The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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At first I thought it was blood but after watching it a few time I think it's a split in the metal wall forming from all the pressure of the walkers up against it. If metal gets worked back and forth enough it will split. It's going to open up allowing the walkers a way in to cull the Alexandrians.

I thought it was blood running down the wall, in that case did assume Ron or spencer are in trouble
I thought it was blood running down the wall, in that case did assume Ron or spencer are in trouble

I figure it's the metal giving way which makes sense story wise. They showed us the hidden tunnel and I bet they will have to use it to get out once all the walkers overrun the compound. It's going to be The Farm all over again. Alexandria gets flooded with walkers and the team gets split up again. Only thing missing is a barn for Glen to stagger out of ala Sophia.
And so it should. But it just doesn't seem to go like that in this thread at all.

Why can't we simply disagree with the points someone is making about the show without the additional inferences and remarks about the people who are making the comments.

Ultimately this is pointless, I know, even if a small subset of people come to a peaceful understanding and truce - this is an open forum - any randomer can come in and upset the balance and start off more ***t.
My main gripe is certain people seem like they just want to stir the ****. They have nothing good to say about the show, even though they say they like it. My question is why watch it then?why go into a thread dedicated to the show and bad mouth it to the true fans? I mean if you're talking about pointless things that seems pointless to me.
My main gripe is certain people seem like they just want to stir the ****. They have nothing good to say about the show, even though they say they like it. My question is why watch it then?why go into a thread dedicated to the show and bad mouth it to the true fans? I mean if you're talking about pointless things that seems pointless to me.


One or two this shows blows comments, no problem, but endless negative multi word essays... **** man don't watch it
I enjoyed seeing Deanna, after spending the past few episodes in a daze, start to get her **** back together. I can't wait to see Spencer bite it, however. Just when he begins to display a redeeming quality, he has to go and piss it all away.
I enjoyed seeing Deanna, after spending the past few episodes in a daze, start to get her **** back together. I can't wait to see Spencer bite it, however. Just when he begins to display a redeeming quality, he has to go and piss it all away.

I don't know why but at the end I thought Deanna was going to open the gates. I thought she had totally lost it.
I don't know why but at the end I thought Deanna was going to open the gates. I thought she had totally lost it.

I thought the same thing. That's why I think it's the wall starting to split that we see at the end. Maybe the walkers' fingers are bleeding from prying at it.
I thought the same thing. That's why I think it's the wall starting to split that we see at the end. Maybe the walkers' fingers are bleeding from prying at it.

Either that or the walkers in the front are being crushed to a pulp from the ones in the back pushing so hard. Walls coming down. Not a question of if but when.
Uhhh no, I'm a guy. I hardly see how my gender would make any difference with my thoughts on the episode anyway.

You hated the episode and that's fine. You have your opinion, and I have mine. Cool? Cool.

Relax, dude, I'm just messing with you. :lol You're more than welcome to your opinion. xD

Personally, I see nothing wrong with expressing one's opinion about the show, whether they're negative or positive.

My main gripe is certain people seem like they just want to stir the ****. They have nothing good to say about the show, even though they say they like it. My question is why watch it then?why go into a thread dedicated to the show and bad mouth it to the true fans? I mean if you're talking about pointless things that seems pointless to me.

As I stated above.

So what are you trying say? A fan can't express their disappointment? I've followed this show since season one and the writing has changed immensely. I continue watching hoping the writers will redeem themselves from from the occasional slop they're giving us. Those articles Jedi posted, my gosh I agree with most of what they said. I felt like the majority of what we watched in this episode was uncreative and just plain lazy. The fact that we weren't shown how Rick escaped that predicament in the RV with the walkers was unacceptable. I agree that that would've been more exciting than what was given to us.

At the same time, I'm not going to attack those who truly enjoyed the episode. I just didn't and certainly don't plan on re-watching it, either.
Relax, dude, I'm just messing with you. :lol You're more than welcome to your opinion. xD

Personally, I see nothing wrong with expressing one's opinion about the show, whether they're negative or positive.

I'm sorry, dude. I must have missed the joke (bad case of the Mondays today :lol) Looking back, it was stupid of me to respond like that. No hard feelings. :duff
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I don't believe the wall is about to give way, I believe that blood is coming from either one of the night watchmen or from someone trying to scale the wall. The latter seems highly improbable but I wouldn't rule it out.
Relax, dude, I'm just messing with you. :lol You're more than welcome to your opinion. xD

Personally, I see nothing wrong with expressing one's opinion about the show, whether they're negative or positive.

As I stated above.

So what are you trying say? A fan can't express their disappointment? I've followed this show since season one and the writing has changed immensely. I continue watching hoping the writers will redeem themselves from from the occasional slop they're giving us. Those articles Jedi posted, my gosh I agree with most of what they said. I felt like the majority of what we watched in this episode was uncreative and just plain lazy. The fact that we weren't shown how Rick escaped that predicament in the RV with the walkers was unacceptable. I agree that that would've been more exciting than what was given to us.

At the same time, I'm not going to attack those who truly enjoyed the episode. I just didn't and certainly don't plan on re-watching it, either.
Are you really a fan of the show if by your own words the writing has changed immensely from season 1? That the only reason you watch is to see if it gets better? Gee, I may give it a season to see if it gets better but this many seasons? Ya know I can't say that I've never noticed your name in this thread. That tells me you haven't been too boisterous either way. But when others say they like the show so much, but their post is filled with negativity, hate for the characters, hate for the writing, just out and out hate, well it gets kind of old after while. And yes it makes me wonder why someone would continue to watch something they clearly hate. I find myself posting less and less in this thread because of reading the negativity. To me it's getting easier to ignore the whole thread then continue to read the constant bashing of it by people who pick every little bit apart that doesn't make sense. Remember people, it's a show about reanimated corpses. Once you accept that, the rest is icing on the cake.