The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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You ought to put everything after the first 'but' behind spoiler tags. You're going to get slammed.

Besides his Lego people hair, was something different about the Governor last night? He looked odd.

I read this on a TWD blog...

"Can we just talk about the fact that Merle has probably already smoozed his way out of hell and is currently heckling St. Peter at the Pearly Gates with a bottle of Wild Turkey and what he figures is a winning smile as the old man rolls his eyes and starts flipping through his ledger to see if the name: “Daryl Dixon” is on the roles to heaven."

So true! :lol

I read this on a TWD blog...

"Can we just talk about the fact that Merle has probably already smoozed his way out of hell and is currently heckling St. Peter at the Pearly Gates with a bottle of Wild Turkey and what he figures is a winning smile as the old man rolls his eyes and starts flipping through his ledger to see if the name: “Daryl Dixon” is on the roles to heaven."

So true! :lol


Awesome picture. I dig the Bruce Lee JKD-ish kick.
What bugs me is
this storyline is going to continue into the next season, we'll have to wait till October to see where the ending of the Governor.

Andrea is still in the chair, and worse than that, talking.

I saw a preview with Rick telling Michonne she's "part of the group". Her look back at him was typical "Michonne".

Michonne still ticked me off when Daryl asked her if she killed Merle. She took so long to respond, then just shakes her head without saying anything. WTH? Does she get paid extra for saying as little as possible?
Haven't watched Talking Dead yet, but here is my take on Merle this episode.

Merle realizes he won't ever belong to the group, but he knows his brother is forever apart of this group. He knows what a sick freak the Governor is. He knows he isn't going to honor any deal about Michonne even if they hand her over. They'll just kill the delivery boys and take Michonne back to the torture chamber.

So Merle realizes the best way to help group (and mainly his brother) is a suicide mission. Take out as many of the Governor's men as he can and even the Governor himself if given the chance. But he builds in a fail-safe backup. He takes Michonne like he is really going to hand her over (even though he doesn't plan to at all). He knows Daryl will follow after him. He'll run across Michonne heading back to the prison but continue after Merle.

Merle has one last hoo-ra at the bar, gathers as many zombies as possible, leads them there and uses them as a distraction to take out as many Woodbury soldiers as possible (8 apparently). He figures he'll either get lucky and take most/all of them out or he'll die in the process.

That's where Daryl comes in. Merle knows if the Governor has the choice, he won't kill Merle with a blow to the head. He'd want him to turn. Merle knows Daryl will put him out of his misery. It helps Daryl put Merle behind him now and completely join the group.

In the end, the racist bastard from season 1 I couldn't wait to die, ended up being a real hero in the end. He took out some of the Governor's best fighters with him as the only casualty on the prison's side. 1 - 8 is a good kill ratio. I'm sad to see him go (I REALLY like him this season) but a least he went out doing something good for a change :rock :monkey2

I was really happy to see Merle go out a good guy. I just wish he was going to be around more.
Michael Rooker should come back as a different character. I like the idea of a daily show that had Michael Rooker in it. :(
