Super Freak
I can't believe the number of people complaining about the show's "brutality" because their kids were watching. Really? It's TV-MA and there were warnings all over it (and every TWD episode). And you didn't see it coming?
My 11yo and 8yo have been asking to watch it. They've seen clips here and there, just walking through the room when the quarterly AMC marathon is on. We haven't let them watch yet ... but we probably will in the next few years. It's brutal, but it's not really all that scary ... and violence really doesn't bother me all that much, parentally.
Did y'all see this? ...
Apparently AMC leaked a video of Maggie getting the bat instead of Abraham. Spoiler misdirection. It looks like they filmed a lot more of the alternate deaths than just the quick bat-to-the-head clip they showed.