The Strain on FX - starts July 13

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Ok got a response from my buddy - he said that there was a deleted scene in which gus pulls vaun out of the trap then bolivar or one of those does him in. His last response is, 'tune in next week to see what actually happens' so maybe I did jump to conclusions!!!!

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see where this question was answered. ??
That's for sure. I hope Mom and her minions sucks him dry.

Now, now, where's your maternal instincts? Lets play some mental games. The master can use him, if captured, for some leverage. The mother struggle obeying the master or lose her son forever. He got that evil stare only the parent can love, hehe. Play his card right, he might grow up to save humanity or doom them all!

Show is doing something wrong if we're not talking, hehe.
Hate that stupid kid. Scowling in literally every scene. His mom could show up unvamped and he'd still be scowling at his dad. Carl is practically Fet compared to this little ****.
Hold on a second, you guys are upset by the kid and not the 5 minutes of luchador vampire hunter at the beginning of the last episode? Even if Angel is going to be a new central character, that video tape scene was at least 4 minutes too long.
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see where this question was answered. ??

Annoying to say the least. Have no idea why my buddy was being cagey since the issue hasn't been dealt with. This whole Episode was weirdly paced. I like that Angel was introduced, but that was a long intro.......

Hold on a second, you guys are upset by the kid and not the 5 minutes of luchador vampire hunter at the beginning of the last episode? Even if Angel is going to be a new central character, that video tape scene was at least 4 minutes too long.

agreed completely. Kid was ok this week.
I thought the intro was a bit much as well. I assume he is going to be around for awhile after that intro, but he really didn't do anything in the episode.

I actually didn't mind Zack as much this episode. I could see him getting aggravated with his dad critiquing his every swing and then he remembered a time when his mother was there. First time I felt any sort of sympathy for him. Still a brat, but he was tolerable last night.
Hold on a second, you guys are upset by the kid and not the 5 minutes of luchador vampire hunter at the beginning of the last episode? Even if Angel is going to be a new central character, that video tape scene was at least 4 minutes too long.

I was at first confused about what was going on, but it didn't bother me that much.

I'm not sure if I can't stand the kid's character so much or the actor playing him. He just bothers the hell out of me. I understand kids being kids and all, but......turn him into a minion already.
Hold on a second, you guys are upset by the kid and not the 5 minutes of luchador vampire hunter at the beginning of the last episode? Even if Angel is going to be a new central character, that video tape scene was at least 4 minutes too long.

It was subtle character development. I learned more about him in that short amount of time than I've learned about most of the main characters on the show. And no, there's nothing on that show this season worse than that little ****stick playing Yellowjacket's son.
It took me a second to realize what was going on in the beginning. Having read the books I knew right away what was going on so that was cool. The whole intro was just a set up for the character. It's gonna pay off in later episodes, I'd bet money on it.
My only point was that they could have done, as effectively, in 60 seconds what they spent the first 5 minutes on.
well, they had to fill up more time cause all the commercial breaks weren't enough apparently. Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time even liking this show anymore. Too much fluff and not enough substance.
I'm not enjoying this season at all. Everyone is just doing their thing just to go do it. I'm going to this building, okay I'm going to the subway, etc. It also feels to me like nothing has really happened and it's been like 3 weeks since this season has started.