The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Did anyone else see the family photo of Carl & Judith at the beginning of the episode?
Where did they find time to take a black & white photo and where did they develop it?
It wasn't a Polaroid either!

That was to show some time has passed since the last episode. Carl was practically on death's door then and then he was fine in this one. They showed last season they can develop pictures in Alexandria because Aaron has some of Alexandria in his pack - the one the Wolves found.
Ermmmm....imma have to disagree with you on this one.

So, okay, this show is notorious by now for sometimes following comic storylines, but switching up the characters to whom certain things happen. I have read the comics from the beginning, so I was a little surprised (and frankly disappointed in myself) for not having picked up on the fact that they were setting up Michonne to essentially be the 'Andrea' in Rick's nuclear little family.

When it happened (and then I subsequently learned that there are a gazillion people who have been rooting for 'Richonne' to happen) I didn't necessarily like it and I had to ask myself why. Flashing back to earlier seasons, moments between Rick and Michonne, Michonne and suddenly made PERFECT sense. Perfect. But why it is so stuck in my craw?


I'm sorry for anyone who thinks otherwise, but I didn't feel the heat from either of these two during that scene whatsoever. In fact, what others may have seen as 'love' and fondness for one another, (perhaps that giggle of Michonne's as they looked at each other?) I saw as two people about a half second away from bursting into laughter and exclaiming 'What the HELL are we about to do?!'

Sorry folks. 'Richonne' is cold. Chemistry can't be faked, and it CAN'T be acted and when it's missing, it's hella obvious. (and don't get me wrong, I'm disappointed as heck that I don't feel it with these two)

I saw it just fine. The way she looked at him sometimes. I think for most of it, it was on her side, not his, but when the moment hit, her giggles and smiles was showing that it wasn't just lust, it was "yay he finally feels it too." I loved that she smiled. :)

Nothing cold about it to me.
Richonne? Looks like Yvette got her wish.

I felt the chemistry. I would have like to seen more of a build up but I can go with it.

I'm not sure that planting obvious build-up in preceding episodes would have been the best move. Perhaps better to have people reacting like ''oh wow, look what's happening here'' instead of ''yeah yeah yeah I see where you're going, get on with it will you''. And it's not like it was totally implausible, given the things they've been through together and her relationship with Coral.
I knew Rick and Michonne were going to hook up from day 1. I know a lot of you felt it was force and out of the blue but if you look back at the way they talk to each other and how Michonne acts like a mother figure towards Carl and Judith. It totally makes sense. Rick and Michonne show they care and love each other no matter what and are there as you could tell. It was meant to happen and I was so happy when it finally did. The hinting was there you just have to pay attention and look. It was a matter of time.
okay so who is Jesus in the comics? Does he work for Negan?

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Sorry folks. 'Richonne' is cold. Chemistry can't be faked, and it CAN'T be acted and when it's missing, it's hella obvious. (and don't get me wrong, I'm disappointed as heck that I don't feel it with these two)

I agree. The platonic-to-romantic relationship was abrupt and forced but it may hint the direction the writers are going in with Negan just around the corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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I wasn't surprised one bit about Richonne. I actually have 0 feelings about it either way. I'm still erked that Jesse is dead though.
Jesus is......

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​FX still allowing F-bombs to be thrown out there. AMC may allow it during late night repeats anyway.
​FX still allowing F-bombs to be thrown out there. AMC may allow it during late night repeats anyway.


Robert Krikman
Comic creator, exec producer
“I would say that there are certain words that try as I might, we are not allowed to say on AMC, and those are certain words that Negan likes to say. So those words are going to be filmed, and people are going to be able to get those words, but there are definitely some broadcast limitations that we’re going to have to deal with. We’re sorting that out now, but I will say that, worst-case scenario, the extras will be extra-special on Blu-ray. I mean, we’re trying to explore some other more interesting options, but that’s the bare minimum of what we’ll be doing.”

Scott M. Gimple
Showrunner, exec producer
“I’m still finishing up season 6, so there are still aspects of these questions that I’m figuring out. But I will say that my goal is for, at the very least, in some way — might not be all the time, and it might not even be directly through your TV box — that people will be able to get full-octane Negan. I’m still playing around with it, but I will say I do have the material two ways right now. I’ll see what I can do with it. One way or another I want people to see full-octane Negan. Will I be able to shoot every scene like that? Probably not, but to tell you the truth, I think we will get as close to the version of full-octane Negan as we can through some version of the show or another.”

Greg Nicotero
Director, exec producer
[On if he shot Negan’s entrance in the season finale two ways] “That would be a very good guess. We’ve talked about that. Even back when Michael Cudlitz was cast as Abraham we were like, ‘Damn, how are we going to deal with Abraham’s dialogue?’ And I think Gimple went, ‘Yeah, Abraham’s dialogue is fine. It’s Negan that we’re going to have problems with because every other word of Negan’s is f—.’ There is a rhythm to it that even in some of the takes that we did. What I affectionately call the ‘f— takes’ have a completely different rhythm to them and a completely different feel. So while editing it, I was very careful to make sure that I preserved a lot of the performance without getting myself into trouble with the profanity.”

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The Walking Dead: Negan's entrance was filmed two different ways |