what body did you use for your custom vader. I have a bunch of the sideshow vader pieces and want to upgrade them to look better
Rogue one body
what body did you use for your custom vader. I have a bunch of the sideshow vader pieces and want to upgrade them to look better
hmm I have the body suit and body. the mask is custom to
Update on my ESB/ROTJ Vader
New chest armour, saber, gloves....right? Can you tell us something about?
The Vader Project
I thought I'd make an official thread for the work on my 1/6 Darth Vaders with a list of the mods since I post pretty often in several threads about them. A lot of these mods are done with the advice of several other hobbyists and when possible I'll list credit below.
A New Hope Vader w/Jazz Inc Mods (slight differences)
Helmet dome removed and about 1/4" dremeled out of the inside
Magnet installed into helmet dome.*
Helmet dome was then lightly polished and then edge highlighted with Vallejo model air Hull Grey
Helmet cracked open, paper behind lenses, nose plug removed and nose walls thinned out. Nose plug recessed about 2mm.
Magnet installed inside helmet*
Helmet weathered and proper paint applied including right tusk using Tamiya C kit and Vallejo air chrome.
Lenses given two coats of Tamiya clear red and one coat of Tamiya clear orange*
Shoulder armor given two coats of dull coat and then lightly dry brushed with gun metal
Cape and tunic water treated. Tunic had wire removed.
Gloved hands hit with a matte finish.
Under vest seams removed and resewn.
Saber clip moved about 1/2" closer to the left belt box to better match on screen prop.*
Belt cut in the back and Velcro glued on the prevent belt breakage. Front of belt was glued shut.*
Belt boxes and chest boxes weathered using Vallejo air chrome and Tamiya micro applicators
Shin guards hit with two coats of gloss coat and a polish.
Occasionally I will swap the stock gloved hands for the rogue one gloves.
*denotes slight differences from the Jazz inc mods. The full mod videos can be found on YouTube by searching Jazzinc Vader mods.
I did not re-add a wire to the tunic or perform any electronic mods on my copy.
Empire Strikes Back Vader
Rogue one figure as a base.
Removed cape, tunic, cod piece, gloves, helmet, chest, and belt boxes.
ANH cape, and tunic installed
Sideshow cod piece, belt, hands, and chest box installed
Currently using a kaiyodo helmet and shoulder armor/ shoulder bells. Kaiyodo tusks were scratch built from metal based on a tutorial by a collector from Facebook named JP.
The dome I'm using is from the hasbro titanium black series helmet.
I also have cleaned and painted the kaiyodo boots and gloves but am unsure if I will be using them.
Bacta Tank Vader
Ganghood muscular body
Sideshow Vader recast head
Ganghood body muscle neck removed with a dremel and Vader head reattached using JBJ weld
Apoxie sculpt applied to joints and to cover the neck seam.
Vallejo thick mud applied on skin for burn scar texture
Warhammer bits glued and painted on body.
Body and sculpt repainted with citadel paints
Sideshow Malgus mouth piece
Figure placed 13" flower vase that was spritzed on the inside with dullcote spray
looks great. have to dig mine back out again to make a reveal look as well