Congrats Wofford, it's always exciting to reach goals.
I noticed the other day that my dunlap syndrome's going away (belly dunlapped over my belt
). I've been paying attention to the overall size of my stomach but hadn't really noticed that around the belt line was thinning out quite a bit. I'm still overall thicker than I want to be, but I'm taking on a more normal shape which is a start, losing rolls, love hands, all that, which is kinda like phase 1, with phase 2 being an overall slimming, but I'm excited just to be almost rid of all the crap. I don't want to be thick and by no means will stop my workout anytime soon, but I can live with myself much better if the overall shape of my body is much more normal, without rolls and man ****s and love handles popping out of my clothes in an unsightly manner. Be nice if things are snug that I don't have to feel ashamed or pissed I didn't wear something baggier.
I noticed the other day that my dunlap syndrome's going away (belly dunlapped over my belt