The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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That's a two way street I understand. Because if they start to do it for less, theres no going back and asking for more money later. But I also don't want that to mean the show becomes nothing but CGI headshot after headshot and poor motivations and acting. So far the show's maintained but it feels like characters are starting to drop at more random intervals with less development then before, and the actor playing Tyrese seems pretty horrible.
I find this kind of panty-whining fascinating. Can we have a thread dedicated to panty-whining? Please? :pray:

How about a thread dedicated to banning Fernando? He clearly doesn't play well with others.

On a sidenote, I can't begin to tell you how much I like your avy. It cracks me up everytime. :lol


That's a two way street I understand. Because if they start to do it for less, theres no going back and asking for more money later. But I also don't want that to mean the show becomes nothing but CGI headshot after headshot and poor motivations and acting. So far the show's maintained but it feels like characters are starting to drop at more random intervals with less development then before, and the actor playing Tyrese seems pretty horrible.

Not sure who you are referring to here. T-dog and Lori were established characters. I haven't looked at the prisoners as nothing more than zombie fodder, so I don't feel like the show has become a hack 'em slash 'em type of format (at least not yet). It is another one of those fine lines the show has to walk because they definitely upped the action this season compared to last and if they start spending too much time developing characters then the ADD riddled viewers will start complaining about how boring it is again. Personally, I liked S2 because it did further develop established characters like Rick, Shane, Andrea and Carl and introduced new characters like Herschel and Maggie.

Hating on the actor playing Tyrese already? The actor has only been on screen for about 5 minutes. :lol Give him a chance.
How about a thread dedicated to banning Fernando? He clearly doesn't play well with others.


Not sure who you are referring to here. T-dog and Lori were established characters. I haven't looked at the prisoners as nothing more than zombie fodder, so I don't feel like the show has become a hack 'em slash 'em type of format (at least not yet). It is another one of those fine lines the show has to walk because they definitely upped the action this season compared to last and if they start spending too much time developing characters then the ADD riddled viewers will start complaining about how boring it is again. Personally, I liked S2 because it did further develop established characters like Rick, Shane, Andrea and Carl and introduced new characters like Herschel and Maggie.

Hating on the actor playing Tyrese already? The actor has only been on screen for about 5 minutes. :lol Give him a chance.

Your tears taste, so very, very sweet. Id be happy to be banned. Its an internet forum i spend 10 minuets a day on. Its mostly you and Nam i spend10 minuets a day laughing and happily opposing to.

And kirkman is a ****. He's not interested in the fans otherwise he wouldnt have let what some call boring season 2 happen. Nor should shane have died either. he wants to pick and choose who will suck his ***** enough to change what he wants but leave what he says. You wanna think out the boxthen your out due to budget restrictions. That cost us Dale and Shane which, Dale, Shane, Rick and Daryll were the only interesting characters in season 2, we lost the most Interesting character who totally outshone Rick.

Funny thing is, I think the best character on the Show is The Governor. Everything about David Morrisey is pitch perfect. He is totally different to the comic character, and its miles better for it. Theres a heavy human element, how morrisey delivers his lines and acts is supreme. He is also very well written and intriguing. Ricks become stale; The telephone conversation with his subconcious mind and the people he has in his mind, was over way, way too soon and didnt have any impact. it was like a one episode transformation in 10 minuets. In the comics it lasted a while, was done much better and it really characterised carl and developed him massively. I think, the with how it went down with Lori ontop of him caring for Rick and the things like the comics, it would be miles better.

As much as I love Norman Reedus, theyre making his character abit of lovefest, I mean in season 1 he had this badass attitude, part of the group but still great on his own. Now? He's Ricks *****. He really is. He just does everything, cool guy who rides a motorcycle in style, kills zombies like a bad ***, cares for a lesbian/carol, has a super soft side naming the baby. Its just ridiculous. He's a hunter, a zombie killer, he's loyal, but for godsake next he'll be the perfect chef and fully house trained in ironing and cleaning.

Kirkman should focus on dragging the comics out of the boring stage its been in since about issue 55. Killing names off doesnt do anything anymore. Just the same crap each issue with heavily misleading covers. Eurgh. If kirkman let AMC have the rights, I can understand him not wanting them to screw the franchise name up, but to me, the Show right now, is miles better than the comics are right now. That is thanks to Shane IMO who made the whole season 2 worth while.
That's a two way street I understand. Because if they start to do it for less, theres no going back and asking for more money later. But I also don't want that to mean the show becomes nothing but CGI headshot after headshot and poor motivations and acting. So far the show's maintained but it feels like characters are starting to drop at more random intervals with less development then before, and the actor playing Tyrese seems pretty horrible.

I dunno I thought he did a fantastic job in The Wire.
Sutter's not very bright. He's a great writer/director, but he was blindsided by Fox when they used him to milk more $$$ out of Direct Tv a few years back. So he's quick to open his yap without thinking things over first. :lol

Yea I am starting to see this more and more.

I liked what he wrote on The Shield and I do enjoy SOA a lot but following him on twitter, he is a ****ing jackass. He also cannot take criticism at all.
Yea I am starting to see this more and more.

I liked what he wrote on The Shield and I do enjoy SOA a lot but following him on twitter, he is a ****ing jackass. He also cannot take criticism at all.

Yup, hell, even SOA is having more and more "lame moments" in the writing because he's stretched it so thin it barely resembles what it used to be. Rather than being creative, he's taking the easy way out in a lot of areas that are just really bringing down the series. So he's guilty of doing exactly what he's trolling Kirkman for not doing. :lol
Yup, hell, even SOA is having more and more "lame moments" in the writing because he's stretched it so thin it barely resembles what it used to be. Rather than being creative, he's taking the easy way out in a lot of areas that are just really bringing down the series. So he's guilty of doing exactly what he's trolling Kirkman for not doing. :lol

I think you are mistaking his tears for urine.

Pixy, I have Fernando on ignore. You've got to stop quoting his BS. It is ruining my Chi. :lol

Fernando, I have to say I feel nothing but pity for you. You must live a sad, sad life if opposing me and Nam is what brings you happiness. Best wishes for a brighter, happier tomorrow.

Yup, just read this too: Same thing basically.

But it's hard to say who is or was the problem. Ultimately Kirkman has more power than the showrunner, it's his material and it's his show in a sense. So if Kirkman and Mazarra were having creative differences, Kirkman can tell AMC he wants him gone and he'll be gone.

Now it would be interesting to hear what their differences were, then us fans could see which ideas we liked better. I heard rumors that Mazarra wanted zombies to 'run', not sure if that is true? If it is, I definitely don't like that, Zombies shouldn't run IMO.

At this point AMC should just make Kirkman the showrunner, then no-one can question him and he will get his vision. But I can understand if AMC thinks it would be beneficial to Kirkman to have a showrunner since he lacks TV experience, but after working on the show for 3 seasons, is that not enough experience? I am not lobbying for Kirkman to be showrunner, but if a new showrunner is brought in, it's going to be hard to believe they would last past next season.

I wonder how things would have turned out if Frank was never fired.
Pixy, I have Fernando on ignore. You've got to stop quoting his BS. It is ruining my Chi. :lol

Fernando, I have to say I feel nothing but pity for you. You must live a sad, sad life if opposing me and Nam is what brings you happiness. Best wishes for a brighter, happier tomorrow.

Nah it doesnt bring me happiness just some laughter. My car, missus, house and job bring me my happiness! So i thank you for your pity but its not required =]