The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

^^ Thanks, I enjoyed that. And Shane...

got the slapdown from Maggie.

Which was inappropriate. :lecture:lecture:lecture

Regardless of what just happened, it's ____ed up of Hershall to expect them to understand and even remotely be rational after seeing Sophia walk out of the barn. In their eyes, it's made him a liar regardless of who put her in there whether he knew about it or not.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I never thought about it like that ^

____ is gonna go down in the next few. Shane has a right to be pissed! (IMO)
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Thing about Shane is that he seems to displace what he is really pissed about on other things. I kind of think he could give a piss about Sophia.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

About what? Attacking Herchel?

Killing the zombies. And nothing short of that wake-up call would've shown Hershall the truth. One can argue is Hershall more pissed about what happened or that his whole way of looking at things was wrong? He seems like a man unwilling to compromise his beliefs. And after seeing the truth, he was not happy about being wrong. As for Shane, attacking Hershall in this case might actually have little to do with him and Lori. Remember, he didn't pull the trigger on Sophia either which means he was just as shocked by it.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

When Hershall was on his knees(and the gunfire was going on) i always thought you could see in his face that he wanted it to happen. He knew it was for the best. (just didn't have it in him to do it himself)
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

No, Hershel hadn't come to the point where he accepted that his wife and the rest of the people he loved were lost forever. In that moment, it was all forced on him. He was in complete shock.

And Shane is still completely wrong. He had no obligation or right to 'enlighten' Hershel. It was not his place because the farm was not his place, regardless of how badly he wanted it to be, and regardless of whether he thought his need for security on the farm justified his taking it by force. Shane is so full of ____ it's coming out him in bullets.

Same for anyone's reaction towards hershel after seeing Sophia walk out. It doesn't matter how hurt they were, if he didn't know she was there, he didn't know and it wasn't his fault. I imagine it'll take a moment for them to get to that point, but flying off the handle when you don't know what you're talking about is still acting out when you don't know what you're talking about.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I still think he knew in the back of his mind,(shock included) that it was for the best. (That close up speaks volumes.) Shane was wired too high for sure, but not without some justification.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

No, Hershel hadn't come to the point where he accepted that his wife and the rest of the people he loved were lost forever. In that moment, it was all forced on him. He was in complete shock.

And Shane is still completely wrong. He had no obligation or right to 'enlighten' Hershel. It was not his place because the farm was not his place, regardless of how badly he wanted it to be, and regardless of whether he thought his need for security on the farm justified his taking it by force. Shane is so full of ____ it's coming out him in bullets.

Same for anyone's reaction towards hershel after seeing Sophia walk out. It doesn't matter how hurt they were, if he didn't know she was there, he didn't know and it wasn't his fault. I imagine it'll take a moment for them to get to that point, but flying off the handle when you don't know what you're talking about is still acting out when you don't know what you're talking about.

Bottom line, she walked out of HIS barn. Him telling everybody to "stay away from the barn" won't look remotely as initially intended. A stupid man wouldn't realize that. A wise man would understand he's perceived as lying to this whole group while hiding the very reason they're there in his barn.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I never gave him much credit for being all that sharp. I'm not sure why any of the characters would, but I understand jumping to that conclusion in the heat of the moment (particularly for someone who has made a habit of acting on his emotions). Still doesn't make it a fact that he lied to them.

Do you have to register at to watch the video, or is there more to it than that?

I still think he knew in the back of his mind,(shock included) that it was for the best. (That close up speaks volumes.)

All I remember seeing was pure agony. They need to run another marathon soon. I could watch that episode over and over.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I never gave him much credit for being all that sharp. I'm not sure why any of the characters would, but I understand jumping to that conclusion in the heat of the moment (particularly for someone who has made a habit of acting on his emotions). Still doesn't make it a fact that he lied to them.

Do you have to register at to watch the video, or is there more to it than that?

What conclusions are there to jump to? Correct or not, they've been baited by Hershall into thinking he's a liar. There's really nothing more to believe. Even [a certain member here] would come to the conclusion that Hershall's ordering everybody to stay away from the barn was because Sophia was there and he didn't want that to be discovered. It's like catching a significant other, naked in bed with someone else and her/him saying, "It's not what it looks like!" Human nature will fill in the blanks regardless of the circumstances. :lol

You should just be able to watch it.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC


Human nature will fill in the blanks regardless of the circumstances. :lol

Then human nature is inclined to *******-ness because suspicions aren't self-fulfilling. It makes more sense that he doesn't want them to find out what's in the barn because he doesn't want someone going off half-cocked and killing them all. He's said as much, repeatedly.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Then human nature is inclined to *******-ness because suspicions aren't self-fulfilling.

Yes and no. This isn't that situation though. People wouldn't be acting irrationally, they'd be going by what they were told and what they saw.