The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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The only thing that would make it better IMO would be meaningful deaths...they have all been pretty spare this season
The only thing that would make it better IMO would be meaningful deaths...they have all been pretty spare this season

They need to develop other new characters first. I thought Jesus might be heavily developed but as of this season he's just been a character that simply moves the plot along. I'm not sure how his story goes but hopefully he gets some decent screen time in season 7.
Man, we could be in for a bloodbath next week. Walking Dead's Red Wedding? They've set up so many characters that could easily die next week!


And probably some I'm forgetting some as well! Any one of those would leave guilt-ridden or heart broken survivors behind, which I feel has been the set up the last half of this season. And for all we know, Daryl and Carol are already dead. :google

Season 7's opener could be a real downer, with Tara at a minimum, likely coming back to bad news.

And yet nobody will die.

If this show doesn't kill any characters off in the finale they are in it for the money, pure and simple. They are not in it to tell a story like Breaking Bad was, simply for the money which over time will dilute this show into mediocrity.

Has been a good season, but, I won't be going out of my way to watch this show anymore if something doesn't happen in the finale.
Of that 90 minute episode I'm guessing Negan will show up at about minute 88 or close to it. :lol

He shows up at 89 minutes and 45 seconds. 15 seconds of screen time with his back facing us is my guess.

Blood on the screen. Jesus this is more soapy than ever. Dwight boils my blood whenever he shows up and makes the regulars look like moronic amateurs. I really hope Daryl gets his caved in.

Can't disagree with this.
I want to say Daryl's arc ended seasons ago but did he ever really have one? All the love for him yet he is so one-dimensional it drives me crazy!
It's almost a pity this isn't the kinda show that can bring characters back from the dead....errrr.

Because if it was I'd love to see Shane back in the fold.
My prediction is that Rick will steal "Lucile" and beat Negan to death with it.... He will be on the show a total of 2 minutes. That would get people talking. :)
Nah, I usually ignore everything by you.

You should learn to deal with differing opinions. Or try to understand them. Or try to counter and question them. Instead you just do what a two year old does when he doesn't get ice cream. Sad. You make little snide remarks or comments. "Don't watch if you don't like," or some other stupid phrase. Not every episode of a show is going to be good. Not even every season of a show is going to be good.

How ironic will it be if I win your little game :lol:lol:lol
Wow. That anyone could be disappointed in he direction this season has taken just boggles my mind. Best season since season one, imo. don't understand! They have to kill a main character every week for it to be any good! It's just lame and boring other wise. :rolleyes2
Season 2 was the high point for me. Because of Shane.

The combination of the walker threat, the love triangle, the barn massacre, Sophia and Dale - season 2 was incredible.


Shane and Otis
18 Miles Out
Barn massacre
The herd and the fire
The Ricktatorship at the end.

Since 'Welcome to the Tombs' in S3, the show hasn't been as good in my opinion. It has had SOME good moments - but they are few and far between. Seasons 1 and 2 were constantly full of memorable and meaningful moments. Seasons 4, 5 and 6 have just plodded along. The Beth / hospital stuff is probably the lowest point so far. don't understand! They have to kill a main character every week for it to be any good! It's just lame and boring other wise. :rolleyes2

This is a show that prides itself in supposedly having a cast of characters that could go at any time. Their whole mantra is "no one is safe". Certainly doesn't seem that way after the past two seasons

None of he characters are interesting any more. What has Daryl done? What is he going through as a character? Carol, who used to be one of my favorite characters is finally at a point where they can't do anything else with her, and it shows. Here we are again with her leaving the group for the THIRD ****ing time. :lol Every season they all just go through the same revolving door with the same plot outline each and every episode. That's why I think a lot of people are excited for Negan, him and Lucille should change things up for the better. I hope most of the main cast get offed before season 7 mid-series finale.