The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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Congrats Wofford, it's always exciting to reach goals.

I noticed the other day that my dunlap syndrome's going away (belly dunlapped over my belt :lol). I've been paying attention to the overall size of my stomach but hadn't really noticed that around the belt line was thinning out quite a bit. I'm still overall thicker than I want to be, but I'm taking on a more normal shape which is a start, losing rolls, love hands, all that, which is kinda like phase 1, with phase 2 being an overall slimming, but I'm excited just to be almost rid of all the crap. I don't want to be thick and by no means will stop my workout anytime soon, but I can live with myself much better if the overall shape of my body is much more normal, without rolls and man ****s and love handles popping out of my clothes in an unsightly manner. Be nice if things are snug that I don't have to feel ashamed or pissed I didn't wear something baggier.
Awesome work wofford, wow I have really underestimated the power of this thread. Take it to the next level, did you take any progress pics from the time you were 217 to current? I know within that amount of weight loss comes with dramatic changes and a whole nother physique.

I don't have a camera so I have no pics. At 217 I still had a lot of muscular shape from my football days so I never really looked obese or anything. More the muscular type with a gut. Now I've essentially got the same shape without the gut. I just need to rock the muscle back up because a lot of it is still soft. I'm actually going to get a camera for this portion of it though so that I can document the progress. It was easy to see the changes in the phase I was just in. The toning up part is where it's a little harder to tell without a photo reference and some measurements. The only measurement I have from the last phase other than my vitals is from a 36 waste to a 32.
Damn man! That is amazing work, and FAST. I started out almost the same weight, 220... and I am still hovering at around 198 about 10 weeks in.

Glad to see you were able to get it done bro, keep it up!

And great progress Sean, glad to hear that you are losing the belly... it's a hard thing to get rid of if you've had it for a long time.

Today I did my 666 back routine and was brutal again. I feel good though, just worked myself hard today. :lol
I can't for the life of me make my pecs sore(unless i do a crapload of flys) I've tried flys first, i've tried mind muscle connection (i squeeze them on the way up) I've mixed it up and i just don't get it. I've had my woman check my form. It's like the only body part i can't make sore.

I think the thing I'm most excited about right now is my arms, the muscle tone is really starting to come through now, doesn't show as much as I can feel it running my hands over them, but I can feel distinct bis, tris and shoulders now, something very new, I'm actually finding new curves too at my elbow from my forearm exercises too, and the most exciting is the fact of how little I'm lifting now, I know as the weeks go on and I'm able to lift more, it's just going to keep coming in and coming in, by the end of 2009 I might be some eye candy :lol
Patience is key you dont grow over night, just stick at it

I got up to the 100's on dumbbells today, thats been my goal for the past two months and I got there so Im happy for now
I can't for the life of me make my pecs sore(unless i do a crapload of flys) I've tried flys first, i've tried mind muscle connection (i squeeze them on the way up) I've mixed it up and i just don't get it. I've had my woman check my form. It's like the only body part i can't make sore.


I know what you mean, mine don't get that sore either.... But as long as you are hitting them hard and doing it correctly, they will respond..pain or no.
This past week of lifting has been like climbing a mountain with bis and tris, and tonight I caught my first glimpse of the summit :lol

First day on the new weight this week, I didn't even finish 2 full sets for each, day 2, I got through 2 sets, halfway through the 3rd on tris and 1 rep into the 3rd set on bis. Tonight, I got 7 reps into the 3rd set on tris, and halfway through the 3rd set on bis.

Like my favorite Pacino speech, 1 step at a time, and when you add them all up that's when you've accomplished something. By Thursday or Saturday's workout I should be completing all 3 sets.
One of the greatest feelings is fitting into clothes you never thought would fit again and well as shirts that you bought and found them too small, but now fit perfectly. That alone will keep some motivated.
Indeed, I'm wearing 2XL instead of 3XL now, depending on the shirt, got some American Eagle shirts I bought like 3 years ago I paid good for that I'm finally breaking out and getting compliments on how I look in them, and what feels even better than that, is that I'm not even close to my goal, so if I get compliments now, can't wait to see what I hear when I'm done.
Man, I hope I can get down to a 34 waist size at some point. I hadn't been that small since, probably middle school, apart from a very short span of time when I was in college.
Indeed, I'm wearing 2XL instead of 3XL now, depending on the shirt, got some American Eagle shirts I bought like 3 years ago I paid good for that I'm finally breaking out and getting compliments on how I look in them, and what feels even better than that, is that I'm not even close to my goal, so if I get compliments now, can't wait to see what I hear when I'm done.

You will love it. I have had so many people compliment me on what I have done and it is a nice feeling. I have noticed other people at work changing their diets after watching I have done. I can take only one person to inflict change and thankfully in here we have many.
I wish my efforts got that sort of reception. I speak upbeat when I see people not only in pride of what I've done, but to sort of say, hey, I was driven to do this and look what I'm getting done, trying to encourage, even if it's not exercise, but if people have things they want, they can get them with work.

"If you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits."
I wish my efforts got that sort of reception. I speak upbeat when I see people not only in pride of what I've done, but to sort of say, hey, I was driven to do this and look what I'm getting done, trying to encourage, even if it's not exercise, but if people have things they want, they can get them with work.

"If you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits."

very nice rocky quote XD on a sidenote today was cheat day and I feel terrible...side,sidenote maulfan I've been reading your posts and I love hearing your journey on the fit "road"
Felt like snapping pictures of myself tonight, though I forgot how much of a ^^^^^ it is taking pictures of myself, especially with my camera I use now, I miss the rotating flip LCD displays for this sort of thing :lol Anyway, just enjoying seeing my jawline and "bags" under my eyes :lol it's the little things that count right.

Nice pic MF. Seeing my jaw line was responsible for me shaving my goatee off which I have had almost 15 years.

Sadly most people are curious about how you did it but they are usually looking for an easy answer. They want to have someone say it was easy, just eat what ever you want and don't exercise and the weight will fall off, but reality is they need to change and work very hard. I have seen people smile when they ask then they seem uninterested when I describe what it takes to change as it appears impossible to them.
Nice pic MF. Seeing my jaw line was responsible for me shaving my goatee off which I have had almost 15 years.

Sadly most people are curious about how you did it but they are usually looking for an easy answer. They want to have someone say it was easy, just eat what ever you want and don't exercise and the weight will fall off, but reality is they need to change and work very hard. I have seen people smile when they ask then they seem uninterested when I describe what it takes to change as it appears impossible to them.

I know that smile everyday whenever I pull my food out of the microwave here at work and whenever I stock the fridge in the mornings, ppl constantly watch what I eat all the time. Every day in and out, I eat the same stuff why, because I not only think of it as food, it's fuel, if I don't have a certain amount of protein carbs and fats in me before it's go time at the gym, it's almost like forgetting to stop by the gas station on the way back home. GOTTA LOAD IT UP!!! :rock