The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I'm predisposed to hate Shane, but in a lot of ways he seems more reasonable in the television series.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

So you'd be zombie bait.

No, I'd shoot you in the leg and take the hit to my character. :lol

What about trying to save Rick? Totally selfless act.

Ok, I'm officially tired of hearing that the good things people are doing is out of selflessness. Take your words seriously, i.e. literally. The most selfless thing a person in this world could do right now is walk up to the closest zombie and offer them dinner.

I agree. This was a good deed of Shane's.

Because the man was his best friend and he would be a selfless fool to abandon someone who meant that much to him.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

The debate about Shane is great, definitely one of the most compelling characters on the show whether he is good or bad. I think he's middle ground. Hes done some good things and some awful things. To me though the actor is definitely playing it like Shane himself is stunned by the things he has done..and I want to believe remorseful. However based on the comic spoilers I've read I wonder how much they'll change things considering

He's not supposed to even be alive at this point

I've been wondering the same thing. Shane should be dead right now, shot dead by Carl.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

He would've been a prick? Really? If I were Shane, I would've told Lori to take her bull____ head games and go ____ herself, patted Rick on the shoulder and said, "Sorry bro, I thought you were dead so Lori and I had a thing. But it stopped when you came back." and bailed. At that point, he owed them NOTHING, they were in a safe place already, and he could've made a clean break, letting the Grimes' deal with their own problems.

Yup. If he said he wasn't going to go get medical supplies to help Carl because Lori had been mean to him, then he would have been a prick. You keep putting yourself in Shane's shoes, but no one else's. You think if Shane said no to Rick that Rick would have been ok with it?

Rick: "Shane, can you please go get some medical supplies to save my son?"

Shane: "No, because Lori has been mean to me because I lied to her and told her you were dead even though it saved their lives. Oh yeah and I nailed her a couple times too."

Rick: "Oh ok. Sorry Carl, you got to die because Shane's feelings are hurt."

I've tried putting myself in Shane's shoes and I just can't condone his actions. Sure, to himself his actions seem good, but from other people's viewpoints, they seem pretty bad. If what he did to Otis wasn't that bad, then why not tell everyone back at the farm what he did?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

No, I'd shoot you in the leg and take the hit to my character. :lol

Maybe. This is something I've started asking people who think their ____ don't stink, namely yuppies, *********s, self obsessed snobs, etc. "If there was a zombie apocalypse, what survival skill(s) do you possess that would make me want to keep you in my group vs. use you as zombie bait?"

Voorhees27 was redeemed. He knows how to make fire with piss, now. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I've been wondering the same thing. Shane should be dead right now, shot dead by Carl.

This is true. I suppose they couldn't make him a total psychotic bastard right away since they seem to be planning on keeping him around for awhile.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I've been wondering the same thing. Shane should be dead right now, shot dead by Carl.

From what I understand

he dies an unforgiveable b@st@rd in the comic

so I wonder will the same eventually be true in the TV show or will they make him an Anakin Skywalker figure (albeit better written).
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Mister Ski said:
If what he did to Otis wasn't that bad, then why not tell everyone back at the farm what he did?

Because he'd be judged on the basis of their feelings for Otis, and it would set both groups against each other, putting a major crimp in Carl's one chance to live. He also hasn't come to terms with what he's done.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Yup. If he said he wasn't going to go get medical supplies to help Carl because Lori had been mean to him, then he would have been a prick. You keep putting yourself in Shane's shoes, but no one else's. You think if Shane said no to Rick that Rick would have been ok with it?

Rick: "Shane, can you please go get some medical supplies to save my son?"

Shane: "No, because Lori has been mean to me because I lied to her and told her you were dead even though it saved their lives. Oh yeah and I nailed her a couple times too."

Rick: "Oh ok. Sorry Carl, you got to die because Shane's feelings are hurt."

I've tried putting myself in Shane's shoes and I just can't condone his actions. Sure, to himself his actions seem good, but from other people's viewpoints, they seem pretty bad. If what he did to Otis wasn't that bad, then why not tell everyone back at the farm what he did?

