The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I heard that he survived way longer in the TV show than in the comics. I still wish they'd have had him either reconcile with Rick or leave on his own and then return at some point further down the line.
As I recall, Carl killed him and Rick buried him... returned to where he was buried a bit later, dug him up, and killed him again. :lol
Would have been a massive mistake to follow the comics in that respect. He was the most interesting character in the show, and probably the most well acted.
How long did Shane live in the comics?

Shane dies in issue #6 and that's before they even go to the barn. Still considered apart of Season one of the show.Shane wasn't a big character in the comics I'm glad the show kept him for another season. Jon Bernthal took the character in the right direction and season 2 is just a great one.
This is a show that prides itself in supposedly having a cast of characters that could go at any time. Their whole mantra is "no one is safe". Certainly doesn't seem that way after the past two seasons

None of he characters are interesting any more. What has Daryl done? What is he going through as a character? Carol, who used to be one of my favorite characters is finally at a point where they can't do anything else with her, and it shows. Here we are again with her leaving the group for the THIRD ****ing time. :lol Every season they all just go through the same revolving door with the same plot outline each and every episode. That's why I think a lot of people are excited for Negan, him and Lucille should change things up for the better. I hope most of the main cast get offed before season 7 mid-series finale.

Is there a source for this statement or is it your opinion? It sounds like opinion to me. This statement might be why there is such a great divide amongst posters here.

This post is directed at everyone who reads this thread...

In my opinion, this show is not about "no one is safe" and the show runners have never taken pride in that fact. This show is about survival against impossible odds. The zombies are the plot device to show how people react to situations. Do they adapt and learn to survive? Do they give up and die? Do they become stronger? Weaker? That is what makes this show so great IMO.

No we haven't lost any "main" characters in the last 2 seasons, but we could have at any given minute. It seems like people feel cheated or bored when that doesn't happen. I just don't get it. If waiting for a main character to die is all that keeps you coming back to watch, then you are missing out on everything else the show has to offer.

I think the characters are incredibly interesting and constantly evolving. Carol is one of the most compelling characters on the show. She is showing signs of cracking under the huge burden of having taken human lives. How is that boring? Daryl still hasn't fully opened up to the group. He is damaged and there is still plenty left for the writers to explore. I could go on and on, but if people aren't seeing that now, then I guess they never will.
Is there a source for this statement or is it your opinion? It sounds like opinion to me. This statement might be why there is such a great divide amongst posters here.

It is a fact from the creator himself.

"I wrote the comic for like eight years before the show even existed and uh you know I like to say 'people gots to die,' because you never want to lose that--what you were talking about--you know if you go too long a period with characters surviving and being safe then you lose that element of 'oh my god any of these characters could go at any moment.' That is a tremendously powerful engine that drives this whole thing and it is emotional."

Why Do So Many ‘Walking Dead’ Characters Have to Die?

What is your excuse now?
It's the ADD generation (no offense those of you who feel I am talking about you). If there isn't lots of stuff 'n' thangs they get bored. If anything deviates from any notions which they have cooked up on their own as "gospel" they feel slighted, cheated, or annoyed when the show goes in a different direction. These are the fans who don't like the group talking too much or staying in the same place too long because at that point it gets boring.

I also feel the opposite swings aroung just as hard. They get annoyed when they realize the show isn't high Skakespearean drama.

It's a comic serial and it's a soap opera. I know this. I guess that is probably why I enjoy it and don't feel my expectations dashed to pieces every week.

But hey, it takes all sorts I 'spose. :dunno
In my opinion, this show is not about "no one is safe" and the show runners have never taken pride in that fact.
LOL. Wrong. I need to post this again.

Why Do So Many ‘Walking Dead’ Characters Have to Die?

This show is about survival against impossible odds. The zombies are the plot device to show how people react to situations. Do they adapt and learn to survive? Do they give up and die? Do they become stronger? Weaker? That is what makes this show so great IMO.

No... people are and how people react drives the plot.....

No we haven't lost any "main" characters in the last 2 seasons, but we could have at any given minute. It seems like people feel cheated or bored when that doesn't happen. I just don't get it. If waiting for a main character to die is all that keeps you coming back to watch, then you are missing out on everything else the show has to offer.

It is boring when everyone is kept safe. What is so entertaining knowing that everyone will live on in a show that used to pride itself on the motto of no one is safe.

I could go on and on, but if people aren't seeing that now, then I guess they never will.

Please, continue on and tell us about all the characters that have evolved so much.
​Okay...why do you still watch the show, WWE? What do you like about it that keeps you watching it every week?
It would be more educational for Morgan to see a precious life being taken. He said the Wolf he tried to change saved Denise so she could be there to save Carl. It's nonsense. She wouldn't have been at risk if it hadn't been for the Wolf. Not all life is precious. Carol will learn too. The only reason she's having a hard time is because she does value life. She needs to make the connection between killing murderers and saving innocents.

Amen. The sooner she makes the connection...the better.
The woman's brain is revolting against her. Morgan's reasoning is like a chinese finger trap.

(And she's not acting scared. She's having panic attacks over having to kill.)

Just seems like some people get no enjoyment out of the show except waiting for main character deaths.

It's such a cheap sense of esthetics. Or, what WWEJedi said.

Please, continue on and tell us about all the characters that have evolved so much.

Who would bother when you've already declared your ignorance of the fact?
No.....we were talking about peeing in the shower and he posted a meme with him in it saying, "I don't always "poop" in the shower, but when I do, I stomp it down the drain. :lol

:lol I remember that, I even made a quick meme after King posted that! :lol


Found it! :lol

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You're warned Negan. With his new jail cell, the duke of death got his eye on you! Once you go black, you can't go back!! Alexandria got a new Warren.