The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Watching Talking Dead and seeing Steven Yeun's reaction and facial expression, I'm guessing (75%) Glenn will die this season.
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I liked last night's episode especially at the end! :panic::panic::panic:

Yup. Or the fact that Nicholas' was lying on top of him horizontal meaning that Glenn's legs were fully exposed but never once got scratched or bitten. Whatever.
Excellent episode, and a perfect setup for the MSF next week! :clap

I wasn't too surprised by Glenn's survival, which played out almost exactly like I thought it would...still a good scene though. I'm just happy that Glenn is alive. I still can't decide if I like Enid or not, but Ron on the other hand...he's a little weasel. The episode did a terrific job setting him up for the MSF. At this point, it's obvious what will happen. I'm just anxious to see it play out.

With regard to the opposing philosophies of Rick and Morgan, I fully sympathize with both characters, and I really enjoyed the scene where they all talk. I love how compelling the writers have made Morgan's viewpoint, in sharp contrast with Rick's and Carol's. At the end of the day though, I still think Rick is right. What Rick was wrong about, however, was yelling at Tara like that (despite Spencer being a complete moron)...and I think he totally deserved that middle finger. I'm just glad Rick apologized later.

The end was very well handled. The balloons on the horizon and Maggie rejoicing, followed by the tower coming down and crushing the wall, as the cheerful background music continues to play. It was as if the episode was trying to maintain that moment of happiness as long as possible, before complete chaos ensues next week. Superb ending.

If the MSF closely follows the climax of "No Way Out" from the comics, then next week has the potential to be one of the episodes of the whole show. If not THE best. I can't wait for the inevitable carnage, and I'm really anxious to see how the heavy hitters outside the walls (Glenn, Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha) will play their parts in demolishing the herd. I can't wait to see Abraham with that RPG, along with all of the hilarious dialogue that will accompany it. :lol Comic prediction...

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Yup. Or the fact that Nicholas' was lying on top of him horizontal meaning that Glenn's legs were fully exposed but never once got scratched or bitten. Whatever.

Is it really that important?

But, supposing that it is, did you see the horse's legs getting stripped in the final scene of the first episode when the Atlanta herd converged on it? Was that what they went for first, or did they aim for real meat? Nicholas's abdomen is freshly torn open, and they're going after Glenn's smelly boot?

The sucky thing is the show's creators can pull this **** on us again whenever they want with creative editing and camera angles.

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Operating on the same ''suppose it's important'' basis - if you were a zombie who just physically couldn't get access to the really good stuff, would not you at least try to take a chunk out of the flailing legs? Walkers haven't seemed particularly choosy in the past, they pretty much bite whatever they can reach with their mouth first. So this seems selectively inconsistent and convenient in that way.

For me the very best and most plausible in-universe explanation is.....happenstance - sheer luck. I think Mister Ski said, back when this was originally being argued, ''strange ***t can happen sometimes'' - not his exact quote. I can even accept that...if it doesn't happen so often that all stakes and sense of danger are removed from the show.

But look if this sort of thing isn't important to you, it isn't important.

I haven't watched the latest yet, I'll see it tonight.
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I'm betting Carols words to Sam (i think thats his name) will come back to haunt her. Something like killing to not become a monster. That was a wtf thing to say to a not very bright kid.
But look if this sort of thing isn't important to you, it isn't important.

There's also the matter of how much time is available for it to happen, what the spatial relationships make possible, etc. A vulnerable limb on the ground has a better chance of not getting bit if the walkers are upright than if they were crawling because the distance is favorable.
The sucky thing is the show's creators can pull this **** on us again whenever they want with creative editing and camera angles.

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"Did someone say watermelon??"

There's also the matter of how much time is available for it to happen, what the spatial relationships make possible, etc. A vulnerable limb on the ground has a better chance of not getting bit if the walkers are upright than if they were crawling because the distance is favorable.

I can accept that. I'd still have to count myself very lucky if I was Glen. There could easily have been crawling walkers in this situation, knocked over by other walkers etc etc. I hope they actually acknowledge the unlikelihood of his escape in the show and they could do something with him being traumatised having managed to escape a situation where even he thought he was certainly going to die the same kind of horrible death that he has seen so many times.
I'm betting Carols words to Sam (i think thats his name) will come back to haunt her. Something like killing to not become a monster. That was a wtf thing to say to a not very bright kid.

I was kind of wondering about that as well. I can see him knocking somebody off soon... and then.... "Look at the flowers Sam."
I'm just hoping he doesn't off his hot mom, but I do think he will end up killing one of the main characters, maybe even Carol herself.
Jessie is the hottest chick on the show in my opinion. Personaly, I'd dig seeing her become like Andrea from the comics. I don't think that's going to happen though.