The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Am I reading this right? Attempted rape = understandable and sympathetic because Shane has been putting up with "typical woman BS"? :eek

I didn't say it was understandable, but those were the reasons. The guy isn't a straight up rapist. Shane's downfall is a sympathetic plight because he was, at one point, a good guy. Subsequently he had a lot of bad stuff happen to him that was out of his control.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I didn't say it was understandable, but those were the reasons. The guy isn't a straight up rapist. Shane's downfall is a sympathetic plight because he was, at one point, a good guy. Subsequently he had a lot of bad stuff happen to him that was out of his control.

When? Any proof to go with that statement? If it is because he "saved" Lori and Carl, well he didn't have solely "good" intentions there as he lied to them, which was under his control, so they would go with him to Atlanta. Other examples of Shane's good guy image?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

When? Any proof to go with that statement? If it is because he "saved" Lori and Carl, well he didn't have solely "good" intentions there as he lied to them, which was under his control, so they would go with him to Atlanta. Other examples of Shane's good guy image?

He lied to them to save their lives, as was already stated.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

What about trying to save Rick? Totally selfless act.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

He lied to them to save their lives, as was already stated.

So lying is ok? How is that good? and why does everyone automatically go to the "to save their lives" defense? So there was no way they could have survived in the town they were in? Morgan and his son did. So if that was your husband/wife in the hospital and your friend told you they were dead to get you to leave and then your spouse finds you weeks/months later, you would say that was a good thing that your friend by lying to you to get you to do what they thought was best?

What about trying to save Rick? Totally selfless act.

I agree. This was a good deed of Shane's.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

When? Any proof to go with that statement? If it is because he "saved" Lori and Carl, well he didn't have solely "good" intentions there as he lied to them, which was under his control, so they would go with him to Atlanta. Other examples of Shane's good guy image?

You seem to be ignoring several aspects to Shane's character. He was at the hospital trying to save his best friend who arguably wouldn't be alive if Shane hadn't instantly acted after Rick had been shot. Shane tried to save him at the hospital and is the only reason Rick wasn't either offed by the military and/or stripped to a carcass by the dead. He's also the only reason Lori and Carl are still alive. Aside from all that and the bull____ Lori's been putting him through, in the end, he still puts his life in danger to save Carl, something at this point, after Lori being a _____ to him, and his once family completely lost, he does without question. Also, don't forget, he was the only one to school that piece of ____ for beating his wife.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

So lying is ok? How is that good? and why does everyone automatically go to the "to save their lives" defense? So there was no way they could have survived in the town they were in? Morgan and his son did. So if that was your husband/wife in the hospital and your friend told you they were dead to get you to leave and then your spouse finds you weeks/months later, you would say that was a good thing that your friend by lying to you to get you to do what they thought was best?

Red flags all over this post which say "meh. who cares. fellow is not using his thinker properly." :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

You seem to be ignoring several aspects to Shane's character. He was at the hospital trying to save his best friend who arguably wouldn't be alive if Shane hadn't instantly acted after Rick had been shot. Shane tried to save him at the hospital and is the only reason Rick wasn't either offed by the military and/or stripped to a carcass by the dead. He's also the only reason Lori and Carl are still alive. Aside from all that and the bull____ Lori's been putting him through, in the end, he still puts his life in danger to save Carl, something at this point, after Lori being a _____ to him, and his once family completely lost, he does without question. Also, don't forget, he was the only one to school that piece of ____ for beating his wife.

Yup, I agree about Shane doing a good deed in trying to save Rick. See my previous post for his actions regarding Lori and Carl. As for going to get the medical supplies, he did it, but he was the only one who could go at the time. Rick needed to stay with Carl to give him blood, the rest of the gang was still on the highway, so it only left him and Otis. So to say he did it without question isn't entirely accurate because if he refused he would have been a d-i-c-k. For the sake of argument though, I'll agree it started out as a good thing, but then turned very bad at the end.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

You seem to be ignoring several aspects to Shane's character. He was at the hospital trying to save his best friend who arguably wouldn't be alive if Shane hadn't instantly acted after Rick had been shot. Shane tried to save him at the hospital and is the only reason Rick wasn't either offed by the military and/or stripped to a carcass by the dead. He's also the only reason Lori and Carl are still alive. Aside from all that and the bull____ Lori's been putting him through, in the end, he still puts his life in danger to save Carl, something at this point, after Lori being a _____ to him, and his once family completely lost, he does without question. Also, don't forget, he was the only one to school that piece of ____ for beating his wife.

Jeez thank you! I just didn't care to bother posting all of that. :D Shane's been through alot of BS, the mans still good in my books.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

there are Ford people & Chevrolet there are shane's a douche people & shane's a hero people...............:lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Yup, I agree about Shane doing a good deed in trying to save Rick. See my previous post for his actions regarding Lori and Carl. As for going to get the medical supplies, he did it, but he was the only one who could go at the time. Rick needed to stay with Carl to give him blood, the rest of the gang was still on the highway, so it only left him and Otis. So to say he did it without question isn't entirely accurate because if he refused he would have been a d-i-c-k. For the sake of argument though, I'll agree it started out as a good thing, but then turned very bad at the end.

He would've been a prick? Really? If I were Shane, I would've told Lori to take her bull____ head games and go ____ herself, patted Rick on the shoulder and said, "Sorry bro, I thought you were dead so Lori and I had a thing, but it stopped when you came back." and bailed. At that point, he owed them NOTHING, they were in a safe place already, and he could've made a clean break, letting the Grimes' deal with their own problems.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Sorry I'm late to the party but is the cops wife pregnant with sombody elses baby ? Is it that other annoying cop ?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

The debate about Shane is great, definitely one of the most compelling characters on the show whether he is good or bad. I think he's middle ground. Hes done some good things and some awful things. To me though the actor is definitely playing it like Shane himself is stunned by the things he has done..and I want to believe remorseful. However based on the comic spoilers I've read I wonder how much they'll change things considering

He's not supposed to even be alive at this point