Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC
I found these,
I found these,

Actually kinda shocked that Sideshow or anyone else for that matter, do not have 'The Walking Dead' 1/6 scale figures in the works (and not just zombies from their earlier zombie line)
I'm loving this confrontation between Dale and Shane - I don't think Dale is afraid of Shane at all (he has that naturally wide eyed thing, but he has it the whole time he's arguing with him, you'll notice he never backs up as Shane moves closer to him), but I'm hoping that doesn't become his undoing. Dale still has too much humanity in him to just kill Shane, whereas we all know the reverse isn't true. While part of this is pure male ego on Dale's part (he's not particularly happy with the Shane/Andrea situation, even if it was pure adrenalin fueling it) but when he has some time to think about it, he's also going to realize what a powder keg the Lori/pregnant situation is going to be. He's the kind of guy that would try to force Shane out of the group before Shane finds out, knowing how bad it would be once Shane does know.
We'll see - they just better not kill of Dale...yet.[/COLOR] You gotta admit though, that would be an act that would certainly end Shane's relationship with everyone in the group and make it clear to them all how dangerous he is.
Did we watch the same show?![]()
I'm loving this confrontation between Dale and Shane - I don't think Dale is afraid of Shane at all (he has that naturally wide eyed thing, but he has it the whole time he's arguing with him, you'll notice he never backs up as Shane moves closer to him)...
I'm loving this confrontation between Dale and Shane - I don't think Dale is afraid of Shane at all.
I think that gulp was more out of realization of the fact that Shane was as shameless as he was about the extent of his cold-bloodedness. He knew when he first confronted him that he was tempting fate, but he didn't know that Shane's conscience was completely gone.
I didn't get that at all from that scene. Looks to me like Dale went, gulp, what the hell did I just do?
I can't believe a pink pony is handing out survival advice.![]()
Nah, he has that wide eyed thing through out, and has that same look every time he gets upset or angry. He never backed up, never backed down - and most importantly, never looked away from Shane's eyes.
Actually, I think what Shane did in that situation was about as stupid as you can get. That sort of threat is what can get you killed, depending on who you make it to. Dale's threat to Shane gives Shane a chance to get out of the situation, without having to kill Dale - Shane's to Dale does not. It just proves to Dale that Shane is completely nuts, and if Dale was a bit more like Shane, he'd find a convienent way to kill him before he gets any worse. Lucky for Shane, that's not who Dale is.
This isn't going into a spoiler tag, since someone already mentioned it in the thread I believe. They said there was a promo for next week that shows Dale and Shane arguing in the woods about the guns, and then shows Shane coming out alone, with the guns. Hmmm. Now we all know how notorious tv promos are for doing what they can to lead us astray, but let's suppose for a minute that it plays out that way. Shane and Dale argue alone in the woods, Shane kills Dale, and leaves him there assuming zombies or animals will get him before anyone finds him. Ah, but this is where what only Rick knows (learned from the whisper at the CDC) comes into play:
Shane doesn't know that everyone who dies comes back a zombie. No reason to believe that, and contrary to what some believe it is a HUGE psychological difference for the people involved. So when Shane kills Dale, he shoots him, maybe in a struggle over the guns, maybe in the back like a coward...and doesn't realize he's going to come walking back into camp on his own power - and Shane is
Yea, it's a long shot for speculation, but I still thought it was an interesting idea.
I was thinking about rick's nonreaction to lori's news. Do u think he sees shanes value to the survivors as too important to remove?
As Kevin Smith pointed out, the episode was written by a woman. So Rick's reaction was from a non-male perspective which explains the confusion over Rick's reaction (or lack thereof).![]()
I thought ricks reaction Was actually a reversal of expectations and consistent with his forgiving nature. Furthermore we know from earlier flashbacks that lori was waning in her affections for rick before the zombiepocalypse. So he prob took that into account as well.
Actually, that last bit was in spoiler tags, as it was a breakdown of leaked plot points for the last two episodes before the break. Last episodes were dead-on, so you just openly posted a spoiler.![]()
I thought Rick's non-reaction to Lori's affair with Shane was just that - a complete non-reaction. I don't know many men who would take that kind of news and justify it FOR Lori. She didn't even have to say anything. Just nod her head and turn the waterworks on.
Yeah, Rick is a forgiving guy, but let him get mad for awhile before going into forgive mode.
The scene just seemed off to me because he was all p!ssed off about the potential abortion, but then lost all his anger for the affair confession.