Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC
I'm loving this confrontation between Dale and Shane - I don't think Dale is afraid of Shane at all (he has that naturally wide eyed thing, but he has it the whole time he's arguing with him, you'll notice he never backs up as Shane moves closer to him), but I'm hoping that doesn't become his undoing. Dale still has too much humanity in him to just kill Shane, whereas we all know the reverse isn't true. While part of this is pure male ego on Dale's part (he's not particularly happy with the Shane/Andrea situation, even if it was pure adrenalin fueling it) but when he has some time to think about it, he's also going to realize what a powder keg the Lori/pregnant situation is going to be. He's the kind of guy that would try to force Shane out of the group before Shane finds out, knowing how bad it would be once Shane does know.
We'll see - they just better not kill of Dale...yet. You gotta admit though, that would be an act that would certainly end Shane's relationship with everyone in the group and make it clear to them all how dangerous he is.