pyramid, with a burn out the end
4 sets fly machine to warm up
4 sets db inlcine flys
4 sets db flat bench
4 sets db inlcine bench

and then I use one the machines for teh upper chest and just do a set of as many as I can

Maybe I need to do more??
I don't think so.

Skiman is doing crazy ^^^^ there. Most would say he's overtraining, but as long as he takes care of that in the kitchen like he says should be ok.

Your routine looks tight.
Weight training isn't something to really compare yourself utterly to others with. Everyone has a target look and goal they're aiming for and it all requires different excercises, diets and routines to achieve. As long as what you're doing achieves what you want it to, that's what's important, you can't let seeing how much others do get to you because everyone is different, you have to find what works for your schedule and body and goals. I'm going for basic stuff so I use the folks here more as a sounding board for techniques and types of excercise but I don't even begin to compare to the level of workout most are doing.
Weight training isn't something to really compare yourself utterly to others with. Everyone has a target look and goal they're aiming for and it all requires different excercises, diets and routines to achieve. As long as what you're doing achieves what you want it to, that's what's important, you can't let seeing how much others do get to you because everyone is different, you have to find what works for your schedule and body and goals. I'm going for basic stuff so I use the folks here more as a sounding board for techniques and types of excercise but I don't even begin to compare to the level of workout most are doing.


Holy ^^^^, I cant belive you do all that for chest

I do
all pyramid, with a burn out the end
4 sets fly machine to warm up
4 sets db inlcine flys
4 sets db flat bench
4 sets db inlcine bench

and then I use one the machines for teh upper chest and just do a set of as many as I can

Maybe I need to do more??

I would strongly suggest you not to, you have to take in the fact that I've been training since I was 18, I'm gonna be 32 now. I would say if you feeling a good burn or soreness the next day then you are right on track. I wish it didn't take all that to tap out my chest but like I said, it's one of my stronger suits and legs is another whole story, sore three days afterwards even with carbing up on my meals.

I don't think so.

Skiman is doing crazy ^^^^ there. Most would say he's overtraining, but as long as he takes care of that in the kitchen like he says should be ok.

Your routine looks tight.

Thank you sir, yeah that's my key is to eat more on certain days that are like this or if I didn't have a carb meal in the night time I would go ahead and substitute for a carb meal instead of eating something light like 4oz steak and broccoli.

Weight training isn't something to really compare yourself utterly to others with. Everyone has a target look and goal they're aiming for and it all requires different excercises, diets and routines to achieve. As long as what you're doing achieves what you want it to, that's what's important, you can't let seeing how much others do get to you because everyone is different, you have to find what works for your schedule and body and goals. I'm going for basic stuff so I use the folks here more as a sounding board for techniques and types of excercise but I don't even begin to compare to the level of workout most are doing.

I once again totally agree, this is definitely not the beginners workout routine and everyone is totally different whenever it comes to working out certain body parts. I was definitely stressing that I do A LOT of exercises and a lot of incline press movements because that is "my" weakness, even though I'm strong in the upper chest I would like to improve further and hence the more movements on incline but to the regular trainer or person working out I would suggest doin so unless they were feeling the burn/pain/soreness.

There's also conditioning to talk about as well, I know a lot of huge monsters once you start going fast on sets they fall to the knees because of their oxygen levels for their lungs are not up to par, I've always been an advocate for working the heart with cardio along with moving fast with weights.

The last example of tapping out the chest is more of an example that I would give someone to try, I'll even incorporate that with some of my other exercises to fully exhaust.

Set (Repeat for 4 Sets)
Incline Press Smith Machine (slowed and controlled with arched back)

Incline Push Ups (use bench so you are doing push ups in a downward angle)

Decline DB Fly (just like Scooby explained in the video only on a decline bench instead)
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Weight training isn't something to really compare yourself utterly to others with. Everyone has a target look and goal they're aiming for and it all requires different excercises, diets and routines to achieve. As long as what you're doing achieves what you want it to, that's what's important, you can't let seeing how much others do get to you because everyone is different, you have to find what works for your schedule and body and goals. I'm going for basic stuff so I use the folks here more as a sounding board for techniques and types of excercise but I don't even begin to compare to the level of workout most are doing.

Very true. :lecture

I find that over time, as Skiman said.. you target specific areas that are lagging with more intense exercise and develop a routine that builds you up the way you want.

I find that my legs need the most work, so I tear them up when I have a leg day. I also was in need of rear deltoid development, so I attacked them hard too. Now my shoulders are pretty good IMO, so I am working on getting my biceps and forearms up to speed. And my chest routine varies, depending on what I feel is lagging. Whether that be lower or upper chest, or just the whole mass. Right now I am focusing on upper and entire mass and only doing a little to work the lower chest. At least until the manboobs start to disappear a bit more. :lol

We all have to find what works for us, but it's also helpful to learn some technique from more successful guys for future use.
Well it's the next day and my chest is not sore at all. (i posted my routine) Like i said i know soreness is not an indicator of growth, but i would really like it in my chest area. Now if i work my legs even light they are sore for like 3-4 days.

Again i do

4 sets incline
4 sets flat
4 sets flys. (2 incline 2 flat)

And i'm usually soaked when i done so i'm working, but i dunno, maybe i'll try flys first next time to fatigue it more.
Well it's the next day and my chest is not sore at all. (i posted my routine) Like i said i know soreness is not an indicator of growth, but i would really like it in my chest area. Now if i work my legs even light they are sore for like 3-4 days.

Again i do

4 sets incline
4 sets flat
4 sets flys. (2 incline 2 flat)

And i'm usually soaked when i done so i'm working, but i dunno, maybe i'll try flys first next time to fatigue it more.

Krayt so are you gonna try supersetting the pushups after a lift, that is what mainly works for me? That or leave the most stressful chest exercise last after prefatiguing with the rest of the exercises.
I dunno i gotta try something though. (i'm sure i'm working my chest i just want MORE)

Gonna try flys FIRST, next time. Maybe 3-4 sets, then go on to my normal routine. (hope that works)

I think i read somewhere where Arnold or some pro did 5 sets of flys and 5 sets of bench, may try that as well.
I dunno i gotta try something though. (i'm sure i'm working my chest i just want MORE)

Gonna try flys FIRST, next time. Maybe 3-4 sets, then go on to my normal routine. (hope that works)

"That or leave the most stressful chest exercise last after prefatiguing with the rest of the exercises."

Usually gets me everything, I leave deadlifts on back day til last and I leave squat on leg day last. Just because the most straineous exercise therefore it forces you to use the body as a whole and there's no cheaping out :lol I know a lot ppl don't like leaving the best exercise for last because they aren't able to move as much weight whenever beginning a workout fresh but it just forces you to grow. I think releasing more testosterone with the power lifts last, is the trick to be honest.

Power movements at your weakest point, that's the name of this game! :emperor:monkey4 and then :lol