The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Oh, there have been breadcrumbs leading up to this, just not in that typical rom com setting where most love stories play out.
Not once, not even for a moment since the introduction on Michone did I ever think Rick and her would hook up. The show never even gave a whisper it would do this. So I was very surprised last night when it hit us all at once. To be honest my first impression was “ No…no…no...don't go there please!!!”

Not sure how I feel. I have always liked the relationship of I'll be there for you (I have your back) but I have no intention of ****ing you!!

That is what I thought initially too. But looking back I can see how it has been something they have been setting up since season 4 when they back to Rick's neighborhood and get attacked by Morgan. Then when they are held up in the barn in season 5. It's been a slow burn and I can see it now.
I don't have a problem with them hooking up, but story wise I fear that this will eventually lead to the end of Michonnes character on the show. Once they explore the relationship, inevitably the writers or producers will feel the need to move on, so Michonne would either leave the group or die.
I don't have a problem with them hooking up, but story wise I fear that this will eventually lead to the end of Michonnes character on the show. Once they explore the relationship, inevitably the writers or producers will feel the need to move on, so Michonne would either leave the group or die.

They've said that the relationship is defintely a picked up piece of Andrea's storyline from the comic. Who knows how closely they'll follow if though.
Tunnel Vision for me as I never even picked up on any breadcrumbs. When I look back and think of the times R & M looked into each others eyes it translated to me as “this is someone I can trust, my inner circle”. Never I wonder how she/he would be in the sack.

I guess now if I go back and watch previous seasons those moments will be seen much more differently now. Based on this one episode and the surprise reveal, my second thought was M is going to die and I don’t care. Which is funny because is it was all about "this is someone I can trust” I don’t want M to die.

I guess its true guys and girls can’t be friends!
I enjoyed this episode. They got the humour spot on, Rick and Darly showed genuine human instincts and not just post-zombie personalities.

The introduction of Jesus was great, I'm not sure how the character progresses from here, good or bad?... but I hope he gets some decent character development and isn't just another expendable deus ex machina.

Rick and Michonne getting it on was done well too, credit to both actors as you could feel the chemistry of 'love' and fondness for eachother.
Did anyone else see the family photo of Carl & Judith at the beginning of the episode?
Where did they find time to take a black & white photo and where did they develop it?
It wasn't a Polaroid either!
The show could do with more of that humour. It was a nice change of pace from repetitious sombre character drama or relentless zombie-killing. Loved that Rick and Michonne got it on, nice scene. And the Rick/Daryl buddy dynamic is very good.
Tunnel Vision for me as I never even picked up on any breadcrumbs. When I look back and think of the times R & M looked into each others eyes it translated to me as “this is someone I can trust, my inner circle”. Never I wonder how she/he would be in the sack.

I guess now if I go back and watch previous seasons those moments will be seen much more differently now. Based on this one episode and the surprise reveal, my second thought was M is going to die and I don’t care. Which is funny because is it was all about "this is someone I can trust” I don’t want M to die.

I guess its true guys and girls can’t be friends!

Sure they can, but when there's constant death around you and the pickings are slim, that good friend starts looking reaaaal good. :lol
Your Daryl fanboy underoos are showing.....
he is the only survivalist on the show, the only one that knows how to track and properly hunt.
Hes the only "Redneck Survialist" on the show....

I think Michonne, Carol, Rick, Glenn Heck even Carl would be classified as survivors......One does not have to be a survivalist to survive....Look at Eugene.

that help the group and helped the story many times
he developed a friendship with carol, he saved beth, he developed a friendship with beth. you might take that for granted but that did advance the story
he joined the claimers and we got to have a new storyline with them, thats not nothing
he saved rick and carl when he got bet up for them

Nothing you list here actually advances Daryl as a CHARACTER...hes just a tool in these examples to further the developmetn of other the swiss army knife of the group.

The closest he came to actual character development was in Beth's arc. He was interacting with her differently , and her death obviously affected him (for one scene of one episode)....

But then he just went back to being the skilled every man, with a leather jacket. Don't get me wrong, I like Daryl, he's fun, but as far as a developing character....he's often stale and very predictable. Throw the character a real curve ball and see what happens. I mean , we can watch a stoic wooden character all the time and not eventually find him boring?

Personally , its starting to seem to me the most interesting thing about him is going to be his death and the reaction to it....

Whats most annoying is they will keep him just the way he is, because they do not want to upset the delicate fan base that is devoted to TWD just because of him. The will never change him because anything they do could upset the Daryliets and lower ratings.

I was really hoping he was gonna move in with Aaron and turn out to be gay. (I think its still possible he is)
Rick and Michonne getting it on was done well too, credit to both actors as you could feel the chemistry of 'love' and fondness for eachother.

Ermmmm....imma have to disagree with you on this one.

So, okay, this show is notorious by now for sometimes following comic storylines, but switching up the characters to whom certain things happen. I have read the comics from the beginning, so I was a little surprised (and frankly disappointed in myself) for not having picked up on the fact that they were setting up Michonne to essentially be the 'Andrea' in Rick's nuclear little family.

When it happened (and then I subsequently learned that there are a gazillion people who have been rooting for 'Richonne' to happen) I didn't necessarily like it and I had to ask myself why. Flashing back to earlier seasons, moments between Rick and Michonne, Michonne and suddenly made PERFECT sense. Perfect. But why it is so stuck in my craw?


I'm sorry for anyone who thinks otherwise, but I didn't feel the heat from either of these two during that scene whatsoever. In fact, what others may have seen as 'love' and fondness for one another, (perhaps that giggle of Michonne's as they looked at each other?) I saw as two people about a half second away from bursting into laughter and exclaiming 'What the HELL are we about to do?!'

Sorry folks. 'Richonne' is cold. Chemistry can't be faked, and it CAN'T be acted and when it's missing, it's hella obvious. (and don't get me wrong, I'm disappointed as heck that I don't feel it with these two)