The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Neither do the comic readers, because its changed, But you can clearly see influences and possibilites. Meaning that we watch the same as you. Which is what im saying. Just because we know how the comic plays out, the show isnt going in exactly the same route, but you can see the pieces theyve took and moulded them differently. Like ive said. People dont complain about comic book films using comics and changing them abit and moaning about bein spoiled because they know the story line, so I dont understand the problem with this show. They take the comics, change it abit, keep us guessing as much as people who dont read the comics guessing.

But im not talking about the comics on its own. im not discussing whats happening in the comics now. Im talking about the show. What the show is using. how they could be using the old comics which are years old and I mean, 4-5 years old, for the current upcoming episodes. So im not spoiling anything. Did you see Dark Knight Rises and moan because you knew they was going to take the move straight from Knightfall, which everyone knew was going to happen before the film? That totally ruin the film for you? No? Then its just double standards.

And what is going to happen from the comics is the same as reading into the future spoilers of the show. So no, I dont understand it. You moan about comic book spoilers, but if the spoilers for the show are straight from the comic book, you label them future show spoilers, nobody has a hissy fit. Its just complete hypocrisy.

And if theres a comic discussion theres a comic discussion. however, this is a discussion on the merging of both mediums and predicting how for example, the book is influencing the show. The stuff the show is taking from the books. That means, its TV discussion. If I wanted to talk about how they might introduce Daryll into the comics, id goto the comic book thread, because im specifically talking about what is influencing the comics. if im talking specifically about the TV show and how the books are influencing that, then you goto the TV show thread. Why? Because im talking about the damn TV show, and whats influencing it and what future storylines could be.

just because comicbook readers have prior knowledge, doesnt me we goto the comic book thread to talk about the TV show, does it? No. So we talk about the TV show and its influences, in the frigging TV show thread. Which is why ive said we surely need a TWD TV show thread, for comic book fans, so we can openly talk about stuff which is upto 7 years old at least, available on every website to do with the walking dead. Instead of being *****ed at. Its hard not to talk about a television show which is new, when its using what, 105 issues, 9 years worth of material which is openly available to anyone with wikipedia, PDF and google for gods sake.

So you don't understand why we don't want comic spoilers. I get it. But can you respect it anyway? Why do you need to share comic spoilers?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

And if no one consults any of those sources, they have no idea what's going to happen.

Not knowing that Rick will find his family, Shane will die, Lori will die, is fairly crucial to people who are going into it blind. To avoid spoilers (a luxury that was available to comic readers before they were exposed to the original source) they would have to avoid this thread completely. The comic has a core storyline and the show is following it. Even though it departs, you don't know which elements will be preserved and which will not, so it's inevitable that if you openly discuss comic events which have yet to occur on the show, some of that discussion is going to give the show away.

If you don't care about doing that, just say so. But don't act like it's not what you're doing. The people who have had the show spoiled by people discussing the comic are proof that it is exactly what's happening.

Thank you .
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Neither do the comic readers, because its changed, But you can clearly see influences and possibilites. Meaning that we watch the same as you. Which is what im saying. Just because we know how the comic plays out, the show isnt going in exactly the same route, but you can see the pieces theyve took and moulded them differently. Like ive said. People dont complain about comic book films using comics and changing them abit and moaning about bein spoiled because they know the story line, so I dont understand the problem with this show. They take the comics, change it abit, keep us guessing as much as people who dont read the comics guessing.

I think you are just looking at this a little wrong . . . My wife started the comics and loved them but stopped around TPB 5 or 6 . . .

I have read the comics through to the most up to date TPB . . .

I would never want to bring up anything that might lead or mislead her about the story . . the shocks and twists are so good in this series (comic & TV versions) I would never want to take away the joy of her experiencing them . . .

In fact . . even just hearing her react to something in the book . . or seeing the look on her face as we are watching the show together makes it that much more enjoyable . . .

Talking about possibilities with someone that has no clue what will happen is different then talking about it with someone that has read ahead . . whether the show actually follows the comics or not you are now looking for something instead of just enjoying the show . . .
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

On the bright side, Rick's shirt looks good in that bust. Everything else... the shirt looks nice.

I really like the bust . . .



Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

So someone catch me up to speed here. Is it ok to use comic spoilers and spoilers in general as long as the post is correctly hidden by the spoilers brackets?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

So someone catch me up to speed here. Is it ok to use comic spoilers and spoilers in general as long as the post is correctly hidden by the spoilers brackets?


Talking about anything that has aired on the show up to the most recently aired episode. If you're on the east coast, and it's Sunday night, fire away with the currently airing episode.

Discussing anything from the comics, just put it in the spoiler tag. It's highly encouraged (although I don't think mandatory) to put "Comic Spoilers:" above it to minimize confusion.

I don't know what the deal with show spoilers are, like if you read online that it turns out the baby starts crawling around and eats Carl's arm off. But a safe bet is spoiler tags, and clearly specifying in text what kind of spoiler it is.

Some people like Celtic consider "Next Week on..." scene bits to be spoilers. I don't, because it aired as part of the show. Sure, if you DL it from iTunes, it doesn't come with that clip, but it did air. So that might be a grey area.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

All comic spoilers, and spoilers for episodes beyond the recently aired one should be in the spoiler brackets.

When the episode airs, it's fair game.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)

Is it just me, or do any of you think T-dog's head shape resembles some sort of dinosaur? :horror