The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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What do you do when you have the wolves armed with automatic weapons; playing loud music to draw in untold hordes of walkers; using vehicles as battering rams;

I seriously hope they don't just recycle the Governor's tactic of driving "walker bombs" through the front gates. What would be next, another siege by tank?
Those town folk seem pretty weak. When Rick dropped that walker on the ground they all looked truly horrified. It's going to take a lot to get them to stand up and fight. Last week when they were outside getting supplies and the walkers came their leader was ready to run and leave saying that's how we handle things. Rick and the group are going to have a hard time turning sheep into tigers.

wont know until all their lives are threatened. It's amazing how fast someone can change their tune when their family or themselves are in very real danger. They haven't gone through it yet. I wanna see Deanna do someone in.
he's on the edge of deserving to let go but not as bad as Gabriel. don't know if he'll ever learn to make up for his sins

I don't think Gabriel has gotten anyone killed since joining the group that I can remember. It was his fault the walkers got in, but that's no where near as bad as Nicholas, not even close.
I don't know. Luring someone out into the woods to murder them seems like a very "get your hands dirty" approach for Nicolas which seems inconsistent with his cowardly nature.

Shooting him the way he did was cowardly.
Does anything that Pete going off was somehow planned by Carrol? She went there with food knowing what he was and hoe cowardly wife beaters usually are. She threatens him with a knife knowing it would piss him off. At the end when Pete shows up with the sword, Rick moves towards him and Carrol stops him. Almost as if she knows what's coming.

I'm not sure if she didn't want him to show the gun, or if she wanted something to happen. Smart on her part either way.
I seriously hope they don't just recycle the Governor's tactic of driving "walker bombs" through the front gates. What would be next, another siege by tank?

Rick will probably have them ****y trap or take out the roads so that tactic can't be repeated. The town as it was, was really like a defenseless herd of sheep mindlessly grazing in an unspoiled little pasture essentially surrounded by a split rail fence. They're just lucky Rick's Group arrived. Had the wolves stumbled on that little oasis beforehand it would have been almost too easy.
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When Maggie stopped Sasha from shooting
the priest
that was a mistake.I think he'll still turn on Rick and company at any given moment.
The exiled members from Alexandria are not the Wolves. It wouldn't make sense. The Wolves have tagged every location they have pillaged. If they became strong enough to destroy communities you know they'd go back to Alexandria first to exact revenge.

The guy playing Morgan had a cult following while on Jericho. I attribute that to why is was so popular from the jump in TWD.
Why did those 2 guys in the beginning have W's carved in their heads? I thought only the walkers had them? (my audio was having issues at the start)

Did anyone else crack up at the Eugene scene and his deadpan stare after being woken up? :lol
They didn't explain the Ws. But I'd guess that, dead or alive, all property of the Wolves is marked that way. Like a gang tattoo, except even dumber. :lol
Far as I could tell. His little speech made me believe that they marked themselves to distinguish themselves and what was theirs - the wolves - from everyone and everything else - the sheep.
I still don't think the "W"s were carved into the heads of the Wolves. There was no scar tissue. Looked more like a tattoo to me. Also don't think the Wolves are exiles from Alexandria. I think there will be more than 3 of them. The two we met were the Wolves version of Alexandria's recruiters. Only they go out looking for people to bring back, kill and make part of their traps. The Wolves were also armed only with knives, which probably indicates they were far from their base of operations. Why carry around a gun with no ammo?
Terrific finale. Really makes up for the ******** that was the hospital arc. All in all, a pretty decent season with a premiere and a finale that were outstanding.