The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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The Morgan-centric episode was decent enough (John Carroll Lynch is a gem), but I hope Glenn's fate is addressed in the next one. Another week of waiting would be brutal. :lol
Prostate envy? :monkey3


It's only bad if you don't yell "DEAD LIVE!" :lol

I like Chris. I didn't at first, but he's grown on me a bit. :)
The Morgan-centric episode was decent enough (John Carroll Lynch is a gem), but I hope Glenn's fate is addressed in the next one. Another week of waiting would be brutal. :lol

Doubt it. The previews show Maggie finding out about his "demise" and taking action. We'll probably see him closer to the mid season finale. They're going to stretch this Glenn thing out.

Last night's episode was okay. I knew everything that was going to happen though, from the goat getting eaten to Eastmen getting killed in a stupid way.
Doubt it. The previews show Maggie finding out about his "demise" and taking action. We'll probably see him closer to the mid season finale. They're going to stretch this Glenn thing out.

Last night's episode was okay. I knew everything that was going to happen though, from the goat getting eaten to Eastmen getting killed in a stupid way.

And how did you know this?

I enjoyed this episode, but only because it goes into Morgan's backstory. Now we know why he carries on with his life is precious motto. But I still don't agree with it. That way of living is fine when you live in a world of rules. In the post apocalyptic setting, it gets people killed.

So, has anyone been counting... How many people have died now due to Morgan not killing an attacker and allowing them to flee?
I enjoyed this episode, but only because it goes into Morgan's backstory. Now we know why he carries on with his life is precious motto. But I still don't agree with it. That way of living is fine when you live in a world of rules. In the post apocalyptic setting, it gets people killed.

Agreed. New world, new rules.

So, has anyone been counting... How many people have died now due to Morgan not killing an attacker and allowing them to flee?

I'm sure someone here has been keeping count. :lol
If that Wolf escapes and ends up killing more people then Rick needs to do away with Morgan. Morgan's actions are fine when he's by himself but he needs to look out for the group now.
Agreed. New world, new rules.
Have to say for the purposes of the story it creates a pretty interesting dynamic and adds some tension. The temptation to kill would be pretty much irresistable, so the fact Morgan redirects it makes him somewhat unique. Hope they don't have him flake out and go along with Rick and Carol's philosophy. It's like if Batman throws away his code. He just becomes another thug/vigilante, then.

If that Wolf escapes and ends up killing more people then Rick needs to do away with Morgan. Morgan's actions are fine when he's by himself but he needs to look out for the group now.
Was that guy bitten or just mauled? If bitten, doesn't make sense that he'd have the energy to escape or kill. He has no weapons, either, and his main threat was to kill *everyone* -- including the children -- so it'd be rather anti-climactic if he escapes and kills a person or two before being put down.

Not sure what they'll do with him but would seem a bit cliched if Morgan's no-kill code ends-up the cause of more deaths. Especially since they made it clear (;)) in this last episode that his killing was responsible for the death of his buddy. Story can't have it both ways where kill/no kill are both the wrong decision for Morgan.
Was that guy bitten or just mauled? If bitten, doesn't make sense that he'd have the energy to escape or kill. He has no weapons, either, and his main threat was to kill *everyone* -- including the children -- so it'd be rather anti-climactic if he escapes and kills a person or two before being put down. Not sure what they'll do with him but would seem a bit cliched if Morgan's no-kill code ends-up the cause of more deaths. Especially since they made it clear (;)) in this last episode that his killing was responsible for the death of his buddy. Story can't have it both ways where kill/no kill are both the wrong decision for Morgan.

I think Morgan is content watching others be killed just aslong as he's not the one doing it.

Morgan's character feels two seasons too late, it would have made sense around Terminus with the survival situation. Now we have Rick and Carol embracing the kill or be killed attitude and Morgan's just there to add a conscience for the viewer.

^ IMO ;)
That could be partly it but I think even in an apocolyctic world people would adopt different philosophies. Not everyone would embrace killing as the only sensible way to react to a threat. Unlike a lot of people here, I guess, it doesn't frustrate me that Morgan's adopted it, anyway.

And I don't think Morgan's content to see say Carol/Rick kill on his behalf. But he's also not there to forcibly convert them. I don't see any inconsistency to having both philosophies operating within the same group.

Edit: Thinking about it, Morgan is sort of how the cowardly preacher should have been, if he'd kept his principles and adapted to the world in a way still consistent with his faith (reminds me of Gandalf and Saruman, for some reason). He's a neat character, so glad they're pursuing this idea.
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