The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Normally I'd think swearing is a bit unnecessary, in this case I'd have to agree its needed. It really is a big part of his character, much like Deb, Dexter's sister, on Dexter. Considering they can at least get ONE per season like Breaking Bad did (and why they didn't in the train car is beyond me when they put it on the DVD) I'd expect them to use that with his intro at least.

I mean really, how can a show with very graphic violence and gore not be able to swear a bit? I mean its just not that big of a deal, especially with all of the warnings they give before the show starts anyway. Even if they're bleeped, let them fly.
swearing is not even allowed here :lol (While pictures of rotting zombies are allowed here lol)

its the same with the show and tv
Normally I'd think swearing is a bit unnecessary, in this case I'd have to agree its needed. It really is a big part of his character, much like Deb, Dexter's sister, on Dexter. Considering they can at least get ONE per season like Breaking Bad did (and why they didn't in the train car is beyond me when they put it on the DVD) I'd expect them to use that with his intro at least.

I mean really, how can a show with very graphic violence and gore not be able to swear a bit? I mean its just not that big of a deal, especially with all of the warnings they give before the show starts anyway. Even if they're bleeped, let them fly.

That is STILL baffling to me. Could have been one of the most iconic scenes in TWD and they completely botch it.
I remember watching that scene. It could have been brilliant, it was building up to it but the lack the f bomb killed any sense of realism and intensity.

This sums it up real good. That scene was a season killer for me. They build that one moment up from the beginning and it just ends in disappointment.
This sums it up real good. That scene was a season killer for me. They build that one moment up from the beginning and it just ends in disappointment.

It's just strange that the TV guys wouldn't allow the f word there but then the scene after that (Season 5 opening) shows people having their throats cut. Are swear words worse to hear than it is to see bloody and graphic violence?
That is very good to hear. He doesn't drop a few f bombs.... the character is ruined for me. His colorful language is part of who he is.

Agreed. :duff It wouldn't be Negan without the F-bombs. I'd prefer that the actual word be aired, but I'd even be satisfied if they simply bleeped them all out. As long as the unedited version is provided for the DVD release.

Normally I'd think swearing is a bit unnecessary, in this case I'd have to agree its needed. It really is a big part of his character, much like Deb, Dexter's sister, on Dexter. Considering they can at least get ONE per season like Breaking Bad did (and why they didn't in the train car is beyond me when they put it on the DVD) I'd expect them to use that with his intro at least.

I mean really, how can a show with very graphic violence and gore not be able to swear a bit? I mean its just not that big of a deal, especially with all of the warnings they give before the show starts anyway. Even if they're bleeped, let them fly.

I agree, especially considering the advanced warnings about ***************. TWD can show people being ripped limb from limb, devoured, decapitated with a katana, hacked to death with a machete, exsanguinated after having their throats slit, and getting their throats bitten out by an enraged father as his son was about to be raped, but they can't drop an F-bomb or two? I find it quite silly.

Regarding the train car scene specifically, I admit I was slightly disappointed with the way the line was delivered. I remember how excited I was as soon as Rick said "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out" and Abraham replied, "Find out what?" because I instantly recognized that exchange from the comics, only to be disappointed that the iconic line had been changed. Even the actors thought the swearing would have been more appropriate in that situation...I remember reading an interview shortly after the Season 4 finale aired in which Andrew Lincoln himself talked about how he almost refused to do the take with "screwing" because "f-ing" was so much better.
the only shows that have 20 seasons are soap operas. Not even the mexican soap operas run that long and they are dramatic and over the top as hell :lol
I only know of the American Soap Operas and to be honest that would be awful, AND the show would be nothing like the show we know today. it would be completely different.

Most good shows have around 10 seasons or so I think, I know there is enough material for many more seasons, but the comics have a different speed the show does,
And the show stalls a lot which is pretty not that good.
The only way I could see the show lasting a long time is if they changed the way the show is done. if they didn't stall so much. maybe if the show catch up to the comics faster.

Won't happen with this show, but The Simpsons is on Season 25 or 26, I believe. Though, Simpsons needed to be put out of its misery after season 10.

As far as Carl being Han Solo goes, don't destroy the character by making him a whiny teenager, Han solo needs to be an adult when we meet him. You want to start him off in his 20's? Fine. Just don't make him some awkward teenager, or, worse yet, a 10 year old child. It didn't work out for Vader, won't work for Solo.
Won't happen with this show, but The Simpsons is on Season 25 or 26, I believe. Though, Simpsons needed to be put out of its misery after season 10.

As far as Carl being Han Solo goes, don't destroy the character by making him a whiny teenager, Han solo needs to be an adult when we meet him. You want to start him off in his 20's? Fine. Just don't make him some awkward teenager, or, worse yet, a 10 year old child. It didn't work out for Vader, won't work for Solo.

I agree with you regarding The Simpsons. :slap

TV shows are good when they last 3 or 4 seasons. I find that most TV shows/series start to wan after the 3rd or 4th season. They lack that intensity it once had. I can list a few but I'll save that for another time lol.

Why would they have Han Solo play a teenager when he is an older man in The Force Awakens? Are they looking to pull the PT again? If Coral gets the role as Han Solo he may very well be in his early twenties. I can't see them coming out with another movie after this release so soon. I'd personally like to see him play Anakin again to have us forget Hayden Christensen. :lol
Imagine trying to quote negan on here...
You would get banned lol

I do not think negan will curse that much
But maybe on the DVD negan will curse a lot.

Maybe they will record all his scenes twice.

I would accept that,
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New McFarlane Negan statue coming in March -
I am not a big Negan fan either.....Governor part II anyone?

Personally I think the story they are working in the comics currently is much more interesting.

The idea of society starting over again, and all the groups and their successful ways of surviving in this world, and trying to get along, is by far the most interesting idea Kirkman has had in a while.

They will use the Negan story to further this idea Gimble is pushing that everyone is redeemable.....even Negan.
Hate Negan?

I can't...

I don't...

What in the...

Love the character, but the statue is just OK. I have Rick and Michonne so I will get this one, but the pose is pretty boring for me compared to the other 2.