The waifu I like has cleanliness issues, is it worth it or a lost cause?

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Thank you, my friends, for all the help in this most troubling situation. This is why I come to Sideshow Freaks for all of my dating advice. No one can ponder, the love a man has for an inanimate object, more than dollie collectors of the 1/6 scale.

Does she "clean up" easily? Does she back talk you? She's probably a lot better than some relationships people have on here :lol

I've called it quits on the waifu, it wasn't worth the emotional trauma. Getting Hot Toys Blackwidow.



3some bro... convince them to share, 2 waifus are better than one :)
as for the smell, just gave her a bath with clorox color bleach, she will be as good as new.

i dated a waifu for a while but things didnt work out... she didnt get me...i miss her

I guess two waifus could have worked...


im thinking about getting married again found the cutest waifu, her name is Sam

Congrats, bro!! :clap :hi5: :yess:


Grapefruit is still terrorizing my dreams

That noise, man :pow.
that girl is so freaked out :rotfl (wondering about the meaning of life from such a young age all because of a grown up holding a pillow :lol)
anime pillow wife

for guys that cant afford to get a sex doll or "real doll" as they are called. the pillow wife allows them to take their beloved anime wife on dates or to lunch, to the park etc. (without spending too much. )

makes the perfect companion of those lonely nights, warm, cozy, if you fall asleep you can rest you head on her... the perfect wife

No **** I just spat out my drink in laughter

What is the world coming to
but no face to kiss! :horror

(that arm thing is a great idea.... imagine if we combined the waifu and the arm from the husbandu.... we would make so much money!)

here's my prototype (still need the waifu head)

but no face to kiss! :horror

(that arm thing is a great idea.... imagine if we combined the waifu and the arm from the husbandu.... we would make so much money!)

here's my prototype (still need the waifu head)


It needs nippies! And what's up with the yellow hand? :lol
I have been seeing this particular waifu for a while. She said she love me long time. But, she has gotten dirty and I can't take her to the laundry without getting her paint rubbed off, and having the other cleaner pillows laugh at her.

She is smelly, like man sweat. On the plus side, she's legit and a nice person. Here's a picture of her Facebook:


As it's pretty obvious, there are a lot of perks to this waifu. She has a high thread-count, is made with 100%, allergen-free cotton. She's also in fantastic shape and likes cause play like I do. But, then again, she's very dirty and unwashed. I suspect it's causing emotional problems for her, since I caught her stacked on-top of another waifu behind my back! :horror Isn't that cheating? Is there potential for a future here or not? I'm not sure what to do...

:mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha

You bastard. :lol :lol :lol
Solidus, I found some potential waifus for you, maybe you can have more than one
