Mister Ski
Super Freak
This episode, while excellent, did not happen in the books at all. Far as I recall, jim was bitten by Pilot Redfern in the book......frankly, I like how they fleshed out his character in the show myself. And I don't recall any Hacker chick - the Net was down in the book, but we never saw how or by whom. And the whole her getting ditched is pretty consistent with the tone of the books
Probably my fav episode thus far. Finally Fet is now a big part of the story. YAY!
Good tense episode. As a reader of the book series, it was nice to have a show that wasn't in the books at all. I didn't know what to expect.

Fet and Setrakian are awesome. Eph is slowly starting to come around (as evidenced when he killed the baker dude), but it was getting a little annoying when every time Setrakian told him something about the vamps, he wouldn't believe him. Nora is still useless too. I like the hacker chick and hope she sticks around for awhile. Maybe she will be the Strain's version of Daryl from WD. A character that wasn't in the books but becomes pretty cool as the character develops. Poor Samwise.
Yeah, good episode. None of it occurred in the book but I didn't mind it at all. It was really freaky and now we're really starting to see the differences in the vamps stages. Also glad to see that the Scooby gang is finally together. I loved the Rick Baker cameo as well. Completely random but oh so awesome.
The only part that I didn't really dig was when the hacker yells "Oh my god! An old guy with a sword!". I actually cringed when she said that. It was like the show channeled their inner syfy channel with it and her delivery was terrible.
I'm kinda curious if this hacker girl is gonna end up becoming one of the gang and then later on she'll have an episode where she confesses to her new rag tag group of friends that she was responsible for all the phone lines/cell towers/internet not working during the attacks and she didn't know what it was for and blah blah blah.
Scooby gang? Are you a BTVS watcher too? Who is Rick Baker?
Yes, and report back with your thoughts after every episode. Last night was episode 8, so you got a ways to go. Chop chop.I'm on episode 3 and bored. Do i need to keep going?