Carl was no longer Shane's responsibility when Lori said, and I quote, "You stay away from my son!" Did you forget that? It's Rick's fault Carl got shot, not Shane's. Shane had nothing to do with Carl coming along with them. Carl's condition is on Rick and Lori, not on Shane at all.

Because he'd be judged on the basis of their feelings for Otis, and it would set both groups against each other, putting a major crimp in Carl's one chance to live. He also hasn't come to terms with what he's done.

:lecture:lecture:lecture Shane is arguably the only member of the group fit to survive in this new world. Everybody else is still trying to grasp onto a world that is now lost. To quote Batman Forever: "Normal rules of right and wrong no longer apply."
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

So lying is ok? How is that good? and why does everyone automatically go to the "to save their lives" defense? So there was no way they could have survived in the town they were in? Morgan and his son did. So if that was your husband/wife in the hospital and your friend told you they were dead to get you to leave and then your spouse finds you weeks/months later, you would say that was a good thing that your friend by lying to you to get you to do what they thought was best?

I agree. This was a good deed of Shane's.

I believe at the time his heart was in the right place. Whether it was right for him to lie to Lori and Carl is debateable as well as whether or not they could have survived without him or not. Regardless he was looking out after Lori and Carl when he could have just left.

That being said, I believe his recent actions make him a despicable person even if I understand his motives. Like I said it's funny, at first Shane was one of my favorite characters but now I just can't wait to see him bite it.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Carl was no longer Shane's responsibility when Lori said, and I quote, "You stay away from my son!" Did you forget that? It's Rick's fault Carl got shot, not Shane's. Shane had nothing to do with Carl coming along with them. Carl's condition is on Rick and Lori, not on Shane at all.

:nono..........otis's fault.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

This is true. I suppose they couldn't make him a total psychotic bastard right away since they seem to be planning on keeping him around for awhile.


In the comic he starts to lose it on Rick when Carl shoots him in the throat and kills him. I guess the TV series needs to build up to that point.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Maybe. This is something I've started asking people who think their ____ don't stink, namely yuppies, *********s, self obsessed snobs, etc. "If there was a zombie apocalypse, what survival skill(s) do you possess that would make me want to keep you in my group vs. use you as zombie bait?"

Voorhees27 was redeemed. He knows how to make fire with piss, now. :lol

Voorhees has mad skills.

I understand that Shane was in a tight spot, and that their world has changed to the point where sacrificing others for your own sake is a tempting prospect. Death is laughing up their ***** and most will do anything to not be a punchline. That said, i think certain options will be open to people who are looking for them. What Shane saw as the way out in the situation he was in would not necessarily be what someone like Rick would have seen. Shooting Otis would have been on Rick's list, but I don't think it would have been as close to the top, and if what Shane did says anything it's that if anyone in the group is not the person you want covering your back, that person is Shane.

Carl is out of the woods now. :monkey3

Addressed in my second sentence of the post you quoted.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Voorhees has mad skills.

I understand that Shane was in a tight spot, and that their world has changed to the point where sacrificing others for your own sake is a tempting prospect. Death is laughing up their ***** and most will do anything to not be a punchline. That said, i think certain options will be open to people who are looking for them. What Shane saw as the way out in the situation he was in would not necessarily be what someone like Rick would have seen. Shooting Otis would have been on Rick's list, but I don't think it would have been as close to the top, and if what Shane did says anything it's that if anyone in the group is not the person you want covering your back, that person is Shane.

Honestly, that all depends where you land on Shane's totem poll. He'd die for Lori, Carl and as has already been proven, Rick. Probably the rest of the OG crew too. Otis was a newb who meant nothing and was essentially responsible for putting them in that situation. Don't lose sight of that.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Otis didn't put Carl in the woods. :wink1:

And if it is Otis' fault, then we just say Karma's a _____ and PWN'd his ass. :lol

no but we might as well blame the deer while were at it..........:monkey1

and karmas's real name is shane.............:panic::panic::panic:
