The Strain on FX - starts July 13

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The show is decent, doesn't need to be drawn out longer than three seasons though
Oh but there's some **** coming down the pike... I can see them easily going 5 seasons. No more though please.
The trilogy of books is finished. Right now they are averaging a season per book, so this could be wrapped up in 3 seasons. That's good enough for me.

show is pretty different now. Clearly they have their own stories, outside of the books. Which is fine by me. No idea what is happening beyond the broad strokes
I loved everything about Quinlain this episode except for the yelling when he was attacking. Just seemed so unbelieveably out of character.
They could've done a whole backstory show on Quinlain and I would've loved it. Awesome character!
The scenes that I find the creepiest and that strike fear to my core, are definitely those with Palmer and Coco. FM.
They could've done a whole backstory show on Quinlain and I would've loved it. Awesome character!

one thing that just felt weird was how comfortable he has been to always shown his face and neck, even back to the Roman days.

The scenes that I find the creepiest and that strike fear to my core, are definitely those with Palmer and Coco. FM.

agreed. She must have an angle, cause otherwise, gross. Not to mention he does have worms right?
one thing that just felt weird was how comfortable he has been to always shown his face and neck, even back to the Roman days.

agreed. She must have an angle, cause otherwise, gross. Not to mention he does have worms right?

In all likelihood, probably only a handful of people even know what he looks like. Spectators are far enough away that they can't see his physical differences, especially with mud on his skin. So he either looks pale or they think it's the mud. That just leaves his opponent who presumably dies every fight and a small handful of guards and the senator.
Just curious, has anyone seen any ad or print for the show that featured a guy with a katana/samurai sword and a dead vampires on the ground by chance? My friend did that photo shoot so I was trying to find out if they ever used it for him.