A great show and you still pick it apart. Guess you watch it just for that now?
Man, what a **** episode. The sporadic cutting/editing from location to location, the red head savior just letting Michonne kill her, the random, pointless note Aaron and Rick found not only being found by the saviors, but Aaron not explaining it, Daryl escaping Negan's facility so easily, Rosita, the random killing of Olivia etc. etc.
They even killed the drama of Rick thinking Negan harmed Carl . . . by not even having Rick realize Carl went after Negan until Negan told him! Awful. The comics flowed most much better. There are too many story lines, too many pointless characters.
Oddly enough, the only character that makes sense and isn't going in circles is Negan.
Nah. There were some really good episodes and plot points the first half of this season. The Cell (the Dwight centric episode), Go getters, and Sing me a Song were all quite good. I was even enthusiastic about it all for the past couple of weeks.
But here we are, again, at the same place we've been before in past seasons. Carol wants to be a loner again, Daryl somehow gets a hail marry that gets him out of trouble and back with the group (how many times has this happened, why did the writers even have him get captured anyway), Rick went from being submissive and doubting himself to this whole "I'm a bad ass" thing we've already seen done a dozen times in no time flat. The comics handled this arc way better. I don't see how anyone can like any of the characters in the "protagonist" group. They're all awful. Seeing them do their same schtick season after season really is getting old. What is even likeable about any of them?
And then all the "bad *****" are back together again like nothing even happened. The Saviors are just letting them do what ever they please because I guess the plot calls for it. Honestly, Negan would have been better off bashing every single character's head in at the start of this season because they're certainly not going anywhere else for the next couple of seasons. It was certainly the best thing that happened to Abraham and Glenn.
And... I fed him spaghetti!
Line of the episode..