Super Freak
I'm more in Maggie's corner than ever after seeing her run last night.
I am not attacked for my opinion yet? Wow. Thanks guys. First time in weeks.
I'm just hoping he doesn't off his hot mom, but I do think he will end up killing one of the main characters, maybe even Carol herself.
TWD jumped the shark. Total ********, Glenn surviving all that.
The sucky thing is the show's creators can pull this **** on us again whenever they want with creative editing and camera angles.
Comic spoiler:
I guess when Negan shows up with his bat and bashes Glen over the head, it will turn out to be a (Surprise!) watermelon.
Wow what? Haven't you ever seen Major League?
I don't think it's going to be Glenn, since he just survived this. Maybe everyone's favorite Hick
Yup. Or the fact that Nicholas' was lying on top of him horizontal meaning that Glenn's legs were fully exposed but never once got scratched or bitten. Whatever.
Wow what? Haven't you ever seen Major League?
screw his legs. What about his head while he was screaming when they first fell and Nicholas was being ripped open?
I'm more in Maggie's corner than ever after seeing her run last night.