The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Well, we saw Jon Snow Die, whether he stays dead is another question.

Exactly. Jon Snow was dead as can be when that camera faded to black. Anyone who thought otherwise was blind. The question is whether he'll stay dead (and the answer is fairly obvious, I think).

Sometimes it makes me sad to think how much better this show could be if Darabont was still involved.

He's dead. If Scott Gimple wants to introduce magic into the Walking Dead and bring back Shane and Hershel, that's different. :lol And magic that's been established for years and multiple seasons in Game of Thrones at that.

But the fact that nobody official has said he was dead (unless I missed it) its still a cliff hanger like this one was. I'm just saying that every show pulls stunts like this. I knew this one was coming so it was no shock and I'm fine with it.
:lol @ everyone whining about the cliffhanger.

I thought the season finale was good and the tension just fueled the story for me. I'm looking forward to season 7. :yess:

Why are you laughing at 90% of the people. You are in the minority. Majority hated it.

No matter who got killed, someone will complain that it wasn't another person.

Now they will. If they showed who died last night, they wouldn't. I wouldn't.

Those of you complaining act like this is the first show ever to end the season with a cliff hanger. MOST season finales have a cliff hanger.

And most shows don't build up a whole season plus and don't pull the trigger.

Instant gratification, you're not going to get it on this show and people should know that by now. :lol

Love the cliff hanger ending and love all the bitching and complaining about it. Suck it haters. :lol

What is there to suck?

Lol people will blindly defend all the crappy things this show does at times like these cat pee-smelling 38 year old fangirls at walker con.

You described them perfectly.

Except this wasn't a guess. You, like myself, are always in the SPOILER thread and we were all well aware of what was going down in the finale for the past two weeks.

Nice try though. :clap:

Honestly.... I only listened to the audio and read the last few lines of the 616 summary. Everything else was a guess. Nice try though, thinking you know what I read and think :clap
Rick always goes full p***y at the worst times. It's annoying. And what's with them picking a completely random direction to sprint to in the middle of the entire forest and that just HAPPENS to be wear Negan's entire army is waiting?

How did he go full *****? How would you react when you think that you, your son and your whole "family" are going to get killed and there isn't a thing you can do about it? I'd be ******** my pants. :lol

How did he go full *****? How would you react when you think that you, your son and your whole "family" are going to get killed and there isn't a thing you can do about it? I'd be ******** my pants. :lol

Rick bit a dudes throat or ear off (I forgot which) a few seasons ago... now he sits and cries. I'm not complaining.... but Khev has a point.
Yup. Don't cha just love it?

Although if people put some thought into it and used the clues we were given, they could narrow it down to 2 or 3 people.

Agreed. I've got it down to about that many people in my head. Now the wait until October. :panic:
Rick bit a dudes throat or ear off (I forgot which) a few seasons ago... now he sits and cries. I'm not complaining.... but Khev has a point.

And anything he did this time wold result in all their deaths in a matter of seconds. He was WAY overmatched here.
Those of you complaining act like this is the first show ever to end the season with a cliff hanger. MOST season finales have a cliff hanger.
And most shows don't build up a whole season plus and don't pull the trigger.[/QUOTE]
They didn't build a whole season up though. If it weren't for the comic and the spoiler thread no one would know that a major character was going to be killed by Neegan now would they. It would be a cliff hanger just like countless other shows to grab the viewers interest and make them tune into the next season.
And it's not like it was a final episode.

And anything he did this time wold result in all their deaths in a matter of seconds. He was WAY overmatched here.

It was pretty much Rick's fault. One of them was going to die and he couldn't do anything about it. He went through hell to gain the confidence that brought him to defend the Hilltop and they all got screwed. On top of that, the Saviors mind****ed him first.

Abraham wasn't a mess because he didn't have guilt to swallow, along with mortal fear.

I get nothing out of guessing who died, but I didn't need that information to be affected by the kill. I don't understand why the enlightened majority/lowest common denominator is so upset.
But the fact that nobody official has said he was dead (unless I missed it) its still a cliff hanger like this one was. I'm just saying that every show pulls stunts like this. I knew this one was coming so it was no shock and I'm fine with it.

All Kit has done is say that Jon Snow is dead. Repeatedly. I hope he is lying :rotfl
Can we all be in agreement that Rick is an AWFUL leader?
He stepped down as leader before while at the prison.
He makes a deal with a community of people who are weak and can't defend themselves to go kill some guy they don't know!
They don't say how many followers he has,yet Rick's people blindly follow him!
The only thing I hated about the finale was it didn't need to be an hour and a half.The Morgan/Carol scene could have been cut.The group driving around from point A to point Z was way too long!
BTW Negan killed a defenseless camera man!
Yeah, I used to love Rick… and his “this is not a democracy” speech before they got to the prison was awesome but man he has just turned into a crap leader who acts before he thinks and listens to others when he shouldn’t (no way should he have let all of those guys go along to help Maggie) and doesn’t listen when he should. I’d like to see Abraham (if he is still alive :)) step up and take over for a while.
In all seriousness I thought the episode was okay. With all the build up it was never going to live up to the hype, but it didn't fall too far short either. Negan was likeable. Was also interesting to see the group truly helpless, for the first time. Hated the ending, but I guess it was obvious that it was always going to play out like that.
So do you think the producers of the show know which character isn't returning for season 7? I'm sure once filming stars we'll discover which actor/actress isn't working.