A master swordsman?
He's a fat guy with a stick who practices a martial art he learned from a book. Hyperbole is the saving grace of nonsense.
Sorry but if Eastman is a "Master swordsman" then Star Wars kid is a "Master Jedi".
Well.... he whipped Morgan's *** with it, but not a walker... that he saw many many feet away with his stick in hand?
I find it's best not to overthink that stuff, honestly. Whether he died this way or that, it accomplishes the same thing in the end. *shrugs*
Yeah.... I probably do overthink stuff.... then everyone sees it as complaining and seem to get angry at me. I do bring up valid points whether some want to admit it or not. I just think this show has the potential to be one of the greatest shows on tv and it makes me angry that the writers/directors can't see this through. No matter how much I complain... I still do like the show. My complaining should be seen as passion...
we have seen other people be in "distress" or be distracted by something else. All of the main characters have been at a point where they were distracted by something and a Jump Scare walker comes out. Most of the "Jump Scare" scares on the entire show are from zombies surprising the main cast,
It just seems weird that after 5 seasons they are still relying on this kind of crap. I know at the end his outcome was the same, but given that they made such a cool new character with such an interesting story, It is a shame they didn't give him a better attack. (specially since he was so skilled)
It might not matter now since we are still waiting for the conclusion of this entire story. but on repeat views that scene is going to stick out for being so sloppy.
I mean, that walker attack was as dumb as this scene![]()
I agree completely.
So.......none of you who are complaining have ever done something stupid where you've gotten hurt? I have, may times.

I'm not stupid so I don't get hurt.