The Strain on FX - starts July 13

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Tonight's épisode Will have a special title treatment done by my buddy Remy Gente :))))
Tune in :)
I've said it before and will say it again. This series is great summertime entertainment to help fill the gap between seasons of TWD. The most recent episode had some cool battle scenes, but overall it felt a little anti-climatic. The most frustrating/laughable thing is how many times are Fet, Nora, Eph and Setrakian going to miss when they shoot at Kelly and Eichorst??? :lol Ridiculous.

Also, at least it looks like Zach finally turned the corner and has accepted the fact that his mother is gone.
I've said it before and will say it again. This series is great summertime entertainment to help fill the gap between seasons of TWD. The most recent episode had some cool battle scenes, but overall it felt a little anti-climatic. The most frustrating/laughable thing is how many times are Fet, Nora, Eph and Setrakian going to miss when they shoot at Kelly and Eichorst??? :lol Ridiculous.

Also, at least it looks like Zach finally turned the corner and has accepted the fact that his mother is gone.

I thought the first shot that Eph got off at Eichorst was a hit, but I think he's just too strong that he can shake them off. I see what you mean though. They aren't good shots unless they're shooting a vamp up close.
I thought the first shot that Eph got off at Eichorst was a hit, but I think he's just too strong that he can shake them off. I see what you mean though. They aren't good shots unless they're shooting a vamp up close.

Well, what also helps Eichorst and Kelly is that they are super fast. Is this a by product of having some free will now? If so, then the Master should give all his strigoi the same amount of free will and create an army of super fast intelligent strigoi. This "war" would be over in a heartbeat. :lol
Well, what also helps Eichorst and Kelly is that they are super fast. Is this a by product of having some free will now? If so, then the Master should give all his strigoi the same amount of free will and create an army of super fast intelligent strigoi. This "war" would be over in a heartbeat. :lol

I don't know if you watch Dominion or not, but the lower angels called 8-balls are a lot like the Strigoi. I'm not sure which is dumber.

I guess the Master doesn't want them to be too smart since he basically uses them as pawns.
Eph definitely did his marksmanship training at the Galactic Empire's academy. And it has nothing to do with how fast Eichorst is, since this isn't the Matrix - he can't dodge a bullet. ;)
also, with the hundreds of strigoi having their blood splatter all over the place in close proximity to hundreds of civilians, how does not one person get infected? The only drama this show has had this season is between Fett and Nicki. I honestly keep watching in hopes of one of the main cast getting killed off because nothing exciting is going on.
I still don't get how eph missed. In the frontal assault team, eph manages to get a headshot on a moving target in very very low light and from the shoulder. But when he goes against eichorst, he has the rifle resting on the window, he has time to line up his shot and the target was either walking or standing still and he completely missed. I know the distance was greater but not by a lot.
I still don't get how eph missed. In the frontal assault team, eph manages to get a headshot on a moving target in very very low light and from the shoulder. But when he goes against eichorst, he has the rifle resting on the window, he has time to line up his shot and the target was either walking or standing still and he completely missed. I know the distance was greater but not by a lot.

He was nervous. :lol
I still don't get how eph missed. In the frontal assault team, eph manages to get a headshot on a moving target in very very low light and from the shoulder. But when he goes against eichorst, he has the rifle resting on the window, he has time to line up his shot and the target was either walking or standing still and he completely missed. I know the distance was greater but not by a lot.

His hair got in his eyes.
the old man must have gotten a whisker up his nose cause he was even closer and should be a better marksman than Eph.
Why did they include that useless scene about the boat? Red Hook isn't an island and there were clearly a lot more than 20 strigoi attacking. A lot more than would ever fit on that boat even if it were over-capacity.

I was super sleepy when I watched the first half and had to turn it off and continue the next day, so maybe I missed something. Why bother with an attack on that check-point anyway when they have free-reign over the rest of Manhattan?

I quite like the show, but it requires an enormous suspension of disbelief - and I'm not talking about humans turning into monsters, immortality or anything else occult or even scientific. Just simple procedural issues and human nature that are ignored constantly. Hasn't enough time passed now and enough people seen what's going on to know they're dealing with more than a virus? OK, bring in federal support like it's a warzone and clear the entire city of these things after evacuating the non-infected.
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Why did they include that useless scene about the boat? Red Hook isn't an island and there were clearly a lot more than 20 strigoi attacking. A lot more than would ever fit on that boat even if it were over-capacity.

They used a boat to sneak into Red Hook to shut down the power at the power plant. The attack on the check point was a distraction so Eph's vamp wife could attempt to find their little a-hole son and so scary German guy could find the old man with the sword (the good guys' hideout is IN Red Hook). The huge group of vampires that attack were from both Red Hook (because it's not clear like the blonde lady claimed) and also from the surrounding neighborhoods that border Red Hook.
The amount of times our heroes go up against the villains and no one dies and the villains escape with ease is getting tiresome. Problem is the group of heroes is too small. If they kill Fett or Eph the show is over. Can't kill the old man either. That leaves the kid,Nora, and the bi hot chick as the expendables.

Clearly there is national exposure to this outbreak, the mayor knows for crying out loud, but only 25 cops patrol red hook? REALLY?

Pixel your right about suspension of disbelief.
The amount of times our heroes go up against the villains and no one dies and the villains escape with ease is getting tiresome. Problem is the group of heroes is too small. If they kill Fett or Eph the show is over. Can't kill the old man either. That leaves the kid,Nora, and the bi hot chick as the expendables.

Clearly there is national exposure to this outbreak, the mayor knows for crying out loud, but only 25 cops patrol red hook? REALLY?

Pixel your right about suspension of disbelief.

At least one of the characters you mention dies in the books.