Mr. Green
Super Freak
poor Tara, she'll make it
I bet Everyone Hates Chris/Noah dies. The beginning of the episode focused on him way too much.
Carol will probably be the season finale since they're making her a *****.
I knew it.
Not a bad episode, but I still don't see why Glenn and Noah didn't just hurry and push through the revolving door when that dude bailed on them.
What did Aiden say to Glenn as he was dying? I rewound it three times and still couldn't make it out.
What did Aiden say to Glenn as he was dying? I rewound it three times and still couldn't make it out.
Basically they are a group of cowards.
You know, I thought Rick would be the one to take out the Doc, but it might be Carol who does it.
Father Gabriel is a douche. He needs to go.