The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Well, guess that answers everyone's questions. No F-bombs for those who want them. I would rather if they did film the language for the dvds that they just have unedited versions rather than just putting it in extras. Extras like that are dumb, IMO.
is anyone surprised :lol

Welp, it's ovah. We'll have a watered down Negan like the Governor. Comic book fans will get peeved while the non-comic book fans will probably view him as another "Governor" for our heroes to deal with. :lol

Well, guess that answers everyone's questions. No F-bombs for those who want them. I would rather if they did film the language for the dvds that they just have unedited versions rather than just putting it in extras. Extras like that are dumb, IMO.

And I agree with this. Why add them as extras? I haven't purchased any of the DVDs but it seems pointless to me to have one little clip of them saying the F-word, seriously? Bleh.
I would be ok with edited version airing at the regular time if they had unedited versions that would air at like 1am that we could record or something. I still don't see why it's ok to show the gore and violence that they do but then not be able to all out curse...pretty messed up, lol.
They should flex their muscles, the money they pull in? I am sure the powers that be can get Negan talking...

They had BOTH Windows and Apple as sponsors last view....
Well, guess that answers everyone's questions. No F-bombs for those who want them. I would rather if they did film the language for the dvds that they just have unedited versions rather than just putting it in extras. Extras like that are dumb, IMO.

So what are we getting, will Negan be saying the word 'screw' every other sentence or will the f word be beeped out?

I'd rather they just film the scene with no bad language and put their efforts into that.
Negan in the show is going to be PG-13 Negan-light :lol.

I really don't understand why TWD can't have swearing. There's brutal, unadulterated killing in some episodes. It's not a show for kids, any way you look at it.
The F word thing is certainly strange. That's a general American thing though, I take it?

this is how it goes with ratings, (Movie ratings, TV ratings or even Music ratings)

80% of people watching the show might not care about cursing, or about nudity... 80% might be completely ok with Negan cursing a lot and stuff. okay good.

but then there is that 20% that always has a stick up their bum, that 20% that gets offended by everything, that seems a problem with a nipple showing on tv.

That's the 20% the channel is scared of, the 20% that might send letters to their sponsors, that 20% that will try to get the show banned on twitter, that will make a huge fuzz over the F word.

everyone might be all like "Why does that 20% of people matter? F them, who cares...
but the channel cares, because they might be small in numbers, but they are loud and they are relentless.

Ill give you one example, at Universal Studios, for their horror Halloween event in October, they had actors working in a PURGE scary street zone, (Making Universal look like in the movie)
one actress called a girl a beach and a whore.
that lady was fired from her job, Universal had to give an apology and the actors in the street of the event were not allowed to curse anymore.

So yeah, thousands and thousands of people were totally fine with that actress saying bad words, but it took ONE Angry mom to get that lady fired. ONE

so there you go, that's why we cant have nice things. the loud minority ruins everything (Specially now in this politically correct world we live in)

You can even apply that to this forum. 90% of us might be okay with using curse words. but the forum cant, on the chance that there might be ONE really young kid reading these posts.
The language thing is a old mans war from the puritanical early days of network TV. Its a powerful voodoo curse type thing for the TV producer crowds. Its considered low brow and distasteful.

It will eventually fall, as the violence nudity and swearing limits have gradually been relaxed....the FBomb is going to eventually be accepted along with the other 7 unspeakable......

But its going to take a show with alot of power or one with nothing to lose to do it.

Personally Negan does t really need the swearing if portrayed correctly . Its would be a nice and funny addition to the character , but definitely not need to show his psychotic nature.
The language thing is a old mans war from the puritanical early days of network TV. Its a powerful voodoo curse type thing for the TV producer crowds. Its considered low brow and distasteful.

It will eventually fall, as the violence nudity and swearing limits have gradually been relaxed....the FBomb is going to eventually be accepted along with the other 7 unspeakable......

But its going to take a show with alot of power or one with nothing to lose to do it.

Personally Negan does t really need the swearing if portrayed correctly . Its would be a nice and funny addition to the character , but definitely not need to show his psychotic nature.

it would only fall if cursing became the norm. If everyone did it. if you could say the F word while ordering McDonalds or at church..

Personally I Think TV in general will end first before cursing or nudity are allowed on tv. I think Cable will bankrupt before that happens.
this is how it goes with ratings, (Movie ratings, TV ratings or even Music ratings)

80% of people watching the show might not care about cursing, or about nudity... 80% might be completely ok with Negan cursing a lot and stuff. okay good.

but then there is that 20% that always has a stick up their bum, that 20% that gets offended by everything, that seems a problem with a nipple showing on tv.

That's the 20% the channel is scared of, the 20% that might send letters to their sponsors, that 20% that will try to get the show banned on twitter, that will make a huge fuzz over the F word.

everyone might be all like "Why does that 20% of people matter? F them, who cares...
but the channel cares, because they might be small in numbers, but they are loud and they are relentless.

Ill give you one example, at Universal Studios, for their horror Halloween event in October, they had actors working in a PURGE scary street zone, (Making Universal look like in the movie)
one actress called a girl a beach and a whore.
that lady was fired from her job, Universal had to give an apology and the actors in the street of the event were not allowed to curse anymore.

So yeah, thousands and thousands of people were totally fine with that actress saying bad words, but it took ONE Angry mom to get that lady fired. ONE

so there you go, that's why we cant have nice things. the loud minority ruins everything (Specially now in this politically correct world we live in)

You can even apply that to this forum. 90% of us might be okay with using curse words. but the forum cant, on the chance that there might be ONE really young kid reading these posts.

In the UK there are countless TV programmes, movies (on after 9pm, of course) that are full of the F word, among others. I was guessing that the reason TWD isn't allowed to use the F word is because the U.S. has different rules.
In the UK there are countless TV programmes, movies (on after 9pm, of course) that are full of the F word, among others. I was guessing that the reason TWD isn't allowed to use the F word is because the U.S. has different rules.

I had only noticed the F word being used after 1am here, but FX has been using it at 10pm. It depends on the channel, I guess.