The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I bet Everyone Hates Chris/Noah dies. The beginning of the episode focused on him way too much.

Carol will probably be the season finale since they're making her a *****.

I knew it.

Not a bad episode, but I still don't see why Glenn and Noah didn't just hurry and push through the revolving door when that dude bailed on them. Glenn and Noah had the walkers directly behind them, all they had to do was rotate it back around. I'll have to watch it again, but the physics of the situation don't make much sense. Cool idea though, tons of suspense. The effects for Aiden's disembowlment and Noah's death were excellent. Probably the most brutal scenes I've ever seen on television. If they can show something that graphic on cable tv, Negan should be allowed to drop some F bombs in my opinion. I don't get these censors, that was some hardcore ****.

And it might be early, but I'm calling it now. Carol is going to get offed in the very last episode. It's been building up to that. They've built her up as one of the best, toughest, most interesting vets on the show, especially after the Rambo stunt she did when she saved everyone from Terminus. Now they're pushing her to the extreme. She's going to get killed trying to resolve this domestic abuse issue (since it relates to her story arc with Ed and Sophia) and it will be THE talked about season finale death. That's how they'll close her character. We'll probably get another dramatic Daryl cry face like Merle and Beth's departures.
Man, this sucks. I liked Noah. He was actually a good character unlike that total waste of space, Tara. How does she stay but Noah doesn't?
I knew it.

Not a bad episode, but I still don't see why Glenn and Noah didn't just hurry and push through the revolving door when that dude bailed on them.

I think it was the physics of shooting the scene that made it impossible to convey the event accurately. As the ****mook escaped, Noah got caught. Maybe Glenn got caught in the decision of pulling him back and risking letting him go to push the door.
Somebody kill Gabriel already!!!
They should have left that jerk to die in the Church where he belonged. He thinks they're bad people, even though he was there when Bob's leg was cut off and eaten by the Terminus people! Then they show up at the church to kill them all. Ugh, I just can't stand him.

If Pete isn't beating Jessie, then it's a real red herring by the writers because they have certainly given us that impression with Pete's behaviour.

I wonder if Deanna is going to believe Glenn about what happened to Aiden after what Gabriel had to say. I didn't see Noah dying so soon, but I guess it's easier to kill off some of the newbies than any of the established characters.

I really hate that Carol could be the one to die at the end of the season, but I can see them doing it. I think Rick will decide not to kill Pete, so Carol takes the matter into her own hands. She will end up putting them all at risk, which will be in contrast to the beginning of the season, when she saved all of their lives.

This community is a lost cause. They don't even care about one another. The thing they should be learning from Rick and his group is loyalty. They don't leave people behind, or sacrifice one another to save themselves. These are not people you want to rely on to have your back.

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I'm not sure, maybe he pushed hard enough and got a limb to two out the door, so it basically was open season on Noah's end, and his limbs and pushing kept that space open for the walkers to grab Noah.
What did Aiden say to Glenn as he was dying? I rewound it three times and still couldn't make it out.

Something along the lines of "we left the others" basically that they abandoned a group of people before or something like that.
I have a feeling Deanna is not going to take the death of her son lightly (like go all "Governor" on people now). She trusted Glenn.....

You know, I thought Rick would be the one to take out the Doc, but it might be Carol who does it.

I don't think he will be able to score with the Blonde if he offs her husband. Well, that's what I would be thinking anyways :monkey3. She a hottie.

Father Gabriel is a douche. He needs to go.

yea, some how, he forgot to mention that they saved him, two or three times I believe.
I have to say the gore in this episode was very impressive! They've really pushed the limit, and I like that! Its amazing they can get away with stuff like that and the F word still is an issue :lol A great start to a (hopefully) amazing season finale build up.
i loved this episode, (have not read any posts here yet)

probably the most intense episode of this half season.... it really had me going, i loved Abraham, I loved Eugene lol :lol

i didnt even care about Noah but that got me really bad... and the death of the son.... holy s--, probably the most brutal way to go

i dont know why but these two bothered me a lot... made me feel pretty bad, like, grabbing your face and going "OMG NOO" kind of bad

cant wait to see how it ends, It's been a while since I was so bothered by a death like this.. I guess the level of gore had something to do with it
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Wow, they raised the gore level on this episode! A lot happened this week, so it's probably one of the best episodes of the whole series. I loved it.